TTC after Methotrexate shot

Michelle - glad your Dr. appt went well. And I'm glad he agreed to run the full RPL panel. Can't hurt, might help! Fingers crossed for you these next few months.

JPARR - lovely scan pic! So so happy for you! Isn't it great to FINALLY see a baby in the right place!? Love it!
JPARR, that scan pic looks great. I'm so happy that your bean is healthy and doing well!

Hpyns, your job sounds like it must be so much fun and rewarding. That is amazing that you were able to get your business off the ground on your own! Its good though to be able to apply some of things that have helped you succeed professionally to the fertility process, because its bound to have a benefit at some point! Have you always known that the ruptured appendix damaged your tubes, or did you not find out until the ectopic? I wish you didn't have to deal with that :hugs: As for my PCOS, it was devastating when I got the diagnosis last summer because I didn't really understand it. Once I started to educate myself on it, I realized that my PCOS is not as bad as it is for some people, and that since I was going to have to live with it I better start having a positive attitiude. I don't have problems with my weight and I always get AF, sometimes my cycles are a little long (30-45 days) but nothing like some people with PCOS have. At least through the 4 rounds of IUI I've had I know that medication will make me produce a mature follicle and that when I have a mature follicle and the IUI is timed perfectly, I get pregnant. We are 2 for 2 on that (with the 2 IUIs that didn't work the follicle wasn't mature when I started to get the LH surge), so at least at this point I have cleared the hurdle of wondering if I can get pregnant. So now I need to tackle step 2, which is getting one of these beans to stick! I am going tomorrow for bloodwork and they should have the results within a week. Where are you in the IVF process? I hope that this one is all it takes for you, I know several women who have gotten pregnant through IVF on the first one.
Michelle: Thanks :hugs: I had no idea that my ruptured appendix would cause any issues later in life. It was a complete surprise and it really pissed me off that the Dr.'s hadn't warned me. I could have been looking for signs of an ectopic instead of ignoring the MMC and shooting abdominal pain later. Then I probably would have had the metho shot earlier than 8w3d and I possibly could have saved my left tube and all the pain of having it removed. :shrug: What's happened has happened and I too have learned to focus on the positive. I can get pregnant and I have great hormones, all I need is a little help :smug: I'm in the beginning of my IVF cycle. I start Lupron injections tomorrow and then Gonal-F on Sept. 8th. If everything goes to plan I'll have egg retrieval on Sept. 18th. Working with animals has been a lifelong dream, but I never imagined I would be my own boss! It's incredibly rewarding, and I don't mean to brag. I just feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world sometimes. It's been a good thing to be able to submerse myself in my animals during these difficult ttc years. Baby animals help a lot when you're craving a baby human so bad it hurts.

I'm glad that you know that you can get PG and that your PCOS isn't as difficult as it could be. Is it hard to monitor when you'll get your LH surge? Do you have to use an OPK every, day or do you temp and monitor cm, or do you have another way? I wish I could give my spot on charting cycles to you, they're no use to me anymore :dohh: Why have you chosen to do IUI's instead of ttc naturally? Is IUI expensive?
CONGRATS JPARR!!!!!!!!!! I can't even imagine what a relief it was for you to see it in your uterus. That must have been the best feeling ever!!! So happy for you :happydance:
Hi Ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining this thread. I got a methotrexate shot on Monday with beta at 786. My betas plateaued and I had been experiencing excruciating cramps and bleeding. U/s at almost 6 weeks didn't show anything promising. I have a few questions about the methotrexate:

My doctor wants to give me another shot tomorrow and get more b/w done, but should I ask to postpone it to Monday? I'm just afraid that there wasn't enough time to let the hcg's start going down and they'll want to give me the 2nd shot right away. Should I try avoiding the 2nd shot if possible?

How long were you told to wait to ttc after your shot(s)? Is the 3-month-wait-per-shot rule true?

How fast can I expect my hcg to start going down?

