TTC for 6+ months? *20 bfp's and counting!*

Congrats LittleLotti!! H&H 9 months to you! About time we had some more bfp's on this thread too!!! xx
Congrats Lotti!! So, so happy for you! I wish you a wonderful pregnancy!

Snowflakes, sounds like your plan moving in the right direction. Good luck with your appointment Friday. Please keep us posted!

AFM, I want to think I ovulated this past weekend. DH and I were out of town, so I wasn't really paying attention much. We did BD a few times, so I have myself covered. Next week is your appointment with the a little nervous. Not sure how it will go from here, but its likely work will be getting suspicious if I have to keep leaving for appointments. Anyone else in this boat? If so, how are you getting around it?

Katikins - Yea, the work thing isn't fun. My boss is currently like 18 weeks pregnant. It's been hard... I just keep saying I have an appt. I don't say what kind of appt. I just say an appt. I know she is starting to wonder since I have gone to my appt's once a month for 4 months. I just had one last week too. Then I had to say yesterday that I have an appt on Friday and am leaving @ 1:30 and won't be coming back for the rest of the day - this is for my HSG. I'm not giving them any info - word spreads like wild fire around here and it is frankly none of their business. Good luck this cycle!! Maybe you made a baby on vaca too!!
Snowflakes-- Just remember the ibprofen about 30 minutes prior to your appointment. I had an SIS done which is similar. They use Saline instead of dye and it's an internal ultrasound. Same concept though to make sure everything is working. I had no pain afterwards. They found a couple of polyps though so I'm glad I had it done. Those were removed on the 15th of May. Just waiting on the okay to TTC again.
Oh, Snowflakes, one more thing. I don't know if they mentioned it, but the HSG can sometimes "clean out the pipes" so women frequently get preggo in the next few months after it. So keep on BD-ing!
Hi ladies. Think im out for another month. AF is due tuesday and all today i feel as if im on my period! Ive had a small bit of watery brown discharge today and my back has been killing. I actually feel like im on my period apart from the bad stomach cramps (only been a few mild twinges so far). Only hope it comes a day early tomorrow. Dont want to feel like this until tuesday! Joys of being a woman! On to cycle 15.
Where my girls at?! It's been quiet in here!!

Flou - Did AF show?

HSG hurt more than I thought. But I got a good report of no blocked tubes and a normal Ute. So I was pleased with that.

I have my Ultrasound today at noon to check my Follicles. My OPK's have had some good lines already. Hoping for a positive today!! I think I'm going to OV tomorrow... We've been BDing so I think we'll be good for this cycle!!
Snowflakes glad the hsg went well and you got good news. Fxd cross this month for you!

AF still hasn't showed. I still feel as if she could any minute. I feel really ill at the mo. Kind of like having a hangover but without the headache. My back really hurts. Im cd31 and 14 dpo which is my normal LP. I had a small amount of brown watery spotting y'day but nothing today. I haven't tested yet im too scared and i dont want to get my hopes up! This is cycle 14 so i have had my fair share of disappointments! I have never gone longer than cd 33 so i will give it a couple more days and if AF still hasn't shown i will test.
Flou - That all sounds really good! When I was PG (ended in MC) - my nausea/MS felt like a hangover. That is exactly how I explained the way I was feeling to my hubby! And I had the brown IB! You'll have to let us know what happens in a few days when you test! FX for you and a BFP!

Well, I am back from my U/S. I have 1-26mm & 1-18mm Follies both on my right. I should pop the big one today and the other one in a day or two. FX we catch one of these! I have read that the big one is a bit questionable on whether its still good or overripe...
Flou - That all sounds really good! When I was PG (ended in MC) - my nausea/MS felt like a hangover. That is exactly how I explained the way I was feeling to my hubby! And I had the brown IB! You'll have to let us know what happens in a few days when you test! FX for you and a BFP!

Well, I am back from my U/S. I have 1-26mm & 1-18mm Follies both on my right. I should pop the big one today and the other one in a day or two. FX we catch one of these! I have read that the big one is a bit questionable on whether its still good or overripe...

Woohoo, either or, maybe both. You go girl!! Go make a baby ;)
Can I join in? DH and I have been TTC 10 months now (9th cycle, I think?). Ugh I'm getting very discouraged. DH had surgery to repair an inguinal hernia a couple years ago and he thinks it may have affected his sperm count. Anyone know anything about this? He has a mesh implant.

