TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Jokerette, I would love to read Husband's Secret with you! I just finished a book so I am on the market for a new good read. Plus I have a TON of time off coming up so I will need to fill my relaxing days. :) Glad you are enjoying the Divergent series... I think they are making it into a movie too...

PK - good for you staying strong! Us POAS addicts admire your strength. haha. When do you plan to test, or are you going to just wait until you can't stand it anymore?

Momwife - I hope these symptoms are for a great reason! FX! Keep us posted.

For me, the main two things I give up during the TWW are caffiene (I miss my coffee but have decaf tea instead) and alcohol. I'm not a huge drinker so it's not that tough unless we have a big social outing then it's a little awkward. We do takeout with some neighbors every Friday night so they pretty much know we are TTC and expect me to not drink every other two weeks. They don't really pry but I can tell they are hopeful for me.

I do also give up fake sweetners like sweet and low and diet soda etc. I've for the most part given those up entirely while I am TTC, so now I use regular sugar in my coffee before the TWW etc. I do have a diet coke addition, so I let myself have that before the TWW but stop once I O. Plus I skip cold cuts and soft cheeses during the TWW. And to think guys get to do whatever they want! :)
Jokerette, you say you give up wine 1 week before O.. why is that? Should I be giving stuff up the week before my TWW?
Ive not poas yet this whole ttc...the :witch: keeps getting me :dohh:
I'm desperate to do one, but I have such a fear of seeing a :bfn: I like to test my patience, I'm also one of thoses annoying team yellow people!!
I've decided af is due next Wednesday so we will see, hopefully I will get the chance to plan a test this time....pretty please!

That's interesting what people are giving up.i don't drink coffee,but haven't given up my tea, I don't have many though and if they are at home they are herbal or decaf. I don't like soft cheese. But what are cold cuts? I do still drink diet coke, but I on,y have a couple if glasses a week. Do you think I should be giving up more??

I have got 2 massive spots come out on my face today, a sure sign of!

Momwife how are you doing?? Xxx
I didn't really give anything up in the tww, but I wouldn't have anything to excess either. I'd have the odd glass of wine, warm bath (still do now, just not too hot), limited caffeine. I wouldn't go crazy on anything but also I knew it could take a while to get pregnant and then I'd be giving it all up for 9 months.

Having a bad week, we had to have our beloved cat put to sleep yesterday and I'm totally heartbroken. It was a big shock, he'd been poorly but I never thought he was that ill. Struggling to come to terms with him being gone and missing him terribly.

Sorry you're feeling sick princess, I hope it's pregnancy related and not bug. How many dpo are you now? You are good not testing or ss! Fingers crossed for you.

Lots of :dust: to everyone!!
Cold cuts are like deli meat. Ham, turkey, etc. Hard to hide when work caters a lunch meeting and it is all sandwhiches! Chicken salad saves the day.

Momwife - so sorry to hear about your cat, that is devastating. :( xoxo
Aw mrsw I'm so sorry about your cat, was he an old cat? We have a cat and they become such a big part of the family, it must be really sad for you all right now. Did Freya get on with the cat? :hugs:
Thanks Twinklie...not heard of avoiding those??

Not really sure how many dpo I am?...6?
Aw mrsw I'm so sorry about your cat, was he an old cat? We have a cat and they become such a big part of the family, it must be really sad for you all right now. Did Freya get on with the cat? :hugs:

No he was only 9 so not really old. That's why it was so unexpected. He collapsed on Tuesday night (he had been under the weather for a few days so I was keeping an eye on him but had no idea how ill he was) and it turned out he had a big tumour on his kidneys and his kidneys had completely lost all function. There was nothing the vets could do :cry:

Freya loved him! Does your lo like your cat? We do have another cat, but she is quite wild, very independent and doesn't like much human contact, whereas the other one was so loving and had a huge personality. I will miss him terribly. I never saw it coming. I can't stop thinking all the 'what ifs' and wishing I had noticed sooner. Plus when Freya arrived he was suddenly not my baby anymore and had to take a backseat, now I feel so guilty, if only I'd known it was the last year of his life. I thought we had years together yet. :cry: :cry:

Sorry to take over the thread xx
They say that deli meat can carry some bacteria that can be harmful to pregnant women/cause miscarriage. They are ok if they are heated up though.
Aw mrsw I'm so sorry about your cat, was he an old cat? We have a cat and they become such a big part of the family, it must be really sad for you all right now. Did Freya get on with the cat? :hugs:

