I couldn't either !!! Afraid you would all disappear on me forever I would be so sad if that happened . If it ever does come find me on facebook Regina Hamilton pic of a collie as my profile pic I ain't loosing you ladies now ... Your stuck with me !
How is everyone , Becks ? Have you heard from " the banned one ? " lol
Hi ladies we have the internet back at last after being without for nearly 2 weeks! After my ms coming back for a few days it's gone again along with the food adversions so I just hope all is OK in there, yes Regina T regularly chats over fb xxx
Hi all Hope you are ok. Becks when is your next scan. Regina how are u doing.
Been busy this week doing extra shifts. Finally got over jet lag. I will upload some pics over weekend. My name on Facebook is Joanne Shrewsbury. Pic is me hubby and son. Will be nice to 0ut faces to names.
Congrats Becks! So excited things are still going well for you!
AFM: Reid and I are doing great! I have been back to work for 2 weeks. He is already 12 weeks old! Time is flying by! I am so lucky that I have a nanny who takes amazing care of Reid (and me). She is making my life so much easier. When I get home from work, I am free to just be with him. It is awesome. I feel so Blessed.
Awh sparkle he is just beautiful !!! And that big smile sounds like your nanny is a godsend how are you finding being back in work ? Its tough at first but does get easier
Hi Becks I have sent you message on fb. Chatting to T on there last night. Regina I tried to find you but couldn't see you. How was your Bank Holiday ladies? Mine was expensive car brakes and 4 tyres. Boo hoo.
I think I've lost the baby. Lost all symptoms over the last week. The few I had and now I'm bleeding with some pain. Don't even know how to overcome this. We won't be trying again. Too many losses and too much pain.love to you all xxx
Lisa I feel so lost my minds still clinging to hope although I know its over and I can't bear to see dh like this, this was our last chance. I just don't know what to do. I just want to go to bed and stay there I can't deal with this xxxx
I know exactly how you at feeling and my heart goes out to you and Adam.
I think the best thing you can do is to speak to EPU tomorrow and try and get a scan. At least then you will know for sure. Maybe everything will be ok and it's just a blood clot or something like that.
Becks the being in limbo is torture , you need to know one way or the other what's going on . Is it worth biging up the symptoms to get an immediate scan ? Ican only imagine how scared you both are right now . Its such an awful feeling . We are all here for you . Its times like this I wish I lived around the corner not another country !!!
Becks like I said on fb I really hope you get to see someone as soon as possible so you get some answers. I totally understand the feeling of wanting to hide away.big hugs xxx
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