TTC Bonfire babies

Gossipygirly - PMA girl!! You are NOT out until the witch arrives; loads of ppl dont get their BFP until weeks late for AF -weeks !!!

Everyone have a fab Halloween -I am sitting here dressed as a french maid lol, it was between that or a devil - but thought DH might prefer this one lol

Well girls -November tomorrow and getting closer to those Nov testing days Good Luck everyone fx'd for as many BFP 's as possible xx AND for all those girls already got BFN's -its because its ONLY October -we are all getting our BFP' in November remember remember the 5th of November lol.

p.s I am dpo10 -still no symptoms

hi girls
hope you are all ok and had a good halloween party!
Gossip ~ you are def not out, may be a bit early for BFP, so keep PMA

Well i had a gynae appt yersterday CD15 - cut a long story short, he is worried about my endometrium as its not as thick as it should be and is surprised i have 2 days of AF, he thinks it should be less
He not sure i ovulated this month. did a scan ~ showed guessing they could have picked up something at this stage.
Anyway going for a laproscopy and he wants to monitor ov and give me some drugs to get a healthy couple of eggs.

Im a bit gutted really , was not prepared, i was going to check my fibroids were ok ( whihc they were)

Anyway so i guess im out this month :( trying not to get TOOOOOO upset but we still can have some bonfire babies here xxxx
Right girls excuse the Halloween pun, but who is with me on blowing the cobwebs away this weekend, I for one had a very stressful week with work and POAS lol, so I think its time for a break.

Going to sit back and enjoy my weekend, with a poss wine or 2 (what the hell everything in moderation and as long as I keep to 2 units no harm done). No more stress no more pressure we all have a few days to relax and unwind before the testing month arrives!!

This can be done in the form of spending time with friends, loved ones etc, but we all must (with the exception of wkend workers - but you must still have an hour out for yourself) either dance to a song, sing on karaoke, have a relaxing bath, facepack, watch a dvd, read a book.... just have a min where we forget about things and laugh and giggle and unwind.

Me for one - being a nerd tonight with my OH and playing on PS3, whilst doing a facial. Then tomorrow I am fancy dress in my local pub as batgirl!!! If my outfit still fits lol. Then sunday doing DIY (boo hiss!)

So I hope you all join me in doing something for yourself this weekend, plus if the dreaded :witch: comes before Monday, then your task will be to browse Ann Summers and pick some sexy undies to entice the OH's into overdrive...

Wishing everyone extra special babydust
x x x x


Aha!!! what an Awesome motivational speach!!!! I need you as a cycle buddy PMA was losing its edge until i read that!!!Thanks Girlie!!! i'll be havin my 2 units tomorrow night dressed as a vampire guilt free and thinking: if Kitty Kat says i can, then i will! whoop whoop!!! Bonfire Babies!! Yay!!

Adding you as a cycle buddy hun x x
Well good morning to everyone - how is the weekend so far - who has followed my guidelines and blown the cobwebs away??? I really hope you all have managed too, I did go dressed as a witch last night, batgirl didn't fit, my stomach is really bloated and just looked odd. So kept it simple, equipped with broom and handbag cauldron! lol. Even only had one drink, but had a laugh with my friends. Was a really nice night, going to do some clearing out in the attic today and literally blow the cobwebs

Feeling better for not testing and forgetting about it, do feel a few cramps and aches in the nether reqion, I am on countdown as if 24 days then its D-Day tomorrow up until Thurs. I have decided I won't test until Tues or Weds if no witch here.


So even the workers I hope you have a self indulgence planned, we all deserve it. On the downside if it isn't our turn this month, putting yourself first will only help your mind and body for the next time.
hi ladies hope you are all well sorry to hear some of you got bfns i am sure they will turn into bfpss really soon!!!

i am sure i posted the other day but cant seem to find it so i guess it didnt send boo hiss. anyways i havent a clue where i am in my cycle thought i had ov'd tuesday but thursday and frinday i got more + opks friday evening it had gone back to neagtive. yesterday i did another and its as dark as the 1st positive i got on the thursday :o

the expiry date on them was for yesterday so i am thinking the tests are dodgy. have no fertile signs at all. cm is creamy and cervix is like it normally after ov. so i think i will stick with tuesday as my ov day.

going to test on bonfire night still though might be still early being only 8/9dpo but what the heck lol.

