Tray, Congrats!
Presh, that's awesome that AF came on time. For me, once AF came I started to be able to feel like myself again. I'm glad that you have a reached a decision that you are comfortable with about when to TTC again. Its so hard when there is so much conflicting information out there.
Hpyns, I know, if we just combined my normal tubes with your normal cycle we would be good to go! LOL. You will do fine with the injections

I am going to be doing injectibles with my next IUI, which will be during my next cycle, so probably at the end of September. My doctor is going to use Gonal F, so you have to keep me updated about how that goes. I don't have any side effects with clomid, so I am hoping I don't with the injectibles. I know what you mean about animals, they are the best. DH and I have 2 Alaskan Malamutes, and we love them to death. When I am having a bad day its like they sense it, because they'll just come up and sit quietly with me. Normally they are quite high energy! I can monitor my LH surge like anyone else, using OPKs and keeping an eye on my CM. The CM is a dead give away for me, I've gotten pretty good at guessing when the OPK will be positive before taking the test. But my body will sometimes produce the LH surge even though there isn't a mature follicle. Basically with my PCOS, my body has more than one follicle that starts to mature, unlike normal women who usually just have 1 follicle that takes the lead. The combined amount of estrogen that the maturing follicles are producing makes my body think that there is already a mature follicle and so I get the LH surge, even though each follicle is not yet mature. Before going to a FS last fall, we tried 3 cycles on clomid alone with no success. Once we got to the FS, he went straight to clomid with a trigger shot to force ovulation and IUI. My insurance covers 50% of my fertility treatments, so each round has run me an average of about $500. This next round will be more expensive because the injectible meds are not covered by insurance.

DH has excellent insurance, so when open enrollment comes around (I think its in November) I will be getting on his insurance. His insurance has 100% coverage for fertility treatments, so if we are looking at IVF come January at least we will have coverage for it. I know we are so so lucky to have that option to fall back on! If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been TTC? I can't believe that my 1st appt with the FS was almost a year ago. Never would I have thought that a year later all I would have to show for it would be 2 miscarriages