TTC after m/c before AF

That's the way I'm thinking of it. I'm actually feeling very positive today, and about this next cycle. My normal cycle was 29 days, and this one was only 31 days so barely any difference. Really hoping I can keep this positivity. :)
Found out yesterday that my levels are completely down now. Whoop whoop!! They said that my period will come in 4-6 weeks and to then start trying again. I have no idea when to actually expect AF now as my mc was natural and just like af... Going to have to wait for af I think to have some idea if when I'm ovulating next month...
Had to put something in a work calendar yesterday for the 25th August this year. That hit a real nerve being our due date and all :(
I'm still having strange cramping though too, nothing bad just enough to feel it really... Anyone else having this? If i was having a normal cycle, af wouldn't be due until around the 30th of jan so it's way too early for that...
I'm so looking forward to getting back to normal and then getting pg again. I am struggling with daily posts on Facebook from friends loading bump photos :(
I had a natural m/c too and AF arrived 31 days after my m/c. My normal cycle is 29 days anyway. I think I OV'd just under a week after my bloodwork came back saying my hcg below 5. I hope you get back into a normal cycle soon!!

I was feeling really down about TTC again, but AF arrived today and I'm feeling really positive about this cycle. Our due date would've been August 9th so I can understand how you're feeling. I'm trying not to think about the fact that we would've been having our 12 week scan next week and things like that. It's all about staying positive. :)
Frustrating waiting for my a few days it will be a month since my loss and I'm getting anxious to get my af or bfp... Just got a call from my doctor about all my test results . All came back normal .. Kinda annoyed to not have an answer but I guess I kinda already knew there wouldn't be one... Had a few bad husband has to leave for work and I'm having a lot of anxiety about it .. I feel like its to soon for him to leave and not be home at night .. Anyone deal with a lot of anxiety and what have u done to help ?
That's the way I'm thinking of it. I'm actually feeling very positive today, and about this next cycle. My normal cycle was 29 days, and this one was only 31 days so barely any difference. Really hoping I can keep this positivity. :)

That's great, both that your cycle is close to normal and that you're thinking positively right now. I hope I can manage that as well!

Found out yesterday that my levels are completely down now. Whoop whoop!! ...
Had to put something in a work calendar yesterday for the 25th August this year. That hit a real nerve being our due date and all :(

Yay for the levels being down! I understand the pain of looking at that due date. I had marked it on our wall calendar that shows the whole year, and when I got back from the doctor after confirming the miscarriage I went over to erase it. It just disappeared in a second, and that hurt so much! We'll be here for each other as we face all of those milestones. husband has to leave for work and I'm having a lot of anxiety about it .. I feel like its to soon for him to leave and not be home at night .. Anyone deal with a lot of anxiety and what have u done to help ?

I'm sorry your husband is going away, that must be so hard. I don't have any easy answers, but keep us posted on how you're doing, we're thinking of you and we're here for you in whatever way we can help.
Well I'm now starting to TTC again. It's been almost 2 weeks since my first m/c, first pregnancy and we're starting to look forward. As it was a natural m/c I was given the go ahead to start trying once the bleeding stopped. I have no idea when I'm likely to ovulate so we've been BDing our butts off in the hope we'll catch this egg :)

Just wondered how many others are in the same position right now. And when do you hope to get your bfp by?


Hi Girly922 sorry for your loss :hugs: I too am ttc again after my miscarriage, found out on new years eve at my 12 weeks scan that my baby had gone at 8 weeks..I ended up having an ERPC on 2nd Jan and although docs told me to wait until 1 AF I just want to be pregnant again straight away. My bleeding stopped around 5 days later and I did a POAS a couple of days later and it was neg. Did a opk a coupke of days ago and got a pos which would be about right for me as i usually have 26-28 day cycles so it seems my cycle is back to normal. Well lastnight was the first night we dtd since we found out and I must say it felt very strange, was really nervous and I dont really know why. Maybe the thought of actually being pregnant again and the same thing happening is on my mind. Im really hoping that if I do get my BFP that I can enjoy it! When are you expecting AF?
Found out yesterday that my levels are completely down now. Whoop whoop!! They said that my period will come in 4-6 weeks and to then start trying again. I have no idea when to actually expect AF now as my mc was natural and just like af... Going to have to wait for af I think to have some idea if when I'm ovulating next month...
Had to put something in a work calendar yesterday for the 25th August this year. That hit a real nerve being our due date and all :(

If you want to know when to expect AF, use an opk to track your ovulation, and then AF will be due 2 weeks after that.

