Thank you so much, everyone!! Sharing your experiences and advice means so much to me. Its hard to know what is the right thing to do in a situation like this, so your words are really comforting. My doctor wanted me to go tomorrow for b/w and another methotrexate shot and I was going to ask if I can postpone it to Monday to give my hcg a chance to drop. Well, earlier today, I had extremely painful cramps. There wasn't much bleeding, but the cramps were so bad that I just lied in bed and couldn't move for hours. I took tylenol and used a heating pad, but it didn't help much. After about 4-5 hrs, I started feeling back to normal. This episode really scared me, so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow for b/w and based on that, may get the second dose of mtx. The good news is, my doctor said I can ttc after my hcg reaches 0 and have my period. This is true regardless of if I get 1 or 2 shots, so I was soooo happy to hear that! I understand that lots of doctors still tell women to wait 3 months after the shot, but I really trust my doctor, so I'm not too worried.
Thank you again for all your support and kind words. I hope everyone is doing well and I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.