Thanks everyone. It's hard going through this right now and I didn't even know about having to wait to ttc until after the shot was given, so I'm kind of freaking out about it.
Hi Ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining this thread. I got a methotrexate shot on Monday with beta at 786. My betas plateaued and I had been experiencing excruciating cramps and bleeding. U/s at almost 6 weeks didn't show anything promising. I have a few questions about the methotrexate:

My doctor wants to give me another shot tomorrow and get more b/w done, but should I ask to postpone it to Monday? I'm just afraid that there wasn't enough time to let the hcg's start going down and they'll want to give me the 2nd shot right away. Should I try avoiding the 2nd shot if possible?

How long were you told to wait to ttc after your shot(s)? Is the 3-month-wait-per-shot rule true?

How fast can I expect my hcg to start going down?

Thanks everyone. It's hard going through this right now and I didn't even know about having to wait to ttc until after the shot was given, so I'm kind of freaking out about it.

So sorry you are joining this thread...but glad to have you at the same time!

I am no doctor, but I think with levels at 786, one dose of methotrexate should be enough. I had bloodwork done 3 days after my shots and my levels went up, but that is very common. By 5-6 days after the shot my levels had dropped by half. No one ever said they would do two doses unless my levels continued to rise. That's why they check them so often and want to see them going down. So, if I were you, I'd talk to your doc about it again. I would definitely avoid a second dose unless it's absolutely necessary. I just don't see how it would be with your low hcg levels.....

And as for how long you need to wait to try... I was told by several doctors and my midwives that I only need to wait one period and then we could try again. But it seems that most of the ppl on this thread were told three months, some three months per dose.

What I've learned from this thread is that it depletes your folic acid levels, which is necessary for baby, and that it takes a while to build it back up. So by waiting three months you should have enough in your system for it to be safe. I have decided to wait until I have two periods and then try after that. I do have an appt with my midwife next thursday, though, so I'm going to really talk to her about this and get to the bottom of the 'one period v. three months' debate.
ster, so sorry for your loss :hugs: My situation actually sounds really similar to yours. I went for my 6 wk u/s thinking everything was fine, but they could see nothing on the u/s either in my uterus or in my tubes. They ran my blood work and beta at that point was only a little over 500, so they were a little less worried about the possibility of an ectopic and agreed to hold off on the mtx. When I went back for bloodwork 48 hours later my beta was over 800, and then the next day it was around 1100, so they did another u/s. That time they saw something in my uterus that could have been a sac, but it was too small to be sure. Still nothing in my tubes, so at least I started to breathe easier. That night I started bleeding and we all thought I would just m/c on my own. But my beta stopped dropping I think around 700. At that point they gave me the mtx, and I went back for bloodwork around 5 days later. My levels had started decreasing but not as much as they wanted, so I got a 2nd shot. My clinic actually has a 2 shot protocol for mtx, so they had told me from the get go that I would more than likely be getting 2 shots. A week or so after the 2nd shot, I actually ended up passing a small sac, and after that my hcg went right to 0. My first period came about 5 weeks after the 2nd shot. My FS told me that I had to wait 2 cycles (which took about 3 months) to start TTC again. It was not 2 cycles per shot of mtx. I started my fertility treatments up again with the 3rd cycle after the mtx shot.
Hi Ladies.

Would like to say congratulations to JPARR love ur scan picture.

Was wondering how u all felt or are feeling on the 3 month wait. Right now im so wanting to try again but know i cant. My metho injection was on the 30th June so still got a while to go :/ Im living abroad and not working so have nothing to keep my mind off it all?
ster1234- I am SO sorry! It is very hard. I would have to ditto Presh. My doc told me the same. Wait one cycle to TTC again. I also would avoid another shot with your low number unless it keeps rising and not falling. Definitely talk with your doc. Good luck! Hugs and healing to you! Take care of yourself.