I've tried all sorts of things throughout the past 10 months, from instead cups to mucinex to acupuncture (currently still doing acupuncture) to maca and much, much more. We also have a microscope to check DH's semen.. we've only used it once so we're still getting the hang of it, but there were definitely sperm swimming around (just not very many..). Neither of us have any known health issues, but I've got an appt with a gyno in a couple weeks to hopefully work towards some answers.

Anyway, there's my intro :) I really hope everyone gets their BFP very soon!
Hi girls, hope you are all well. Congrats on your bfp little lotti!!! I'll update the thread bfp numbers with your great news :hugs:

So, dh and I had some very disappointing news (although I knew there had to be SOMETHING going on :cry:) The results of dh's SA were that he has a very low sperm count. His doctor was quite unhelpful though and just basically said, here's the results but I'm not an expert so I can't give more info. I told dh to change to my doctor as he is so lovely, and after a visit to him dh feels much better. My doctor has arranged a follow up SA to compare the results, but he said dh's count looks low looking at the original test. He said if the next result comes back looking similar he will make a referral for us to a fertility specialist.

I feel so down about the prospect of assisted conception hanging over us, yet relieved that we may finally get somewhere at last. Dh has been so upset about it, thinking that he is standing in the way of me becoming pregnant - which is way off how I'm really feeling. I just feel sad I guess that it may not happen naturally? In fact, I'm feeling scared about everything we may have to go through to have a baby. Anyway, sorry for going on... just venting to you girls makes me feel better though x
Hi girls, hope you are all well. Congrats on your bfp little lotti!!! I'll update the thread bfp numbers with your great news :hugs:

So, dh and I had some very disappointing news (although I knew there had to be SOMETHING going on :cry:) The results of dh's SA were that he has a very low sperm count. His doctor was quite unhelpful though and just basically said, here's the results but I'm not an expert so I can't give more info. I told dh to change to my doctor as he is so lovely, and after a visit to him dh feels much better. My doctor has arranged a follow up SA to compare the results, but he said dh's count looks low looking at the original test. He said if the next result comes back looking similar he will make a referral for us to a fertility specialist.

I feel so down about the prospect of assisted conception hanging over us, yet relieved that we may finally get somewhere at last. Dh has been so upset about it, thinking that he is standing in the way of me becoming pregnant - which is way off how I'm really feeling. I just feel sad I guess that it may not happen naturally? In fact, I'm feeling scared about everything we may have to go through to have a baby. Anyway, sorry for going on... just venting to you girls makes me feel better though x

Sandoval, I don't know your whole story and how you got to here. Has DH stopped drinking and taking appropriate vitamins as I know they can help pick up a low sperm count. I read someone else's posts about it, but can't remember where. Please don't be offended, I'm not trying to be patronising. I would feel the same tbh. Our doc is holding off on doing an SA, till all my tests are complete. AND.... it could still happen naturally even with the low count. I just wish I could say something to help.

:hugs: Sandoval, vent as much as you need. Hopefully the next SA will look better. :hugs:
Thanks onebump! Dh has been great during our ttc journey (into month 10 now) -he's cut out caffeine, has been taking vits and has cut waay back on alcohol. The only thing that is keeping me hopeful is that dh loved having baths up until January when I told him this can be detrimental and he stopped. I know it can take several months for sperm to increase so I'm hoping that will help a bit, although I may be clutching at straws as apparently his count is really low. I don't know the full details as I was away with work when he got the results and he passed the paperwork to his new doctor so doesn't have it just now. When I've asked about specifics he isn't too clear and gets a bit upset if I push him on it so I'm going to wait and attend his next doctor appointment with him. I feel so bad for him that I'm trying to be really positive and encourage him and appear really strong but inside I'm devastated. I just don't want to put more pressure on him though. Thanks for the supportive words :hugs: x
So sorry for the news Sandoval. BUT remember there are things that can be done to bring it up... He can start with Vitamins - my friends hubby's was on the low side, took vitamins, did a re-test 3 months later and all was good!!

Malrish - I actually had a Bi-Lateral Inguinal Hernias repaired Laproscopically with Mesh and Tacks done in 2010. I remember in the pamphlet they gave me - it said that there were risks with men - something about nipping a tube perhaps - I can't quite remember. My surgeon said I just need to let my OBGYN know about it as if I ever have a C-Section they will see the mesh and such...

