Hello Ladies!
I have been busy cleaning my house, and my daughters have been sick.but now they are doing much better. I had a phone interview with an hospital yesterday! I am so happy about it, I hope they will call me back within 2 weeks to let me know that they want to a face to face interview. I am keeping my FX!
I am on CD11. I forgot to take my temp this morning since I had to get up early this morning to wash a lot of clothes.I think I will ovulate sometime next week.
How is everybody doing today?
Take it easy tiger! I wonder if your body found it harder because a little bean is settling in?Doing well. Had to do a ton of raking and sweeping at our clinic because the storm we just had made our driveway, sidewalk, and yard totally unrecognizable. Spent about an hour doing that, and then we have about as much at our house.
My body is hurting, but I am not doing any heavy lifting, nothing too strenuous, or too much bearing down. I am trying to just help get it done without overexerting.
But I am happy, loving life, and enjoying the crisp fall weather.
Hello everyone! CD38 today and feeling pretty good. Had some slight cramps and chest pain today. Not like "oh man, I'm having a heart attack pain". Its more like a muscle ache in the middle of my chest. I only remember having this when I was pregnant with my girls and my bbs were growing. My bbs are pretty small so thats why I can feel the muscles in my chest I guess. It could just be some random hormonal thing of course. I don't want to get my hopes too high, but lets keep our FX'd!!
How's everyone else doing today?
Can't wait to see some tests and BFPS!!
No AF yet for me yet... But I know the chemical pregnancy will happen soon
Todays FRER's and IC's are both almost blank... so hCG is definitely going down. I sort of hope AF comes soon.
I'm sure someday when I do hold my rainbow baby in my arms i will know exactly why this happened... and I don't know if this makes me selfish, but if this egg wasn't a strong egg then I think it was meant to be because having a baby who would struggle to survive in the world is difficult to... so when the time comes I hope for a strong, healthy pregnancy with a strong healthy baby in the end. Even though I know I will never know the pain of someone who carries a baby long term, or into 2nd trimester, or even further into 1st tri, I did let myself get attached to this little bean, even if only for a few short days. I found myself planning when we would tell friends, imagining and wondering if its a boy or a girl, calculating how far apart the kids would be, and even how much fun we would have next summer as a family of 4. But, I am really finding peace knowing that this was not cause by anything I did, and knowing that this really is the plan of something bigger and greater than me. xoxox, im also so thankful for you BNB girls. Thank you for being so supportive, and for no one belittling it saying it is "just a chemical" or anything like that.
I can't wait to see some more fall BFPS and join you hopefully next month!