TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Tiger I agree with Twinklie. When you get your bfp, I would be really honest with her. She will be pleased for YOU but sad again for HERSELF but that cannot stop you feeling joy? I hope she has her own happy announcement very soon. Have you helped a lot of people with fertility issues?

Twinklie...yey for o...finally! And I'm so glad either way there is no regrets about bd'ing! Right TWW for you too now!

Hope keep going! Bet youre shattered this cycle!!

Thanks princess!!

Which day do you all think was actually my O, CD16 or CD18? I suppose a few more temps and FF might move my O date. This is the first time I don't really know what dpo I am, usually I can tell so easily. This will make deciding when to test so much harder....
I got my :bfp: today at 9dpo!!!

I am crying like a baby right now (at work!! haha)! Congrats!!!! Congrats!!! Tell us everything: feelings, emotions, changes in your body, everything! :) :hugs: Congrats, hun!!! How wonderful!

Hello everyone!! I think I'm starting to get another LH surge. Not sure, but I've had SHOW since last night and ewcm. I also felt some mittelschmerzy stuff today on my right side (it was on the left when I had the last surge). I'm just keeping up the BD and checking opk. Not getting a fully positive opk yet, but it seems to be darker than yesterday. Who knows, but we're just going to keep BDing and testing once a week! Keeping up hope and trying to stay calm.:thumbup:

Tigermom, I can't believe you live with your in-laws! :saywhat: You are a strong lady! I don't think I would last a day! Also, I agree with Twinklie that you should tell your friend when you get pregnant and make sure she knows that its ok if she's not totally happy for you.

Twinklie, it sounds like you'll be Oing very soon! I hope you get confirmation tomorrow!

I hope everyone else is doing well!!

Thank you and thank you. It was a horribly rocky start, but things get better and better each moment. Our biggest problem is our similarity, and (as I said before) the differences are VERY different. She is very manipulative. I've quoted her saying to her son "you are making my heart so cold." :roll: I wish I were kidding! haha Having said all of that, I think she is working on things, and we are building our relationship.

Yay for the surge!!! Yay for lots of bd'ing!!! Keep us posted :)

So you can see in my chart, my temp finally jumped! FF says I ovulated on CD 16. To me it looks like I ovulated on CD 18. Either way we BD-ed well so I am just so happy to be in the TWW !

It even looks like we are both 3dpo (according to FF). I agree that it looks more like CD 18, but FF probably also based it off of your fertile signs?!?!? I'm still new to that site, so I am not 100% sure how they calculate the crosshairs. Either way, Happy TWW!!! :happydance:

Tiger I agree with Twinklie. When you get your bfp, I would be really honest with her. She will be pleased for YOU but sad again for HERSELF but that cannot stop you feeling joy? I hope she has her own happy announcement very soon. Have you helped a lot of people with fertility issues?

Twinklie...yey for o...finally! And I'm so glad either way there is no regrets about bd'ing! Right TWW for you too now!

Hope keep going! Bet youre shattered this cycle!!

Thank you! I think I will just do that. I will acknowledge that she doesn't have to put on any face for me. Just feel what she feels, but I wanted to let her know. She is a lovely person, so she wouldn't bring me down with it, but I would just hate to hurt her! Thank you, everyone for all the wonderful input!!! :flower:

Jokerette, please keep us posted on everything!!

A lucky threat, indeed!!

:dust: for all :hugs:
Twinklie, what happens if you go ahead in FF and add in high temps for tomorrow and the next day?
Twinklie, what happens if you go ahead in FF and add in high temps for tomorrow and the next day?

Even if I add in high temps for the next 2 days and EWCM for CD 17 and CD18, it still shows O as CD 16. So I guess maybe that is it? Just so unlike me to not have my temp jump above coverline after O.
Hi ladies! I am on CD7. AF finally stopped. I had a rough day yesterday. My daughters school called me to tell me that my youngest daughter was crying since her ear was hurting.:cry: DH and I took her to the urgent care, and they was about to turn us away since they said they have too many people. I was getting angry and then the lady called us back to just check her temp. Her temp was 101, and they gave us a prescription for her ear infection. I couldn't believe that they was going to send us away. My daughter had a field trip today to go to a nature center but I just told her teacher what was going on. It is very cold out, and the kids will be walking around outside for at least 4 hours. It will be a lot of kids in class will be sniffling, and coughing tomorrow in school. The good news is that my daughter is doing better.

