TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Nicole Sorry to heard that you have constipation due to the medication. I really hope this one help you.

So far I am trying to see if my body reset itself and my AF comes naturally. At least this is helping me. No more depo side effects for me. Only cramps recently but not all day. I wish Af comes soon just because I want to have a normal AF for once.
Trying It might be a girl this time. Just enjoy your miracle and do not be negative about it. Also, your husband was right with the last pregnancy dream that he had about you.
Hello ladies,
Before depo, I was extremely wet down there while bd. While I was on depo I noticed that I was less wet down there. Lately I had notice an increase on my libido and that I am more wet down there. At least my body is reacting in a good way. I hope that is a sign that I am getting back to normal soon.
Midwife went good : ) she was so lovely! Just a general chat and took all my details and asked about my sons birth etc, my son was only 5lb 6oz born at 38 weeks, she couldn't beleive that haha. She said cramps are perfectly normal and not to worry unless I'm in a lot of pain. She didn't understand much about progresterone but said she's happy for me to continue with my b complex and gave me a number to ring the epu to ask about the progesterone which I did and they said it's fine it won't effect it : ) midwife said they was fully booked now for booking in appointment at hospital so would be in January but she text me tonight and said she's booked me in for the 29th December : ) just hoping everything goes well now and we get a healthy baby.
Haha Latin my hubby was right, he's weird with his dreams. When he rang his mum to tell her she was sat next to the phone waiting and said I knew you was gonna call today.. They are crazy haha.

Aww Nicole bless your hubby, I really do think you will get pregnant fast. Would be lovely to be pregnancy buddies, I hope so much all you girls get yours bfps. Ttc was one of the hardest journeys Iv done.
Latin I really hope you get your cycles soon, did you try Agnus castus? Or maybe try the b vitamins? Xx
thanks girls!!! super moody today just not feeling it atall feel really down for some reason and cant shake it atall :( hopefully tommorow will be a better day coz this day has sucked balls literally lmao .. trying you need to relax be positive dont think about the bad i know exactly how you feel when i got pregnant this time i was super scared something would definetly go wrong and it wouldnt work out i still wasnt even convinced everything was fine at my 20wk scan :o .. i am excited to meet him now and see what he looks like im also having thoughts on how my son is going to take it all in hes not a jelous boy atall and i dont want him to feel any less my baby boy than his brother will be so im anxious about that i dont even want to have to leave him when i go into hospital wish i could take him with me ha
enough about me anyway , whyy am i not seeing any pee sticks to gock at on here xxx
Yay got my 2-3 weeks on the weeks indicator : ) downside I think I have a chest infection, and my son does too :(

Aww Claire I hope your days better today, I know what you mean about your other son, I'm already worrying about leaving mine lol. Because of his autism only my mum or hubby can look after him, he can have voilent meltdowns and no one else knows how to deal with him, so we have decided hubby will stay home with him to keep everything as normal as possible for the birth and my mum will come to hosp with me, my sister also wants to come. Hubby doesn't mind as its not normal in his culture to come in any ways : )

I really hope everything goes well for you, will we get to see a photo of the little guy? : ) xx


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Trying Aweee, I am so happy the appointment went so well :D she seems lovely to have as a midwife. I'm glad that cramping is normal, I figured it would be but with everything the shot does to you, it would be hard not to worry so much. I'm hoping for a healthy snc happy nine months for you girly, you deserve it! I bet it was Hun, I read this whole forum and I seen you on here. While I was reading, I kept thinking to my self "something's gotta give with Her, she is trying so hard. She deserves this so much". And with every page, I was hoping Id see that bfp!! I'm so beyond happy for you! :) I know when I have my babies, they're goingvto be chunker butts. My fiancé and I both were chunky babies :p hahah that is so tiny though. My sisters(they are twins) came out at like 21/2-3 pounds but twins are always tiny. Oh man, what would you do if you had twins? I heard conceiving twins after the depo is very common. That would be soo amazing :D

Latin naturaly is the best way, I'd say atleast. If af doesn't show up within a few months, I'd def try angus cactus. It never hurts? I would be feeling the same way girl! I never thought I'd be so excited to see AF again! Hahahah I'm defiantly going to try it and I hope it helps with my constipation. I would be soo happy!

