Oh those poor Lo's that sounds awful, i hope they are both better very soon, no Brooklyn hasn't got that he's had a v bad cold and cough and the doc was worried he was a bit blue but in the ambulance and at the hospital his oxygen was 100%, id much, much rather the doc was safer than sorry, thankfully despite absolutely hating being examined we were allowed to come home with some precautionary antibiotics. He's OK today thankfully just still really grumpy! I'm not testing anymore, so much for changing doctors, I rang this morning and got a call back from the doctor, he said there's no point doing anything until 10weeks! What a flippin (wanted to use a different word then) joke. So I rang the Early Pregnancy Unit myself, explained about my 4 mc and the doctor and they booked me in for Wednesday for a scan, you do normally need a referral but she said with my history they woukd see me, she was lovely, I know its highly likely at that point we will only see a sac but if I have to go Wednesday to get a follow up scan 7/10 days later I'll have to go (its a pig to get to and 4 buses) can't believe the doctor. Idiot xxxxx