No he was only 9 so not really old. That's why it was so unexpected. He collapsed on Tuesday night (he had been under the weather for a few days so I was keeping an eye on him but had no idea how ill he was) and it turned out he had a big tumour on his kidneys and his kidneys had completely lost all function. There was nothing the vets could do :cry:

Freya loved him! Does your lo like your cat? We do have another cat, but she is quite wild, very independent and doesn't like much human contact, whereas the other one was so loving and had a huge personality. I will miss him terribly. I never saw it coming. I can't stop thinking all the 'what ifs' and wishing I had noticed sooner. Plus when Freya arrived he was suddenly not my baby anymore and had to take a backseat, now I feel so guilty, if only I'd known it was the last year of his life. I thought we had years together yet. :cry: :cry:

Sorry to take over the thread xx
Oh that is just too young to lose him, I'm sorry :cry:
It sounds like he enjoyed a lovely life with you guys and I'm sure there was nothing you could have done any different :hugs:
What have you told Freya?

Our cat sounds like your other cat. He is a rescue cat, part Siamese and part ginger Tom and is a bit of a monkey! He is very loving but on his own terms and has been known to bite if you stroke him. My F loves him though and she knows where and how he likes to be stroked.
He went missing for a few days a couple of years ago and it was terrible, so scary. I put up posters around our street and luckily somebody checked a house where the owners had gone on holiday...he had got in the cat flap left on in-only, poor baby was so thin. I agree though since F has been born he has been relegated.

Thinking of you xxx

They say that deli meat can carry some bacteria that can be harmful to pregnant women/cause miscarriage. They are ok if they are heated up though.
thanks Twinklie :hugs: xxx
Mrs W, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I know your pain. I lost my cat a few years back due to she was ill. I have plenty of pics to look at but it just is not the same since she is not here Sending :hugs::hugs::hugs:: your way.flower:

I am still having cramps off and on. Couldn't wear my fav jeans today since I was bloated. Would be nice if AF does not show up on Sunday!
I really only give up coffee. Since with our first lo, we weren't TTC, so I was having coffee (in Grad school, so you can imagine that the coffee was flowing through me in large quantities :haha:), and as soon as I POAS and got that positive, I cut it out instantly. During finals week. It was miserable. I have been trying to stick with decaf through the entire time, but caffeine just tastes so much better. Plus, it's difficult to find a coffee that is almost entirely decaf (as it is usually only decaffeinated to the point of having as much as black teas), not to mention finding a cheap brand that doesn't use formaldehyde to extract the caffeine (which most do :sick:). To be honest though, I will not beat myself up if I decide to have some tea on occasion, or I accidentally order a drink somewhere that isn't decaf. I try my best.

Other than that, no alcohol (though when I'm told I can't, that's when I want a big ole drink of something), and I don't smoke.
sorry mrs W for the loss of your cat!! we have 2 cats it must be very hard:hugs:

the only things I cut out was alcohol and no no foods like smelly cheeses and things that you cant eat in pregnancy but only in the tww. I did drink tea and you are allowed a small amount of caffine a week so I wouldn't worry to much:hugs:

good luck girls!!!!:flower:
Twinklie... LOL it's silly of me, but I give up wine the week before O so that I don't have a drunk egg floating down the Fallopian tubes!!! Haha! Dumb I know. But after the first few months of trying DH sort of requested I do that ... Sigh, so I do. I requested he also eat/drink healthier the week before O also! Haha it's only fair! ;)
Thank you riks, princess & momwife, it means a lot xxx

Pk we haven't really explained anything to Freya, she's only 16 months so a bit young, she hasn't noticed at all that he's not here. I have tried not to cry in front of her though.