Dee- my doc said I was good after one cycle. I had my shot June 22. We are TTC again. I'd say do as you feel comfortable. If your doc said 3 months and you are good with that then wait, or if you are ready and feel like two months is OK and your cycles are good then go for it. (Just an opinion) I think the issue is building back folic acid which we all know is so important. Good luck!
Hi Ladies,
I hope you don't mind me joining this thread. I got a methotrexate shot on Monday with beta at 786. My betas plateaued and I had been experiencing excruciating cramps and bleeding. U/s at almost 6 weeks didn't show anything promising. I have a few questions about the methotrexate:

My doctor wants to give me another shot tomorrow and get more b/w done, but should I ask to postpone it to Monday? I'm just afraid that there wasn't enough time to let the hcg's start going down and they'll want to give me the 2nd shot right away. Should I try avoiding the 2nd shot if possible?

How long were you told to wait to ttc after your shot(s)? Is the 3-month-wait-per-shot rule true?

How fast can I expect my hcg to start going down?

Thanks everyone. It's hard going through this right now and I didn't even know about having to wait to ttc until after the shot was given, so I'm kind of freaking out about it.

Hi Ster
So sorry for your loss, it is a horrible thing to go thru.:hugs:
I had 4 x mtx shots (every second day for 8 days - made me sick as hell) and was advised that basically once your folate is gone its gone and it usually only takes 3 months to build yourself back up with daily folic acid/prenatals once your HCG levels are down to zero. But double check with your doctor to make sure....My numbers (approx 6600) started to drop dramatically after I started to bleed and cramp so hopefully things will happen nice and quickly for you.
All the very best to you and sending you a cuddle on the breeze xx :flower::flower:
Thank you so much, everyone!! Sharing your experiences and advice means so much to me. Its hard to know what is the right thing to do in a situation like this, so your words are really comforting. My doctor wanted me to go tomorrow for b/w and another methotrexate shot and I was going to ask if I can postpone it to Monday to give my hcg a chance to drop. Well, earlier today, I had extremely painful cramps. There wasn't much bleeding, but the cramps were so bad that I just lied in bed and couldn't move for hours. I took tylenol and used a heating pad, but it didn't help much. After about 4-5 hrs, I started feeling back to normal. This episode really scared me, so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for b/w and based on that, may get the second dose of mtx. The good news is, my doctor said I can ttc after my hcg reaches 0 and have my period. This is true regardless of if I get 1 or 2 shots, so I was soooo happy to hear that! I understand that lots of doctors still tell women to wait 3 months after the shot, but I really trust my doctor, so I'm not too worried.

Thank you again for all your support and kind words. I hope everyone is doing well and I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
AF! AF! AF!!!!!! Af came today, 4.5 weeks after methotrexate! I'm so insanely excited!!!!!!!!!! So now the big question is... Do we try, or do we wait. I just don't know.

I think I have a UTI, so I'm going to the doctor today, a totally different doctor than I saw for all of my ectopic stuff, so I'm going to ask her what she knows about it. And if she says that it's ok to try, then we probably will.

I was told to avoid and vitamins for only a week after getting the mtx shot, but it looks like all of you were told not to take them until your levels reached zero... I would think that since I only had one dose 4.5 weeks ago, and I've been taking my prenatals, that my folate levels would be just fine. I don't think one dose of methotrexate would wipe it all out, would it?
Thank you so much, everyone!! Sharing your experiences and advice means so much to me. Its hard to know what is the right thing to do in a situation like this, so your words are really comforting. My doctor wanted me to go tomorrow for b/w and another methotrexate shot and I was going to ask if I can postpone it to Monday to give my hcg a chance to drop. Well, earlier today, I had extremely painful cramps. There wasn't much bleeding, but the cramps were so bad that I just lied in bed and couldn't move for hours. I took tylenol and used a heating pad, but it didn't help much. After about 4-5 hrs, I started feeling back to normal. This episode really scared me, so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for b/w and based on that, may get the second dose of mtx. The good news is, my doctor said I can ttc after my hcg reaches 0 and have my period. This is true regardless of if I get 1 or 2 shots, so I was soooo happy to hear that! I understand that lots of doctors still tell women to wait 3 months after the shot, but I really trust my doctor, so I'm not too worried.

