TTC Bonfire babies

KittyKatBabe -YAY -WOOHOO

I am so pleased for you, well done!!

What test did you get your BFN on and What digital did you use??

OMG 2 confirmed bonfire babies and only 2nd of November, hopefully we'll get one a day until we run out of members lol.

You and nb1984 are already bump buddies, that is so cool -I want to be a bump buddy too.

Sending both of you lovely sticky dust, and tonnes of baby dust for everyone else, and hugs for anyone definately out :hugs: -it will be your turn soon!!


Thanks Wannabubba, I would love for you to be a bump buddy :happydance:.

I used the clearblue digital with conception advisor - can test up to 4 days early but are 99% from day period is due - which if my 24 cycle was today. I got the faint liner of FRER on 30th, but negative on others.

The BFN's were the first response 1 min tests from Asda - they are only recommended for day after your missed period. My OH picked them up thinking they were early response ones, which obv not. But had to try this morning because I had to know.

I really hope me and nb are the first of many on this thread, and we have started a trend.

Lots of :hugs: and :dust: :dust: to everyone
x xx

Can I ask how faint your lines were on a early test? I have been using Superdrug 4 days early tests and my line this morning was still faint, AF isnt due until tomorrow but I still thought it would be a bit darker now! Scared to use my digi incase it doesnt detect anything yet! xx
Congratulations girlies....i can't believe i've mega busy for a few days and have been missing all of the news!!!! KittyKatBabe and NB! Whoop! BFP's!!! Amazing news! Hopefully somehow the your ecstatic vibes will rub off on the rest of us and we'll all also get our BFP's.....hehehee, PMA PMA PMA!!!

I've given up symptom spotting now as have some crazy cold so everything is a little skewed by the crappy cold symptoms. AF is due today so will be testing tomorrow or tonight or even in an hour if i can run out and get a test - KKBabes and NB news has really got me excited that it could be my turn too.....

GossipGirly, you sound a little down honey in some of your posts.....keep the faith hon, its not over yet......can't be over until the wicked witch visits and i'm sure she wont. PMA PMA PMA - we need to get that sparkly PMA thing....sparkles make things so much better! no honest GG, I know how down you are feeling, i tested neg on fri am, i just sat there staring at it but then thought, its not over until my body tells me it is....keep smiling, our turn will come.:hug:

TTFN I'll be watching more closely this time, no swanning around, i don't want to miss everyone elses BFP anouncements!!!! BONFIRE BABIES!!! WHOOP!!! R -x-:dust::dust:
Hi Nb,

It was really faint, I could tell there was pink and it wasn't an evap. But when i tried photo it, i had no chance of putting it up cos you can't see anything.

I was a bit dubious about using the digi, but I knew it would give me a defo Not pregnant as its up to 4 days early and I am due today if 24 days or 4th if my usual 26 days.

Hope that helps, which test did you use? How many days early was it - scrub that bit read your post wrong. A line is a line, thats why i was dubious about the BFN's I got. Its still early days so the tests won't darken until after AF was due etc. What was your OV date? They say its better result at at least 14dpo then shoots up over the next few days.
Hey charmed.

I am good, not stressing out this month, just patiently waiting out the 2ww.

BUT... if I get another BFN -then it's gonna be 'All Action Stations' next month, a right proper F@ckathon of huge proportions lol -no excuses from DH, no feeling under pressure to perform lol :haha::haha:

How's things with you? And how's your nephew?

Hi Nb,

It was really faint, I could tell there was pink and it wasn't an evap. But when i tried photo it, i had no chance of putting it up cos you can't see anything.

I was a bit dubious about using the digi, but I knew it would give me a defo Not pregnant as its up to 4 days early and I am due today if 24 days or 4th if my usual 26 days.

Hope that helps, which test did you use? How many days early was it - scrub that bit read your post wrong. A line is a line, thats why i was dubious about the BFN's I got. Its still early days so the tests won't darken until after AF was due etc. What was your OV date? They say its better result at at least 14dpo then shoots up over the next few days.

On Sat I was 10dpo, which is why I cant believe I got a line! So early! So today I am 12dpo, hopefully it will get darker over the next few days then, thanks hun! xx
Heres a nice sparkly PMA for our sigs girls, just copy and paste the link
Hi Nb,

It was really faint, I could tell there was pink and it wasn't an evap. But when i tried photo it, i had no chance of putting it up cos you can't see anything.

