Hi ladies
I went online to find some losing weight buddies with TTC in mind and found you all!
My situation is probably different from most, I've just had my third m/c... all in 2009 so concieving is not my problem. But before we see the specialists and whilst we're on a break and I need to have something else to keep busy I'm focussing on getting my BMI down. Currently its 38 and if I can get it down in 32 in 4/6 months I'd be pretty happy.
My name is Sarah, 29 and been married to my DH (30) for two years. Right now we're just shifting our focus to personal development and savings etc so that we don't get to caught up in feeling like we can't have kids... we can, I know we can, it's just obviously a damn site harder than most people have to go through.
Look forward to getting to know you all better, and dropping those dress sizes for pretty baby bumps to form.