My doc said women can take up to 4mg of folic acid. If it doesn't get absorbed it will just come out in your pee.
4mg is next to nothing! Why would there be 1000 in my prenatals, then? Maybe I'll just stick to those so I don't OD!
My doc said women can take up to 4mg of folic acid. If it doesn't get absorbed it will just come out in your pee.
How long did you all wait to try again after methotrexate? I've been told by every doc in the ER, 2 OB's and all my midwives that I only need to have one period and then we are good to go. They said that once I have a period then that means everything is on the right track so t here's no reason to wait any longer than that.
Is this what you all were told also?
Renzalxx - - Your post kinda freaked me out! I had been feeling really good about trying after my first period, but now I'm questioning it. I might wait until I have two periods to hop back on it...
I have still been taking my prescription prenatal vitamins, so hopefully that helps with the folate levels.
Hi ladies, just wondering if I can join you! Let me share my story..
I had an ectopic pregnancy in January. I called my midwife after my BFPs didn't get any darker. It took a few weeks after my first BFP to actually figure things out.. I asked for a blood test because I felt something was off. Followed up with another blood test and an ultrasound. On the ultrasound they didn't see anything in my uterus but did see something either right next to or on my left ovary. They said either a complex cyst or an ectopic pregnancy. I spent 13 hours in the ER for them to figure it out and was then treated with methotrexate. The pregnancy still grew, and at that point I was in A LOT of pain so they gave me another dose. I lost some hair and bled for a month straight. It was awful. I'd be 37 weeks pregnant right now and its so hard for me to forget. We were cleared to TTC starting late April/early May, so we've been trying since then.
I've been really irregular since the whole mess, and I'm currently on day CD52 or something ridiculous like that. I keep getting twinges in my left side and I'm so scared of another ectopic, though I do think its all in my head.
Anyway, I have a 25 month old and my baby just turned 11 months yesterday, both girls. I was really hoping to be pregnant by the time she was 1, but it just don't think its going to be. I've been okay about the whole thing, but having a really hard time coping with this loss lately.
Sorry if I seem like a downer, I'm just so frustrated with these long cycles and not getting anywhere with TTC.
AWWWWW! japrr! Congrats!
And, thanks for the 1000mcg clarification. I notice the c on the bottle now.
Heatherlt- I am so sorry to hear about your loss and frustration. It definitely throws our world upside down.
Michelle- thinking of ya