Claire Aweeee, I'm hoping tomorrow is s better day for you! I know how much I hate days were nothing can put me in a good mood. Those are the worst :( but tomorrow is always a new day and you are about to bring in a beautiful, bundle of joy into this world. So just keep smiling girl(;
And the reason I haven't been peeling on any stick is because I never in a million years would have thought my body would of got this posion out of my system so soon. It hasn't even been two whole months yet and my body is trying like hell and I think it's workimg! Heheh but if af shows up this month, which I'm hoping she doesn't, I'm defiantly going to start testing! I'm just hoping I can post my BFP on here before then! :D I'm officially in my 2ww, AF is due the 23/24th so only time will tell :D I'm Sooo excited to start this journy, this is my first time and I couldng be happier!
Aweeee yaaayyyy! That is such good news! I bet that was s huge weight lifted off your shoulders! Sorry about your cold dear, I hope you and your son feel better very soon!
that progression is absoloutly fantastic trying i was obsessed over my progression tests lmao .. thanks girls much better mood today thank god haha!!
ofcourse i will post pics for you all to see his little face i have my pre-op today actually so nervous i only have 3 days to go ohhhhhh stomach is in nots everytime i think about it .. xxxx
Funnily enough I didn't get the cramping last night lol, still no morning sickness I'm practically begging it to come! Boobs ain't as sore today again but I'm not worried. Aww thanks Hun, it was a hard long journey. Just hope Iv got my forever baby now : ) I'd be gobsmacked if it was twins haha I don't think that's the case though : ) I was actually a big baby I was 8lb odd, dunno what my hubby was we don't even have a photo of him as a baby, not sure why my son was so small.
Been to dr's no infection on my chest, so just carry on with inhalers. My sons a lot worse he's at the dr's after school.
Booked my early scan today : ) it's on the 5th January I'll be 8 weeks exactly. They said I could of had it from 6 weeks but I thought best wait to make sure there's a heartbeat, plus It's easier as my son will be back at school xx
Thanks Claire I'm happy with the lines now, 2nd morning urine is always darker the photo was first morning urine.
Ahh u will be fine Hun stay positive : ) and just think of your little bundle of joy you get after, can't wait to see him! Good luck Hun xxx
Hey girls sorry ive been off for a day or two, ive been feeling a bit depressed. Everytime I feel like im about to ovulate or go into the two week wait i end up bleeding and its making me want to throw the towel.
The bleeding has slowed down. The first day it was it was pretty much just spotting then the second day it was spotting during the day but started to get really heavy. The third day it was heavy flow all day long till late at night and the fourth day (today) Has gone down to pretty light almost spotting. I havent had any cramps, no symptoms of a period other than bleeding. Yesterday and today it seems like i have such a huge apetite which is weird because usually i can go with skipping breakfast, having a small lunch, and a normal dinner but i had a big bowl of yogurt, granola, and berries last night then two servings of lasanga before bed and when i woke up this morning my stomach was growling like i hadnt eaten in days so i had to eat breakfast which is soooo weird because i never eat breakfast because it doesnt make me feel too great.
And now my stomach is starting to growl again.
I'm sorry rainne :( never loose hope though. Have you tried taking a pregnancy test? Increased appetite is a pregnancy symtom xx
Could i be bleeding like this is i was pregnant though? I dont have any other signs though. atleast not that ive noticed.
Hello girls,
Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and we talk about my hormone level results. It turns out that my TSH is elevated and that I need to increase my medication for the thyroid. The doctor's told me that the Depo suppress the progesterone from your body and make your body estrogen dominance. Therefore estrogen interfere with the TSH and put the TSH out of control. That is the reason that I am not ovulating because my TSH is out of control. No wonder the bcp never worked. I need to have my TSH under control and my system should be back to normal.
The only bad thing is that the medication to control the TSH takes up to 6 weeks for the body to regulate it. Which means it will take me longer to be pregnant. At least I will take the medication and my body will respond soon.
What will you have to do/take in order to get your TSH under control?
Lol right after i posted my question the page refreshed and i saw that you have to take medication for it oops.
But if you cant get pregnant with your TSH being out of whack then its good that you are getting on meds even if it takes 6 weeks to regulate. After that time watch you'll get pregnant so fast!
Ive seriously never heard my stomach growl like this before. I usually can go almost a whole day without eating and my stomach still doesnt growl but this is like soooo loud and soooo constant and i ate at 9AM and had a bit of a shake at 9:50AM
Raine Having your hormone out balance can cause increase of appetite. Also been pregnant too. Try to do a pregnancy test to rule it out. If the pregnancy test is negative then check your hormones.

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