How is everybody doing today??:hugs:
Hey everyone!!

Momwife, that's awful I can't believe they would send a child away when you have taken her in because she is in pain?! I'm glad she got her medicine and hopefully she starts to feel better soon. Hugs to you, it's so stressful when they are ill isn't it. Good luck this cycle, glad the watch has gone!!

Twinklie I'm not that great with ff either. It's good news that you have ov-ed either way though and that you covered bding so much! Hopefully you have done enough and your bfp will be soon!! Eeekkk!!

Jokerette woo hoooo!! Congrats hun, that's brilliant news! Tell us all! Make sure you send us some of that baby dust and make this a lucky lucky thread.

Tiger I find most people, even if they are upset inside, do find it best that you are upfront and honest about being pregnant. My step sister has been ttc for 6 years and has fertility issues so when I got pregnant last time, even though it was hard I called her (we live several hours apart) and told her so she heard it from me first. She was grateful I'd told her before she heard it from other family and was happy for me. So hopefully your friend will respect your honesty when the time comes.

Princess are you having a lovely time?

I got a faint pos on an opk last night and this morning so I guess I'm going to ov maybe tomorrow? I don't know how long they take to go positive or as dark as the control line but hopefully it will be soon!! We've dtd every other day for most of the cycle now haha and dtd last night so not sure if to do it again tonight or wait till tomorrow night. Don't want to miss it!!
I'm holding my pee to hopefully take another test tonight! i better see another line!!!! FX

Twinklie, interesting... FF bass it off of 100000's of charts and compares the data. thouhg they are wrong sometimes! either way you BD'd the same days and youre covered. Hey, now youre 3dpo, even better! :)
Congrats Jokerette!! I'm so happy to finally see a BFP in our group!! I hope its the beginning of many. I would love to hear your symptoms!! Even though we all try not to symptom spot, we still do.
Twinklie, I'm no expert on ff so I don't know how they decide when you ovulate. I would say just go with what they think it is and see how it goes. You're only 2 days from where you think it could be so you could always just wait the two days before you test...:haha:...or just wait as long as you can to test.

Momwife, glad to see you're on your way to ovulate. I can't believe the emergency would even think about turning away a child. That's just ridiculous, but at least she's doing better now.

Mrs W, I hope you got your positive opk today!! Yay for BDing!! Even if you do it every other day, you're still in the ov window!

CD33 for me today. I haven't done my opk yet today. I'm trying to hold my pee for a couple hours before I test. I'm really hoping I get a positive. Then I can maybe start referring to my CD/dpo together. I really hope I get something today, but I'm still staying calm. I have to say though that I am still tempted to take a pregnancy test each morning. I'm going to wait till Friday and it can't come fast enough. I'm just settling for peeing on an opk for now.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!!
Momwife: I am so sorry about the sick kiddo. I was one to struggle with ear infections all the time as a kid, and it always was the worst when it wasn't taken seriously. Glad she finally got her medicine. I used to cut an onion in half and put it in the microwave for a few seconds (just to get warm... careful, it overheats fast), and then place it over my ear. That, combined with the medicine, would be really soothing, albeit stinky haha. My doctor told me about it, and it worked wonders for the pain and healing. Something in the sulfur can penetrate the ear drum when most things cannot?!?!? I even had to have tubes put in, and I currently have hearing problems with my left ear because last year, the drum ruptured from an infection. The onion helped a lot with the pain. :hugs: to you and your little one. Sending healthy thoughts for a fast recovery.

I'm currently 3dpo and it is kind of nice. I'm not far enough into it to have anything to symptom spot. FF finally gave me the crosshairs?!?! Did I say that right? So that is exciting! My estimated af (aka testing date) is Nov. 8th. I don't plan on buying any cheap pregnancy tests, but I so want to! haha I think I will wait for clear blue or one of those, and just get it for my expected period date. Although, with my first born, I didn't test positive until af was 2 days late.
Symptoms so far... these are exactly the same as when i was pregnant with DS1!!

Exhausted beyond belief on what was probably implantation day. I slept almost all day, thank goodness for my husband who watched out son while i stayed in bed. not sick... just so tired. now today im fine! Same with DS1

I have had a backache the past couple days, which i got last time right before my BFP. it lasted for about 2 weeks.

