TTC after m/c before AF

Ahhhh cd 10 and still playing the waiting game ,will the waiting ever end lol..
Hey ladies! I'm new to this, but I've read so many helpful things women have posted since i became practically obsessed with figuring out when to get pregnant again after my m/c. I miscarried on January 11th for 6 days exactly. My dr told me to wait 3 months to try again! There was no way (even though she is a doctor) i still felt like it was okay to ttc as soon as i stopped bleeding. I know my body well enough to know that it feels right, plus I've always had regular periods and i was so early to miscarry. I began to ovulate 7 days after i stopped bleeding so im now in that two week waiting period and its killing me! Say a prayer it will be a big fat + Also does anyone know if a natural miscarriage is considered a menstrual cycle? Thanks! 😃
Hello welcome and sorry for ur loss... We count first day u bleed as cd1 . I also didnt wait the two cycles my doctor told us to wait and started trying right away.. First cycle was a no go so hopeing for this cycle :) .. Good luck and baby dust to u.
Thanks for the kind welcome ladies :hugs:
Well I think my bleeding has finished - am very grateful from the physical side it's not been too traumatic. So tonight we start again! We've never temped or done OPKs, we just didn't want to become so focused on it all if that makes sense? So we're just old fashioned bd every other day without fail (more if we want!) and hope for the best.
I agree with what the others say - there's no need to wait 3 months, as long as you're ready in yourselves I say go for it!
Baby- sounds like a good plan to me :) good luck and lots of baby dust going ur way
Baby1wanted - I was the same before the m/c. We were NTNP and I didn't like the idea of timing BDing and temping etc. Since the m/c it's been different. I've got the CBFM so I know when I O, and around that time I'm super horny :blush: so right now it's working for us.
welcome to all the new girls! good luck! I'm in the 2ww and it's a killer this time (first full cycle since my m/c) I'm using the cbfm too but never got a peak this month!! weird! it's actually still making me test and I"m still on highs on cycle day 21! (of course I tested and got a bfn this morning but know it's way too early) I just couldn't help myself! I did get a smiley on a digital opk last Friday but it was super short lived! i'd do anything for a bfp! who's with me!?:happydance:
Baby1- smart plan!!! The every other day method is how I got preggo the first two times. I think it makes life less stressful to avoid all the opk's and whatnot. I'm doing it now because I want to know when/if I ovulate post mc because I'm certainly not going to stress during the tww and wonder if I'm pg if there's not even a chance. We also were going to try to gender sway(or attempt I should say) since this will be our last and we have two girls. Honestly though, especially after this loss I could care less!

I still have low readings on cbfm which now I'm kind of happy about as I get closer to my husband getting back Tues night. Maybe I'll get a shot at it this month after all!

How's everyone doing/feeling? Who's closest to testing time? Girly and needhelp, you guys are both tww, right? I just saw your post needshelp...are you thinking you o'd and the monitor missed it or its still coming??

Maxparedesmom-how's it going with opk's?
Crazywaiter - that would be great if you got your peak when DH gets back. I was worried we'd be out of the running this cycle as FF predicted O while OH was away for work. Luckily I O'd 3 days before that, on the weekend!! So we had plenty of chance! Lol.

I'm 5dpo and trying not to read into anything. I'm still peeing a LOT. Lol. And TMI but I have an abundance of lotion-y cm. I feel wet. :yuck: But I don't really remember if that is normal for my average cycle. I know I normally get more cm right before AF, but this early?? I wish my memory was better!! :rofl:
Cd8 for me so waiting to ovulate. Just hoping I don't take too long!
Hey ladies!
Well...10dpo symptom nothing not even a sore bb, not a boo, feeling so sad and down....and I'm soooo fed up, fed up of it all. Its not fair people get preggers and not even deserve it, see too many people who have kids just cause they can and the we who really want and would love a child so much have stuff like this is so unfair..

I want to give up but I know that I won't but this is so soul destroying , just feel like it'll never happen for me :cry::cry:

Sorry I'm ranting :nope:
rant away lady 1985! we all feel teh same way and it's good to let it all out! it seems soooo unfair sometimes doesn't it? i was so excited to get pregnant right away this second time around after it took us soooo long and many months of outright devastation with our ds!!! then to only have it shattered with a m/c....its so hard to try to stay positive in these situations but you aren't out til AF shows her ugly face! hang in there!
Baby1- smart plan!!! The every other day method is how I got preggo the first two times. I think it makes life less stressful to avoid all the opk's and whatnot. I'm doing it now because I want to know when/if I ovulate post mc because I'm certainly not going to stress during the tww and wonder if I'm pg if there's not even a chance. We also were going to try to gender sway(or attempt I should say) since this will be our last and we have two girls. Honestly though, especially after this loss I could care less!

I still have low readings on cbfm which now I'm kind of happy about as I get closer to my husband getting back Tues night. Maybe I'll get a shot at it this month after all!

How's everyone doing/feeling? Who's closest to testing time? Girly and needhelp, you guys are both tww, right? I just saw your post needshelp...are you thinking you o'd and the monitor missed it or its still coming??

Maxparedesmom-how's it going with opk's?

I"m not sure if I ovulated or not! I had a smiley only one day on the opk and then still on high on my monitor! i'm on cd 22 now and have been on high for almost 14 days! (kind of annoying they are amking me waste all these expensive tests) I had symptoms of ovulation (EWCM, cramps, lower back pain) but cannot be 100 percent certain! wish i knew so this wait would not be so tough! I tested on friday and BFN of course! so not feeling too hopeful this time around!
Crazy- I'm on cd12,no positives on the ovulation tests yet still waiting .. My app says around cd17 I should "o" so just waiting and waiting lol
Crazy- how do u gender sway? I have 2 boys one here and ones a angel.. We want our girl :) but like u doesn't really matter to much either way lol...
Maxparedesmom-First, I am so very sorry for your loss of your angel Max. I can't even begin to imagine the heartbreak. :( As far as gender swaying, here is my favorite compact article that gets to the point:

Needshelp-As if the tww isn't annoying enough when you know your o date! I hope you get a bfp and soon. :)

Lady1985-I'm sorry you're feeling down. :( TTC really can do a number on the emotions.

Girly-I think that's so cool that you o'd early and you guys got some good bd'ing in. ;) I've still got no signs of o and 2 more days to go...

Baby dust to all of you lovely ladies out there!!!
Thank u crazy .. It always is heartbreaking .. I am also sorry for ur loss . A loss is a loss no matter how far alone u are :cry:
I will be sure to read this :)
My thoughts are with all of you. We're always waiting for something, and it's always hard! I'm at 14dpo today with a few very mild symptoms that could easily be nothing, but my temp is still high. If it stays up tomorrow I'll probably buy tests and try one Tuesday morning if still no AF.
surprise, I hope posting this in this thread is ok. Well I told you guys I passed the sack this last Sunday and was hoping to ttc by the 10th. Friday evening I started hurting again like Sunday. We decided that it was time to go into the Emergency room. By 2am I was being wheeled into surgery to have my right tube and baby removed at 7 weeks.

Still a little shocked that there were two. Is there anyone I here who had to have a tube removal that I could pm back and forth with questions? I think that ttc is now going to have to be postponed for three months.
OMG, I'm so sorry Renaendel!! That must have been really scary. Thank goodness you went in when you did! I don't know much about tube removal so can't help you there, but I'll be thinking of you and hope you recover quickly from surgery. xoxo

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