I'm 2 months post mtx hun. They decided they didn't think I had an ep but treated me just in case, but it did nothing, zilch, no bleeding cramping nothing, it didn't even touch my hcg levels which were low 3k. I miscarried naturally 10 days later. It was more likely a blighted ovum hence why mtx didn't work, there was a cystic area in my uterus measuring 5wks, the space a sac should of been. Basically the pregnancy failed straight away but my body never got the memo! which is also what I believe as I was on the pill which can cause problems, I was taking naproxen and I also had an xray on my hips the day before I found out I was pregnant so the pregnancy never really stood a chance.
The only 'evidence' the hospital used to decide it was ep was my v slow rising hcg and the cystic area in my uterus. They never found an embryo, or free fluid and I never had any pain. Personally I think they rushed into it and I wish I had refused it, they tried to get me to have a second shot after 7 days cos my hcg hadn't dropped but I refused so I had to see the obs consultant who was a very nice lady and told me that she believed it to a blighted ovum.
Like I say it came away naturally a few days later, ironically day before I was booked in for misoprostal, thank god.
sorry bit long but you get the idea xx