Thank you again for all your support and kind words. I hope everyone is doing well and I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Glad your doc said you can try again after you get a period.. That makes me feel a bit better since that's what I was told also. AND I just got my period today. So excited, but so nervous and confused at the same time....
When they say you can try after a cycle... that means go through the entire cycle. So Cycle day 1 would count as the first day of your period. Then when you get your second period. You can try that cycle. I had to clarify that back in June.

Yay for AF showing her face!!!!!!!
Also, the Methotrexate depletes your body of all of its folic acid. It is no joke that medication. Once levels hit 0 you are allowed to start back up taking EXTRA folic acid and prenatals for at least an entire cycle or two. Better safe than sorry.
Also, the Methotrexate depletes your body of all of its folic acid. It is no joke that medication. Once levels hit 0 you are allowed to start back up taking EXTRA folic acid and prenatals for at least an entire cycle or two. Better safe than sorry.

Jeez. This is so frustrating! Everyone told me just one period. I specifically asked them last week that, if my period came that day, then I was ok to start trying on CD10 and they said yes.

And then I found this online about methotrexate:

nutrient affected by drug: Folic Acid

• mechanism: The primary mechanism of methotrexate relies upon interfering with the activation of folic acid and the degree of folate depletion during methotrexate therapy depends primarily upon the weekly administered dose.

I see how one dose can interfere with folic acid, but completely deplete it? It would be so nice to find some concrete info on this.

I know that waiting is probably the only way to go to be SURE that I'm safe, but what if I'm safe NOW?!?! Then I don't want to wait!!! AAHHH!!!
ster1234- I am SO sorry! It is very hard. I would have to ditto Presh. My doc told me the same. Wait one cycle to TTC again. I also would avoid another shot with your low number unless it keeps rising and not falling. Definitely talk with your doc. Good luck! Hugs and healing to you! Take care of yourself.

Dee- my doc said I was good after one cycle. I had my shot June 22. We are TTC again. I'd say do as you feel comfortable. If your doc said 3 months and you are good with that then wait, or if you are ready and feel like two months is OK and your cycles are good then go for it. (Just an opinion) I think the issue is building back folic acid which we all know is so important. Good luck!

Thanks runningmom. My doctor did not tell us wen to try again. It was in a Turkish hospital so didn't understand much at all tbh i got all my info from here. My first AF came exactly 30 days after my shot then 2nd one came yesterday. I feel totally ready to try now so may do but im not gona track ovulation or anything. Just take things as they come. Baby dust to you and all others ttc. xx
I would play it on the safe side. I know exactly how you feel about wanting to try NOW NOW Noooowwwww!! Truly I do :hugs: But folic acid is serious business for the health of you LO and it's uber important to build it back up before ttc again. If you fell PG this cycle wouldn't you be so worried about their health? Of course you can do whatever you feel you must or want, but I was compelled to wait until I was absolutely sure I was all good to go.

AFM: I did my first injection of Lupron today :sick: TBH it was just as bad as I thought it would be. No fun at all. But I'm pretty proud of being able to stick my belly with that needle!!! There were a lot of tears and some moments where I didn't think I could, but it all worked out in the end. It stung for about 5-10 minutes and an hour later I still have an angry red mark :( I'm not looking forward to 21 more days of this, ugh. It's for a good cause, it's for a good cause, it's for a good cause. I can do this :thumbup:
Dee- DH and I are doing the same. I'm not charting anything. Thanks and baby dust to you! Good luck!

Hpyns- You can do it!!!! Yah for injections, BUT I am so sorry it hurt. Big Hug!
OMG everyone i got my :bfp: this morning(14dpo). I'm still in a daze. Im so really happy and excited but also really scared, i dont think i could go through another ectopic.

For all you ladies out there on the same journey i wish you all the best. I waited for 3 months after my injection (12 weeks to be honest), in that time i had 2 periods. Our first month ttc was BFN but this was our second month and now i got my much awaited and wanted BFP :happydance:

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