Well done on the weight loss flutterbaby. You've been pregnant three times and you are still really young. I'm sure you will get a
Sarah I can't believe how many things you can't eat - it must be a nightmare. It sounds a bit like coeliac disease. Have you ever tried spelt bread instead of wheat? Doves Farm do Spelt Flour and I use it to make bread sometimes. I find kneading bread really therapeutic especially when I imagine it's someone who's upset me's head! Lol!
I am feeling quite old today as all you lovely ladies seem to be much younger than me. I was supposed to be heading to bed a while ago but can't seem to relax. I've been quite good on the food front today although I missed breakfast which was bad. I'm quite proud that I've managed to cut back on my caffeine though. I don't drink coffee but have been known to drink between 6 and 8 cups of tea a day. I've been cutting back and am now drinking 3. Chocolate is my downfall, I've only ever managed to give it up once and I missed it like crazy.

Sarah I can't believe how many things you can't eat - it must be a nightmare. It sounds a bit like coeliac disease. Have you ever tried spelt bread instead of wheat? Doves Farm do Spelt Flour and I use it to make bread sometimes. I find kneading bread really therapeutic especially when I imagine it's someone who's upset me's head! Lol!
I am feeling quite old today as all you lovely ladies seem to be much younger than me. I was supposed to be heading to bed a while ago but can't seem to relax. I've been quite good on the food front today although I missed breakfast which was bad. I'm quite proud that I've managed to cut back on my caffeine though. I don't drink coffee but have been known to drink between 6 and 8 cups of tea a day. I've been cutting back and am now drinking 3. Chocolate is my downfall, I've only ever managed to give it up once and I missed it like crazy.