did everyone have a good halloween? we went to my mums for a lil party for the girls. got them dressed up as witches as they had their faces painted by mummy. pretty impressed with myself for my first attempt at face painting :D

today going to have a nice relaxing day. going to stock up on choccy once the rain stops and eat it all while watching x-factor yum yum!!! x
Muncho -so sorry to hear that news, chin up, there's always next cycle :hugs: Hope you are okay!! :friends:

KKBabe- Yep -I took your advice and had a fab night too -only ended up having one drink also, but just didn't feel like another (maybe getting too old, maybe cos I have just come off night shift and mega tired ? or maybe something else ?? fx'd lol) And I am so bloated too -actually looked like a pregnant french maid :tease:-not quite the sexy look I was going for haha :haha:, those vague symptoms again lol- could it be AF?, could it be Ov?, or something else??? lol -too much vodka and chips n dips lol:rofl:

Right girls
It's now NOVEMBER -who's giving us our first BFP???



Loads of baby dudt to everyone :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:


I am away now to look for a car to buy -me and DH have always car shared (saving the pennies for the 'fx'd' impending new arrival lol) but recently it has been really sh*t.
Our shift patterns are not working out and we are constantly driving back n forward form each others place of work and i am so tired and fed up with it -so today -I am going to look for a second car -just a cheapie to get me (or him) from A to B but it will make life so much less stressful.

So here's to less stress:wine: :happydance:

ttfn xx
Hi Babytots -that sounds like a plan choccie and X Factor mmmmmmmm

I think I'll join in lol

My kids brought home tonnes of stuff -crisps, fruit, sweeties and even money lol -ppl really seem to be going all out for Halloween nowadays dont they?? we had so much fun dressing up too. My daughter was a bunny, my eldest son was the scream character, and my youngest son was a zombie.

Hey girlies! Happy 1st November!
Let's hope its a happy month for us all - lots of BFPs!!
Update on my positive OPK nightmare....still getting 2 very dark lines on OPKs! Three days getting a bit worried as I read that it can be a sign of PCOS....
So, I'm going to make an appointment at docs for this week to get it looked into.
I had terrible pains on left side yesterday! I've also started temping and have had 2 temps above coverline according to FF - indicating that I have in fact already ovulated! Still doing the BD - in too much pain yesterday, but weve done it twice since I got positive OPK on Friday! So hopefully again tonight might help!
On the other hand, had a lovely night last night. Didnt end up going out as felt a bit poorly but stayed in with hubby and had pizza! Yummy! We had friends round and it deffo took my mind off things!
Lots and lots of baby dust to all.....
wannabubba#4- have fun car hunting must be such a pain having to share and driving back and forth to each others place of work. last thing you want to be doing when you have just finished and want to kick back and relax at home.

loving your pma!!! thanks for sharing i need some right now after the cycle i have had feel positive that i will get a bfp this month if i did ov on tuesday but if it was later not so positive as we haven't done much bding towards the end of this week.

glad you had a lovely night last night hun.

think i am going to get way to fat eating lots of yummy choccy but comfort food is what the doctor ordered :D going to kick start healthy eating plan after xmas. unless of course i get pg before then as will start it as soon as i fall pg.

just married- try not too worry too much with the opks some cycles i get 3 in a row too. though yes like you say it can be caused by pcos. i have been tested for it too as i have other symptoms of it. just waiting for the results. a scan showed my ovarys were normal so fully expect the test results to be as well.

hope if it is ov you catch that egg sounds like you have done enough bding to catch it :D

glad you had a lovely night last night and it helped take your mind off things. we didnt go out either took the girls round to my mums to play with my 5yr old cousin who lives there and they all got dressed up. me and df played of guitar hero and the wii fit with my brothers then ordered a pizza and watched x-factor with a couple of drinks i was good only had one can of lager :D was nice to have a bit of fun for a change rather then worrying about my body and this cycle iykwim. x
Hey babytots!
So did the doc send you for a scan straight away? How long have to been TTC?
I just feel paranoid that I have either ovulated twice or maybe not at all?
I got two pos OPK last Friday, along with sore bbs, EWCM and pains in left side. Then for sme strange reason I POAS (OPK) on Friday and it was SO dark....then Sat and Sun the same!! No other real symptons of ovulation or pg at the moment! A bit tired and pains last night, but other than that I feel good!
PMA is def the way forward Wannabubba - glad I chilled out last night! Feel better for it today!
So, happy Sunday everyone...I am waiting for hubby to come back from Asda with comfort food....choccies! With a nice cup of tea....yummy!
Hello girls, really glad that we made the most of halloween. Justmarried not sure what advice I can give on the OPK situ, I really never have any luck with those things personally never time the day right. Some have said they can detect HCG too - so it may be a positive sign for you.