I was a bit dubious about using the digi, but I knew it would give me a defo Not pregnant as its up to 4 days early and I am due today if 24 days or 4th if my usual 26 days.

Hope that helps, which test did you use? How many days early was it - scrub that bit read your post wrong. A line is a line, thats why i was dubious about the BFN's I got. Its still early days so the tests won't darken until after AF was due etc. What was your OV date? They say its better result at at least 14dpo then shoots up over the next few days.

On Sat I was 10dpo, which is why I cant believe I got a line! So early! So today I am 12dpo, hopefully it will get darker over the next few days then, thanks hun! xx

I was 10dpo when I did my FRER so I think you would defo get a result on the digi from thur. That will just confirm it for you.
x x x x
Hey charmed.

I am good, not stressing out this month, just patiently waiting out the 2ww.

BUT... if I get another BFP -then it's gonna be 'All Action Stations' next month, a right proper F@ckathon of huge proportions lol -no excuses from DH, no feeling under pressure to perform lol :haha::haha:

How's things with you? And how's your nephew?


im ok trying not to over anylise anything
but strange tummy pains today not even pains just feels different

he ok thanks just relised from g8 am street kids hospital...will be closed checked but over worse

defo xmas sex seshs lol

dont give up when u testing mine next tue i think xxxx
CONGRATS to KittyKat and Nb1984!!! :yipee:

Cd32 for me and I've been good and have not tested again since cd 28.

I'm feeling really sick this morning and last night, so who knows. May wait until this weekend to test again. :shrug:

:hugs: to Everyone!
Well I got a BFN when I tested today, didn't use FMU tho, cus they dogs started barking at 6am so I hada get up then and peed and forgot! Also my temp today doesn't count cus I had no sleep at took it at 6am instead of 8.30 before I got up to check the dogs, but it was way down to 36.5, beloew the coverline :(

Having cramps but nothin else yet. Have felt sick the past few days tho. Got my BFP at 11dpo last month, and I'm 11dpo today, just gona hafta wait it out!!

Congrats on ur BFPs girls!!!!
Hey Girls! i have refrained from running to chemist at lunch to test whilst at work but was thinking of testing tonight......BUT i have read that your meant to test in the morn??? KittyKat & NB when did you ladies test?? as in what time of day and do you think that it makes a difference? -x-
Hey babytots!
So did the doc send you for a scan straight away? How long have to been TTC?
I just feel paranoid that I have either ovulated twice or maybe not at all?
I got two pos OPK last Friday, along with sore bbs, EWCM and pains in left side. Then for sme strange reason I POAS (OPK) on Friday and it was SO dark....then Sat and Sun the same!! No other real symptons of ovulation or pg at the moment! A bit tired and pains last night, but other than that I feel good!
PMA is def the way forward Wannabubba - glad I chilled out last night! Feel better for it today!
So, happy Sunday everyone...I am waiting for hubby to come back from Asda with comfort food....choccies! With a nice cup of tea....yummy!

hi hun the scan i had was part of my recurrent miscarriage investigations. they also did cd3 blood tests for me but prior to this i did see my doctor about pcos and she did cd21 blood tests for me but i got my ov dates mixed up and was done at the wrong time (its called cd21 but not everyone has 28 day cycles so its done at 7dpo).

this is my 3rd month ttc but i have had really iregular cycles since i started my periods and i have other symptoms of pcos too.

your cycle is just the same as mine. got near +opk sat and sun and was pretty sure if i had any opks left i would of got my + monday or tuesday. tuesday i got copious amounts of ewcm so figured i had ov'd then. but i then got + opk thursday and friday then another saturday. no signs of ov or anything. i even caved and used a frer with 2mu yesterday and i see a v.v.v. faint line but as i am only about 6dpo i dont trust it to be a line and prob just an evap. now trying my best to wait til the 5th to test again though am tempted to run across to my chemist and pick some tests up lol. x
congrats nb1984 and kittykatbabe thats brill news :happydance: lets hope all of us follow you in getting those bfps!!!

welcome team_b i only joined this thread a few days ago but the ladies here are lovely. heres hoping this month you get your bfp along with the rest of us.

rogue- yes its best to test in the morning when the hcg will be at its strongest how many dpo are you now hun. depending on how many dpo you are you might get a positive but its always better in the morning. good luck if you decide to test.

