TTC after m/c before AF

day 18 for me and still getting highs on the monitor, no peak so hoping I did ovulate and monitor was just getting use to my cycles...fingers crossed but think i will try one more time tonight as a just in case (feeling a little crampy!):happydance:
I'm so excited for everyone! I'm so happy I have other people to watch and get excited for. Just twiddling my thumbs over here waiting to ovulate. I did get a call from dr today and levels are back at zero so that's good news I guess.
That is fantastic news, some ladies take a long time to get back to zero. Yay now I can cheer you on to O too!
Thanks! I think if I'm not lucky or don't get the chance(if my OH is traveling during O) this month I'll start temping next month. These opk's are for the birds. Although I do enjoy peeing on all these sticks. ;)

How are you feeling, Ranaendel?
Better, I passed the sack yesterday night so the worst is over. I think it will be a week before I go in for my second hcg draw.
Crazywaiter - that's great news!! :happydance:

Needshelp - is this your first month using the monitor? I was so happy I got my peak as its my first month with it but it was way earlier than I expected. I'm guessing it's just as easy for it to be a few days later than you expect to. Are you backing it up with temping or OPKs in case you don't get a peak?

Renaendel - massive massive :hugs:
Took my first one today to kinda figure it out lol ..guess it will be my normal morning thing from now on lol

Wow I'm glad I'm no pee stick happy yet lol... I think ill stick to my one a day cuz they are kinda expensive good luck everyone :)

Buy the cheap ones from Amazon, I would assume you can buy similar ones in the US as we can here in the UK? They are really cheap you can pee on lots!

btw with most opks, you shouldnt use til after 11am to give the hormone enough time to build up, its not like hcg with pregnancy testing where its strongest in the morning :)

Im on cd4 now. Had the lightest period Ive had in my life only lasted 2 days. I did ovulate before but I guess perhaps my lining wasnt all that built up due to the D&C. So anyway on with waiting for ovulation now but I have long irregular cycles so no idea when it will happen. I couldnt believe I actually ovulated on cd24 after the miscarriage as I thought it would take much longer.
Yes, this is my first time in a year and a half using my monitor (I used it with my DS) way back when...figured i'd dust it off! still on high! I backed it up friday (by chance) with OPK and got a smiley right away around 2 pm but it was gone again by the next day....hoping maybe I ov'd around thursday/friday last week...but monitor is still on high? i heard that sometimes the first month doesn't show peak but you can still get prego on high so hoping for the best! i'm sooo ready for baby number 2 to come along!
AF finished yesterday - DH already asking if I'm ovulating yet... Cute :) going to start BD tonight, no harm in getting in as much as possible!! I'm CD8 so my app is showing that I'm in my fertile patch now. Fingers crossed!!
Hi guys would you mind if I joined you?

My mc started on Saturday at 6 weeks. Not sure when the pregnancy actually ended as my HCG levels were already down to 168 on Monday. Yesterday they were 58 so they're dropping quickly which I'm grateful for. And the bleeding is lessening already though the weekend was pretty horrific.

DH and I are obviously devastated (we had been trying for a year and I had just been referred to FS - I have severe endo and very irregular cycles - we took December off TTC whilst we waited for the FS and got our first ever BFP!) But the team at the early pregnancy unit were fab and we're ready to getting back to TTC straight away. I'm really hoping that at least getting pregnant will settle my cycles down a little - they were just starting to get into a more normal range (35 days instead of 50+!)

Wishing us all the best of luck and tons of babydust :dust:
Welcome baby1wanted. I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs: I wish none of us had to go through this.

I was told the think of your body holding out a welcome mat for several months after m/c as your body is geared up for pregnancy so you're extra fertile. And that's fantastic that your cycles were regulating. I hope it doesn't take you too long to get your sticky bean.

We're all hear if you need us. We all know how hard it is. Big :hugs:
Long list of replies today.

Baby1wanted: I am so sorry. I too started my mc at 5 weeks and officially lost it at 6 weeks to the day. :hugs: You are not alone. Everyone here has gone through a MC in the last month or two. We are here to give each other support. Welcome to our group.

Girly922: I read your post about the body holding out a welcome mat. I am 33 and I have to admit I giggled a little bit picturing a "welcome home sperm!" mat.

Going bananas: gl on your bedding. What day you normally O? Same with Mazparedesmom? I haven't Od until cd 17 at the earliest, but who knows this month. I need my pee sticks soon!

Crazywaiter: thanks for asking. I am feeling much less raw about the whole thing. Flow wise it finally feels more like my period and less like Friday 13. I had a beautiful temp drop today. I am hoping that this all means I only have like four more days of bleeding left so I can do my final hcg Monday. Then the fun stuff with the welcome mat can begin.
I can't remember who described it to me as that but it makes sense when you think about it. Lol.

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better too. I never had the horrific Friday 13th style, mine was a complete m/c so everything came out in tact and attached which took less than half an hour. So the rest of time it was just like a light period. You'll have to let us know what your hcg is. Have you done any hpt's? I was doing one every few days to see how long it took me to show a bfn. I think it was about 11 days from the m/c.
Hi ladies. :)

Baby1: I'm so sorry for your loss. :( It sounds like your levels are coming down quickly so hopefully your cycle will get on track soon.

Ranaendel: I'm glad the bleeding is slowing down and you're feeling a little better. I wish I temped, it sounds like you have such a good feel for what's going on with your cycle. Hopefully you'll be getting geared up to O soon!

Girly: Any symptom spotting?

I'm on CD 13 and no pos opk's or even highs on CBFM. My husband is leaving late tonight and won't be back until Tues night so thinking I'm going to miss my chance. We bd'd last night and will again tonight for the heck of it and maybe I'll o late b/c of the mc and we'll catch it when he gets back. FX'd.
I'm only 3dpo so I know it's way to early to really have any symptoms. But today I had some light AF style cramps. Not for long and intermittent. Lasted an hour or so at most. And I've been peeing non stop today. Like a lot!! Not sure if that's just raised progesterone or what?

CD13 you've still got plenty of time to O. And it might be delayed after the m/c. What CD do you normally O?
I seriously think I started noticing a few things at 3 or 4 dpo. FX'd for you!

I honestly have no idea when I normally O. Last month I think it was 15 just based on CM, and that was the first try. I got lucky with my first daughter and got pg right away and with my second I finally started using opk's after a few months and never even got a pos one but ended up pregnant that month.
I'm only 3dpo so I know it's way to early to really have any symptoms. But today I had some light AF style cramps. Not for long and intermittent. Lasted an hour or so at most. And I've been peeing non stop today. Like a lot!! Not sure if that's just raised progesterone

Not necessarily to early. It is true that hcg isn't recognized until after implantation. I think it is important to remember that hcg is not your only pregnancy hormone. Women who conceive have a statistically significant higher level of oestrogen and progesterone from three days past ovulation to implantation than women who did not conceive that cycle.

There is debate on the cause of the increase. It is either a sign of conception or a sign of a particularly fertile cycle. Either way I felt my first signs at 3dpo and my husband started questioning me about being pregnant at 4dpo.

Cheering for you!
Thanks hunny, that's really reassuring. I know in several cycles prior to my m/c I had high progesterone from the symptoms I had from O to AF. And almost all of those cycles we were using contraception.

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