Mrs W, I am so sorry that you are going through this. I know your pain. I lost my cat a few years back due to she was ill. I have plenty of pics to look at but it just is not the same since she is not here Sending :hugs::hugs::hugs:: your way.flower:

I am still having cramps off and on. Couldn't wear my fav jeans today since I was bloated. Would be nice if AF does not show up on Sunday!
Eeeeeeeek I'm hoping the cramps and bloating is for a good reason. Do you usually have this? Is af due Sunday? Wishing she doesn't come :dust: keep us updated xxx
I really only give up coffee. Since with our first lo, we weren't TTC, so I was having coffee (in Grad school, so you can imagine that the coffee was flowing through me in large quantities :haha:), and as soon as I POAS and got that positive, I cut it out instantly. During finals week. It was miserable. I have been trying to stick with decaf through the entire time, but caffeine just tastes so much better. Plus, it's difficult to find a coffee that is almost entirely decaf (as it is usually only decaffeinated to the point of having as much as black teas), not to mention finding a cheap brand that doesn't use formaldehyde to extract the caffeine (which most do :sick:). To be honest though, I will not beat myself up if I decide to have some tea on occasion, or I accidentally order a drink somewhere that isn't decaf. I try my best.

Other than that, no alcohol (though when I'm told I can't, that's when I want a big ole drink of something), and I don't smoke.
I'm glad I don't like coffee, seems hard to give up! I only drink black or herbal tea so your decaf sounds good to me!
How are you doing tiger? Has af gone? Any new plans for this cycle?
Thank you riks, princess & momwife, it means a lot xxx

Pk we haven't really explained anything to Freya, she's only 16 months so a bit young, she hasn't noticed at all that he's not here. I have tried not to cry in front of her though.

good plan no I don't think she would really need an explanation at that age. You should keep some pictures to show her when she's older though?

I'm feeling better today, sicky feelings have gone so it must have been dh's bug :dohh: I do have some twingey aches in my hip, but I think it's from my workout program! I'm so desperate for it to be our cycle this time...positive thinking.
Oh I did a bad thing this morning, I was asked outright by a friend from antenatal class if we were ttc. I said no :wacko: I don't like lying but I am a pretty private person and even dh doesn't fully know we are!! Do you think that was bad? :shrug: xxx
I only get cramps like a day or the same day before AF arrives. AF is due Sunday. I keep thinking maybe this cycle will be different.:shrug: I am now 13DPO. Still having cramps off and on.

princess, I wouldn't worry about since you are a private person. You can tell people in your own time or tell them when you get pregnant. Don't worry! My hubby thinks that I have stopped thinking about TTC since I used to talk about it all the time. Now I just chat about it here. He said that it seems like it was stressing me out with taking temps every morning, and getting angry when AF shows up every month.

I stopped drinking coffee a week ago and I drink less soda/pop now. I do not smoke but I drink every now and then.
I'm doing well. Af is long gone, and I'm just waiting to O. My mornings have been really terrible though with temping because I get to sleep in one day, and then I'm up early the next. I rarely get the luxury of sleeping in too, so I'm not going to set my alarm to temp :haha:. So far, no O signs.

Taking my herbs, and getting treatments, so that is nice. Really hoping to not suffer the intense ovarian cyst this time around.

I also just found out we are going to Taiwan on Jan 15th. My MIL is staying here since she just returned from there, but we will be there for 3 weeks. I'm really excited, and I'm so nervous!! I feel blessed to be able to get this gift though :cloud9:

For this cycle, I think we are casually trying every other day, and then if I get that "vroom! Gotta get me some :winkwink: All engines are a-go!" :haha: Then we will toss in an extra. If I get EWCM (which I haven't really been getting), we'll do the same. I will be away from the hubby tomorrow night, as I am seeing Jesus Christ Superstar with my parents. I will surprise my dh tonight with some bd'ing, and then tomorrow I will be away. I hope O isn't this soon, but with my cycles, I wouldn't put it past myself! haha Two weeks isn't really enough time to see much change from the herbs and treatment, but we'll see... FXed!!!

As you can see below, my temp is going to be of little assistance this time around. It's all over the place. Each morning is a very different wake-up time.
I wouldn't worry princess, a lot of my friends have admitted when they've been ttc and I've still said I wasn't ready even if I was ttc as well. I just don't like the thought that if it did take me a long time, people would know and be wondering what was going on. It's just too personal for me. But most close friends and family know we do want another and soonish so they won't be surprised. It's not a lie, just a little fib, don't feel bad! My step sister told us all after her wedding they were ttc and wanted a baby ASAP. That was 6 years ago. No babies yet :-( I think that's why I never say anything.

Momwife I hope the cramping is a good sign!

So looking forward to more bfps on this thread soon xxxx
Ps princess, I do have some photos of Freya and both cats so will keep them for her xx

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