as for me still confused with those opks so did another yesterday negative and i also decided to do a frer just incase the opks were picking up on hcg. there is a tiny faint line but as i would have been 6dpo at the earliest i think its most likely an evap. its so so faint but shall be adding pics in the gallery shortly once they have uploaded onto my p.c :D

hope everyone is well i reckon november is going to be a good month for us all :D x
Hey Girls! i have refrained from running to chemist at lunch to test whilst at work but was thinking of testing tonight......BUT i have read that your meant to test in the morn??? KittyKat & NB when did you ladies test?? as in what time of day and do you think that it makes a difference? -x-

I tested with FMU, it was about 8am on Sunday when I woke up, I then decided to do another yesterday afternoon as I hadn't been for a wee in about 3 hours, the line was SO much fainter so most def wait until the morning, and preferrably after 4 hours sleep minimum! Good luck!! xxx
Thanks NB and BabyTots for the advice i will try and hold out but have just noticed some spotting so not very hopeful to be honest.....i'm 14dpo and up until 5mins ago i was stuill riding high on PMA, not as much at the min but we shall see tomorrow morning i guess.......
Hey Girls! i have refrained from running to chemist at lunch to test whilst at work but was thinking of testing tonight......BUT i have read that your meant to test in the morn??? KittyKat & NB when did you ladies test?? as in what time of day and do you think that it makes a difference? -x-

It depends, I tested on Saturday with the FRER at 5pm and got the faint line. Tested the 1 min ones (really would not recommend them) FMU both times and zip. The clearblue I did this morning at 9am and i had already been the loo about 4 times.

Basically if your due today the FRER and Clearblue will work anytime. If you are a few days early then FMU best to do.

Hope you get your BFP hun
x x
Hey hey girlies!!
Congrats KittyKat! And once again NB! So excited for you both!
Well I'm still not sure what the hell is going on with my body! I have no real symptoms, just lots of CM which is like lotion....unusual but dont think its a symptom....everything says your CM dries up after OV, so starting to think that maybe I havent OV yet????
Oh, I have a slightly strange taste in mouth, and a lot of saliva, is that poss a symptom?

Rogue - make sure you use FMU as it gives best results? good luck hun!

Well, just thought Id check in quickly as have a pile of mock exams to mark!
I'll be lurking all night, so keep me updated with any more goss!
Hugs and babydust to you all
Hello girlies..and welldone and congrats nb and kittykat :D
thanks rogue il try and keep up the pma :D Hope everyone is well...had a busy first day on placement so Im rather tired and ready for my bed already (5pm)! but no its not a symptom Im just not used to gettin up at 6 being a student and all haha xxx
Hey hey girlies!!
Congrats KittyKat! And once again NB! So excited for you both!
Well I'm still not sure what the hell is going on with my body! I have no real symptoms, just lots of CM which is like lotion....unusual but dont think its a symptom....everything says your CM dries up after OV, so starting to think that maybe I havent OV yet????
Oh, I have a slightly strange taste in mouth, and a lot of saliva, is that poss a symptom?

Rogue - make sure you use FMU as it gives best results? good luck hun!

Well, just thought Id check in quickly as have a pile of mock exams to mark!
I'll be lurking all night, so keep me updated with any more goss!
Hugs and babydust to you all

CM is a good sign, I had bucket loads last week!! xxx
Hey hey girlies!!
Congrats KittyKat! And once again NB! So excited for you both!
Well I'm still not sure what the hell is going on with my body! I have no real symptoms, just lots of CM which is like lotion....unusual but dont think its a symptom....everything says your CM dries up after OV, so starting to think that maybe I havent OV yet????
Oh, I have a slightly strange taste in mouth, and a lot of saliva, is that poss a symptom?

Rogue - make sure you use FMU as it gives best results? good luck hun!

Well, just thought Id check in quickly as have a pile of mock exams to mark!
I'll be lurking all night, so keep me updated with any more goss!
Hugs and babydust to you all

CM is a good sign, I had bucket loads last week!! xxx

This is prob TMI, I just have a wet feeling down below! And it's rather lotion like! Had a few big globs of it then some when I wipe!! Very strange!!
NB you must be MEGA thrilled!! I am so excited for you hun! What other symptons did you have? How many DPO are you? :hugs:

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