I have just been to asda and guess what I bought lol... No I didn't I bought some more vitamins and a chicken going to do a really nice roast lunch, if Kieron (my OH) ever gets over his hangover. I am fresh as a daisy and feeling good so because I was feeling on a positive note I thought what the heck I will do the FRER - there is a faint line......... Hoping because its not FMU and the fact been several times before I did it - is contributing to this.

I have tried to take a pic but it just won't show on my camera. So I sent OH for another pack and he came back with first response, so i used one and nothing on that, BUT when I read it they are the new 1 minute ones from asda and only should be used from the day of your missed period. What do people think, I am still calmly positive and hopeful, thinking just ride it out until the 5th when I know for a fact I have missed my period....

Gutted though because I have spent about 30quid on tests this month and used them all way too early.

Let me hear thougts please??
omg hunni!!! a faint line is a faint line and am sure the second test you did didnt show anything because your wee will be too diluted!!!

oooo how exciting!!!! you might be our first to get a nov bfp wahoo!!!! if your able to take a photo anyways no matter how crappy i shall try my best to photoshop it later when i get on the p.c

how many dpo are you now hunni? x
p.s i didnt know first response had brought some new tests out! oooooo. x
Hiya, yeah they are new 1 min ones but only work reliable from day of first missed period so must be a higher miu. Not OH fault he asked for first response and thats what they gave him. I know because I don't temp or opk I am not sure of exact ov date, just did plenty bd week up to 19th and then every day until 28th lol. But I think it would have been 19 - 21st so either 10 or 12 dpo. AF due from 2 - 4. The early response can detect up to 6 days early, and thats the one faint line on. Just have to give it a couple more days and see if AF doesn't appear on 2nd etc.
Ooooooohhhhhh Kittykat, that all sounds VERY good!!
You may well be our first BFP! How exciting!!! Please please please keep us updated! After all, a line is a line, and if that test can show up to 6days before AF, then its poss the most reliable at the mo!! Woohoooo!!!
On the OPK situ, I did a test yday and BFN??!??!! It was fmu and test that can be used up to 4 days before period! So, not sure what on earth is going on! And like I said earlier, no ov or af or pg symptoms apart from feeling tired!!
Kittykat - please update as soon as you can sweetiepie!
When is your due date again Justmarried - been on the other thread and said to go and test with the FRER ones they are up to 6 days, I also put some detail on about the offer on access diagnostics. In case you wanted keep the FRER until closer.

I am strangely calm. I know to keep testing won't help but if I be patient about it and keep cool, the result will come through either way in a few days, just hope the faint line is a keeper this time.
x x x
Due to test 8/9th Nov hun! SO another week away.
Temp was 37.20 yday andd 36.92 today....but as I dont usually chart I have no idea if this means anything! I think I will look at those offers hunni and maybe order some more tests!!
OMG -The first of Novemeber and our first (fx'd) probable BFP :bfp:

I am so excited for you KKBabe -OMG OMG OMG 'jumping up n down with excitement


Keep us posted
btw - any symptoms to share???

TBH - not noticing the symptoms too much now. Feeling a bit nauseous at times have been over a couple of days. Frequent loo trips, upset tummy, fatigue, a lil bit weepy like i can cry over nothing at stupid times. Noticed cramps and pelvic pain too. I also have been dreaming a lot really vividly past few nights, bloated. But boobs aren't tender yet. I have stopped symptom spotting just because I can have most of these when AF coming. Also because of my m/c last time a bit wary of the symptoms and if they disappear etc.

Really hope the faint line is a defo in a few days, but I won't be too disheartened if not, it just gives me another month to get body fit. Trying to keep everything in perspective today and not get worked up or anything. Won't test again until 5th Nov. Going to be crawling the walls lol.

I will keep everyone posted and i really hope it is my BFP and I hope its a sign of things to come for the group.xxxx
Hi girls!

Well I am very excited, and also trying not to be too excited as I tested yesterday morning and got a very faint line on a FRER and a Superdrug early test, I did another with FMU today and the line was slightly darker, just did another but very diluted wee and prob only about 2 hours and the line is still there!!!

Praying it will be lovely and dark tomorrow morning!! So come on girls, PMA all the way!!! xxx

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