AF comes after ov, not the other way around. And after a miscarriage I wouldnt rely on having a regular cycle yet to work it out.

I had a natural m/c too and AF arrived 31 days after my m/c. My normal cycle is 29 days anyway. I think I OV'd just under a week after my bloodwork came back saying my hcg below 5. I hope you get back into a normal cycle soon!!

I was feeling really down about TTC again, but AF arrived today and I'm feeling really positive about this cycle. Our due date would've been August 9th so I can understand how you're feeling. I'm trying not to think about the fact that we would've been having our 12 week scan next week and things like that. It's all about staying positive. :)

Sorry for CD1 but at least like you say your body is getting back to normal. I found out at the 12 week scan so dont be too sad about that. I will be even more terrified if I get pregnant again.

Sorry thats really depressing isnt it! Must stay positive!

Well I'm now starting to TTC again. It's been almost 2 weeks since my first m/c, first pregnancy and we're starting to look forward. As it was a natural m/c I was given the go ahead to start trying once the bleeding stopped. I have no idea when I'm likely to ovulate so we've been BDing our butts off in the hope we'll catch this egg :)

Just wondered how many others are in the same position right now. And when do you hope to get your bfp by?


Hi Girly922 sorry for your loss :hugs: I too am ttc again after my miscarriage, found out on new years eve at my 12 weeks scan that my baby had gone at 8 weeks..I ended up having an ERPC on 2nd Jan and although docs told me to wait until 1 AF I just want to be pregnant again straight away. My bleeding stopped around 5 days later and I did a POAS a couple of days later and it was neg. Did a opk a coupke of days ago and got a pos which would be about right for me as i usually have 26-28 day cycles so it seems my cycle is back to normal. Well lastnight was the first night we dtd since we found out and I must say it felt very strange, was really nervous and I dont really know why. Maybe the thought of actually being pregnant again and the same thing happening is on my mind. Im really hoping that if I do get my BFP that I can enjoy it! When are you expecting AF?

Thats exactly what happened to me. Did you have any signs? 12 week scan and the baby was 8 + 4.Had an erpc on the 21st dec.

I had no except my morning sickness had improved about 2 weeks before. But hadnt completely gone or anything. So I still dont know if it was a coincidence or not.

I just had a weird feeling some thing was wrong, but again could have just been paranoia.

I felt it was really weird bding for the first time after the miscarriage. I burst into tears afterwards!

I took about 2 weeks after the erpc to get a negative on a test, and then it was cd24, 3 days ago when I ovulated so AF due on the 28th Jan, hoping Im pregnant but if Im not Im just pleased my cycle has come back because Ive read about it taking months for some ladies.
Hi Girly922 sorry for your loss :hugs: I too am ttc again after my miscarriage, found out on new years eve at my 12 weeks scan that my baby had gone at 8 weeks..I ended up having an ERPC on 2nd Jan and although docs told me to wait until 1 AF I just want to be pregnant again straight away. My bleeding stopped around 5 days later and I did a POAS a couple of days later and it was neg. Did a opk a coupke of days ago and got a pos which would be about right for me as i usually have 26-28 day cycles so it seems my cycle is back to normal. Well lastnight was the first night we dtd since we found out and I must say it felt very strange, was really nervous and I dont really know why. Maybe the thought of actually being pregnant again and the same thing happening is on my mind. Im really hoping that if I do get my BFP that I can enjoy it! When are you expecting AF?

I know what you mean about feeling weird, I was so scared the first time, I didnt know what to expect, I thought it was going to hurt or I'd start bleeding again but it was fine. I feel the same about being pregnant again, I'm terrified, but at the same time it is all I want at the moment in time... Glad your cycles are getting back to normal.
Hi Fashionqueen, sorry for your loss too (((())))
I didnt really have any signs but looking back my boobs which were really sore before 10 weeks seemed to get back to normal although at the time I just put this down to my body getting used to being pregnant. I had a really easy pregnancy though and just thought I was lucky!! :-(
2 days before my scan I had some very light brown spotting only when I wiped which I was worried about but was told by so many people its normal and as long as your not in pain and its not bright red then its nothing to worry about and loads of pregnant women experiance it.. When I went for my scan I was a little nervous as im sure most people are anyway but never expected to be told my pregnancy had ended 4 weeks before! I was told my pregnancy ended at 7 +6.
I know what you mean, I felt very subdued after we dtd, such a strange feeling of wanting to be pregnant so much but also dreading it at the same time.
I know what you mean about feeling weird, I was so scared the first time, I didnt know what to expect, I thought it was going to hurt or I'd start bleeding again but it was fine. I feel the same about being pregnant again, I'm terrified, but at the same time it is all I want at the moment in time... Glad your cycles are getting back to normal.