Also, I've had stomach twinges for a few days. And runny/stuffy nose.

I did not have much morning sickness with DS1 so hopefully that will stay the same!

sending :dust: to everyone!
Symptoms so far... these are exactly the same as when i was pregnant with DS1!!

Exhausted beyond belief on what was probably implantation day. I slept almost all day, thank goodness for my husband who watched out son while i stayed in bed. not sick... just so tired. now today im fine! Same with DS1

I have had a backache the past couple days, which i got last time right before my BFP. it lasted for about 2 weeks.

Also, I've had stomach twinges for a few days. And runny/stuffy nose.

I did not have much morning sickness with DS1 so hopefully that will stay the same!

sending :dust: to everyone!

Thanks! Its always nice to hear symptoms just to compare! It must be nice to have the same symptoms! I hope I have the same as last time. At least that would give me some hope! I hope the morning sickness stays away!!
Symptoms so far... these are exactly the same as when i was pregnant with DS1!!

Exhausted beyond belief on what was probably implantation day. I slept almost all day, thank goodness for my husband who watched out son while i stayed in bed. not sick... just so tired. now today im fine! Same with DS1

I have had a backache the past couple days, which i got last time right before my BFP. it lasted for about 2 weeks.

Also, I've had stomach twinges for a few days. And runny/stuffy nose.

I did not have much morning sickness with DS1 so hopefully that will stay the same!

sending :dust: to everyone!

Seems like all good signs jokerette! eeee! How nice to see a BFP! Keep us up to date with your symptoms and tests. FX for a sticky baby!

Now we just need more BFPs on our thread!
Momwife, I hope you are having a better day today. Ear infections are fun for no one, I sufferred from them all the time as a kid. My mom could practically call the doctor and get a prescription over the phone without an appointment I had them so often.

AFM: I am DPO2 or DPO4, depending on who I believe. No real symptoms to speak of, other that being totally exhausted yesterday. But that could be because I haven't gotten enough sleep lately and I am missing my caffienne! Trying to be patient but really can't wait to test. I am sure I will cave and test based on the DPO date that says I am further along. haha. If I wait to DPO10... that would be Nov 5th or Nov 7th. Hmmmm. Figures that is a suuuuper busy week at work, and either way i will be distracted!
Hi ladies ! I started a TTC journal today - link in my signature. Figured it would be good to track my symptoms and whatnot. Please feel free to stalk me!!! :hugs:

:dust: for all!
I noticed a huge increase in fatigue for at least a couple weeks after cutting out caffeine Twinklie... It's hard!
Tiger I agree with Twinklie. When you get your bfp, I would be really honest with her. She will be pleased for YOU but sad again for HERSELF but that cannot stop you feeling joy? I hope she has her own happy announcement very soon. Have you helped a lot of people with fertility issues?

Twinklie...yey for o...finally! And I'm so glad either way there is no regrets about bd'ing! Right TWW for you too now!

Hope keep going! Bet youre shattered this cycle!!

I just realized that I missed your question about treating people for fertility issues. Sorry about that :dohh:

I have seen so many women for fertility issues (because I worked to get those shifts in school) that I have to go back to my clinic binder (from training) and add up the cases! haha. I know that I personally saw over 100 people for women's health (out of the 500 patient contacts I graduated with). About 50 were preparing for pregnancy or actively trying. In school, I assisted in many conceptions.

Because we had shifts where we treated patients, a lot of the patients would follow the supervisor in order for consistency. It is much tougher to follow a student clinician, where their schedule may shift times and days. That meant starting cases and watching others finish them, finishing cases others started. etc.. I worked my butt off getting onto shifts with the resident fertility expert, and she was fantastic. After graduation, I haven't seen as many people, since our clinic is very young. I have helped 2 women actually conceive in our practice, and I am currently working on a few. I wish my friend would come see me, but she is so skeptical. :( That's ok. I totally understand. I just hate sitting back and doing nothing for someone. :hugs:
Confirmed with a digi, and here is todays tests added to the progression.

Symptoms at 11 dpo today ... backache... slightly nauseous/hungry.... runny nose .... twinges
How exciting!!!! I love it! Thank you for sharing those pics :hugs::kiss::flower:

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