Quite bummed as I asked a friend (who has been TTC for many years and had 2 IVF's done) about my 26mm Follie - She said that it's pretty big and that it will be hard for hubby's sperm to penetrate it to be able to conceive. I'm a bit disappointed. I wonder if this what has been happening all these months - that my eggs have been too overripe. Ugh. But I have that other one that will hopefully be released. I don't know. I feel out already.
sandoval- theres plenty that can be done to rise sperm count i think i red somewhere that cold baths help not very comfy but might help xx:hugs:
Can I join in? DH and I have been TTC 10 months now (9th cycle, I think?). Ugh I'm getting very discouraged. DH had surgery to repair an inguinal hernia a couple years ago and he thinks it may have affected his sperm count. Anyone know anything about this? He has a mesh implant.

I've tried all sorts of things throughout the past 10 months, from instead cups to mucinex to acupuncture (currently still doing acupuncture) to maca and much, much more. We also have a microscope to check DH's semen.. we've only used it once so we're still getting the hang of it, but there were definitely sperm swimming around (just not very many..). Neither of us have any known health issues, but I've got an appt with a gyno in a couple weeks to hopefully work towards some answers.

Anyway, there's my intro :) I really hope everyone gets their BFP very soon!

welcome!! :hugs:
Hey ladies!

Flou - your killing me. Could you please test!! I have no idea how you are able to withstand from POAS. Hope its your lucky month.

Welcome to the group Malrish! I don't know much about the surgery your DH had, but recommend that he have a SA done to double check the count and such. Also, what is Maca?

Snowflakes - Glad your HSG results came back clear. Maybe you will be rewarded with a BFP for the pain you had to endure. I am confused on your ultrasound results though. Are you looking like you will ovulate twice? I wonder what causes the follicles to be larger (overripe) than others....This TTC stuff is definitly not getting any easier to figure out!!

Sandoval - So sorry to hear about DH's results. Don't get too down on this news though. There are ways DH can improve his count. Other than no baths, have him take a daily vitamin containing Zinc. My DH has been taking ones specifically for the male reproductive system. I'm also in the same boat as you, with fearing we wont be able to conceive naturally. Not sure why it matters so much to me. Perhaps its fear of the process, or just wanting to be "normal". Either way it happens though, your going to love your baby just the same.

AFM, DH and I are going to meet with the fertility specialist on Thursday. I am excited to move forward, although am really scared if we have to endure some of the more invasive procedures to concieve. So far, we haven't told any of our friends or family about our "issues". Everyone we know has gotten pregnant so easily so we feel a little alone right now.
Thanks Katikins, I know what you mean about not feeling 'normal' - that's what's getting to me most. Dh and I also haven't told friends or family about our issues ttc; guess we're just hoping we don't have to! We have also been ttc since Sept (going from your sig info). Good luck on Thurs, hope you and dh get some positive news x
Hi girls, hope you are all well. Congrats on your bfp little lotti!!! I'll update the thread bfp numbers with your great news :hugs:

So, dh and I had some very disappointing news (although I knew there had to be SOMETHING going on :cry:) The results of dh's SA were that he has a very low sperm count. His doctor was quite unhelpful though and just basically said, here's the results but I'm not an expert so I can't give more info. I told dh to change to my doctor as he is so lovely, and after a visit to him dh feels much better. My doctor has arranged a follow up SA to compare the results, but he said dh's count looks low looking at the original test. He said if the next result comes back looking similar he will make a referral for us to a fertility specialist.

I feel so down about the prospect of assisted conception hanging over us, yet relieved that we may finally get somewhere at last. Dh has been so upset about it, thinking that he is standing in the way of me becoming pregnant - which is way off how I'm really feeling. I just feel sad I guess that it may not happen naturally? In fact, I'm feeling scared about everything we may have to go through to have a baby. Anyway, sorry for going on... just venting to you girls makes me feel better though x

Aw I'm so sorry Hun... At least u now know there is something... I hear of loads of men with low sperm counts and have lots of baby's... Hopefully if he changes to ur doctor he cud recommend vitamins and what to eat and stuff..... Big hugs :hugs:
Thanks Cheryl, my doctor is definitely better so we'll see what happens after the next test.

I've just noticed in your ticker about another miscarriage? I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Hope you are ok :hugs: xx

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