Hiya Ellef, yeah I felt the same was worried about bleeding or that it might hurt! How are getting on with your cycles now?
I'm not sure? My mc was nearly 3 weeks ago now and I 'may' have ovulated on friday but not sure. Just bd'ibg as much as we can until we can af or a bfp!
How are you doing?
I am in the same situation as many here...I naturally M/c on dec 12...just got my first AF on 1/12 exactly one month after and am in limbo-wanting to be pregnant again so badly yet so fearful of what may happen as I would have been due august 10...I am tracking ovulation this month and hoping and praying for a BFP soon! good luck to you all!
I'm not sure? My mc was nearly 3 weeks ago now and I 'may' have ovulated on friday but not sure. Just bd'ibg as much as we can until we can af or a bfp!
How are you doing?

Fingers crossed for you :winkwink:

Im not too bad I suppose, I am back at work now which has helped alot and things are starting to feel a little bit more normal. Well as normal as can be! Im still constantly thinking about everything though, just can't seem to get it all out of my head and I still wake up thinking has this really happened to us :-( How are you dealing with the emotional side of things now?

How long are your cycles usually? It may be that your cycle returns to normal straight away. You never know we may both get our :bfp: before AF is due:happydance:
I am in the same situation as many here...I naturally M/c on dec 12...just got my first AF on 1/12 exactly one month after and am in limbo-wanting to be pregnant again so badly yet so fearful of what may happen as I would have been due august 10...I am tracking ovulation this month and hoping and praying for a BFP soon! good luck to you all!

needshelp Im so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I know its such a wierd feeling isnt it! I spoke to my dh about it all last night and he said he has been feeling exactly the same but we have got to try and be positive. Fingers crossed that you get your :bfp: very soon :dust:
I am in the same situation as many here...I naturally M/c on dec 12...just got my first AF on 1/12 exactly one month after and am in limbo-wanting to be pregnant again so badly yet so fearful of what may happen as I would have been due august 10...I am tracking ovulation this month and hoping and praying for a BFP soon! good luck to you all!

I have the same fears as you, so I'm with you on this! I had my af on 4/12 so I'm a few days behind you. Any ovulation
I am on cd 9 and my monitor moved up a level!!! hoping ov is this week! usually day 14 for me but maybe a little earlier due to my m/c??
Hi, im new to this forum.

3 weeks ago (25th Dec )i had a natural miscarriage.
Hcg levels were back to normal after a few days and i stopped getting symptoms and full breasts went back to normal size. A week after the miscarriage (1st Jan 2013) the bleeding stopped and on (7th Jan 2013) my husband and i started TTC again.

It's now been two weeks since we started trying, and all of a sudden my breasts have started feeling 'full' again and tingly' and I'm getting a dull ache every now and then. For about half an hour i had what felt like my uterus was very tender/swollen, even when i touched near that area. I'm also very tired!

I never got any of these symptoms from ovulation or pms before I was pregnant before, so I don't know if I'll get them now because of the miscarriage or if I'm possibly pregnant again?

Praying and hoping i'm pregnant again, when should i test?

Advice would be lovely ladies, I'm so confused!!!

God bless!
Mara- I feel the same way . I lost my son 12/20 and I feel very tired and my breast are hurting again.. It a month today and still no af.. I was wondering when to test as well .. Good luck and I hope u get ur bfp this month :)
Mara- I feel the same way . I lost my son 12/20 and I feel very tired and my breast are hurting again.. It a month today and still no af.. I was wondering when to test as well .. Good luck and I hope u get ur bfp this month :)

:hugs: Sooo Sorry to hear of your loss :(

I picked up some tests today, but think I'll wait until morning (well, try to!).

Good luck to you too hun! You should be able to test around now shouldn't you? Keep me updated :flower:

All the Best!

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