TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

I'm so sorry for your loss, Twinklie. It sounds like you have a wonderful attitude though!!

Here's to an extra fertile cycle! :drunk:

Sending lots of :dust: your way :)
Twinkle I'm cd 10 so almost the same stage! We can keep each other sane during the tww!

Sorry to hear about your mc last cycle, keep
Positive you know you can get pregnant now so fingers crossed for this cycle! X
So, my forum sisters...

What I thought was freakishly early ovulation for me might be lingering AF. I typically spot a little before and a little after, but this cycle ended so quickly on cd 3.

I have been cramping all yesterday and even have had cm changes (not ewcm by any means), and I knew it was weird because I have been tracking my af for about a year. My cycle is regular (25-27 days), but I have had one really short one (21 days) when I was stressed with graduation, etc. I figured this was just going to be that one, but I think it is lingering spotting.

I am cd 7, and ovulation hasn't occurred yet, so I hope it isn't enough to derail a potential pregnancy. If I look back at my other cycles, I would have just spotted until this time, so it really isn't abnormal compared to those, except for the stopping for 2 whole days. What do you lovely ladies think?
So, my forum sisters...

What I thought was freakishly early ovulation for me might be lingering AF. I typically spot a little before and a little after, but this cycle ended so quickly on cd 3.

I have been cramping all yesterday and even have had cm changes (not ewcm by any means), and I knew it was weird because I have been tracking my af for about a year. My cycle is regular (25-27 days), but I have had one really short one (21 days) when I was stressed with graduation, etc. I figured this was just going to be that one, but I think it is lingering spotting.

I am cd 7, and ovulation hasn't occurred yet, so I hope it isn't enough to derail a potential pregnancy. If I look back at my other cycles, I would have just spotted until this time, so it really isn't abnormal compared to those, except for the stopping for 2 whole days. What do you lovely ladies think?

So I am no expert, but I don't think the length of AF really matters. I track my cycle on fertility friend and day one of AF is day one if your cycle. But I suppose my AF is always the same 3 or 4 days so it wouldn't change anything for me. And I use OPKs and temping to track my day of O.
Twinkle I'm cd 10 so almost the same stage! We can keep each other sane during the tww!

Sorry to hear about your mc last cycle, keep
Positive you know you can get pregnant now so fingers crossed for this cycle! X

Hi Mrs. W! Thanks so much. It is nice to have a cycle buddy! I am waiting on O still, should be a few days. Getting very faint OPKs today. You?
So, my forum sisters...

What I thought was freakishly early ovulation for me might be lingering AF. I typically spot a little before and a little after, but this cycle ended so quickly on cd 3.

I have been cramping all yesterday and even have had cm changes (not ewcm by any means), and I knew it was weird because I have been tracking my af for about a year. My cycle is regular (25-27 days), but I have had one really short one (21 days) when I was stressed with graduation, etc. I figured this was just going to be that one, but I think it is lingering spotting.

I am cd 7, and ovulation hasn't occurred yet, so I hope it isn't enough to derail a potential pregnancy. If I look back at my other cycles, I would have just spotted until this time, so it really isn't abnormal compared to those, except for the stopping for 2 whole days. What do you lovely ladies think?

So I am no expert, but I don't think the length of AF really matters. I track my cycle on fertility friend and day one of AF is day one if your cycle. But I suppose my AF is always the same 3 or 4 days so it wouldn't change anything for me. And I use OPKs and temping to track my day of O.

Fortunately, my cycles are 99% predictable, so I am not worried about the length of my cycle, but I was just worried about it stopping bleeding and then starting back up. I am not sure if it is af or extremely early ovulation. I am leaning towards lingering af though. I track on FF too and a few others just to learn which one I prefer, but this on and off bleeding was random. haha leave it to my first TTC cycle to be wack-o! I am new to using my cycle for planning a pregnancy and TTC, so I think I am overanalyzing everything :)Thank you for the response!!! :flower:
Welcome Tigermom! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Its really nice to hear ladies who didn't get BFP till much later in their cycle. I see so many ladies on here with BFPs on 8/9/10dpo! Thats when I think, geez, I am so out this cycle, but you guys give me a little hope. :hugs: I'm no expert on ovulation or cycles, but I'm going to agree with you that its probably lingering AF. A bit weird though that it stopped for a couple days.

Twinklie12! Its nice to see you staying so positive after your loss! I hope you get your BFP this cycle!!

I think AF is listening to you Princesskell because I've been waiting for her all day and she is hiding really good. I feel like she's right there. I've had very slight cramps today which are a bit lower in the abdomen and lower back pain and of course, sore bbs. I'm tempted to test again, but I'm trying to hold off till the morning. Besides, I can't even hold my pee for longer than an hour. I have the smallest bladder ever! I would never even know if frequent peeing was a symptom :shrug:.

How's everyone else doing?
Awww I am a frequent pee'r too. I drink probably 12 or more glasses of water a day (habit from my last pregnancy), and I don't think I can tell whether or not that is a symptom. I am only cd 7, so I am not even close to that point.

I am so glad that af is staying away at this point!!

How am I doing? hahah good question. We just really accepted that we are TTC today (dealing with insurance, and getting on a plan that covers maternity now), and so we are still in teetering between utter bliss and total panic! I am sure we will settle in bliss soon... hopefully?!?!? haha:happydance::wacko:
Hi twinklie :wave:come and join us!
Sorry about your loss, I hope the next time you see those lines they get darker and darker for you :hugs:

Tigermom, I would say lingering af???? Only because I think it would be a bit early for o?? Did you say you were temping? Hope it sorts itself out. Have you started dtd'ing yet this cycle?

Hope frequent peeing is most definitely a symptom!! :winkwink:

It's 2.20am here and I'm awake :dohh: I was woken by F coughing, but she's still asleep and I couldn't get back to sleep. I have dull tummy and back aches and just feel blah...rubbish!
Awww I am a frequent pee'r too. I drink probably 12 or more glasses of water a day (habit from my last pregnancy), and I don't think I can tell whether or not that is a symptom. I am only cd 7, so I am not even close to that point.

I am so glad that af is staying away at this point!!

How am I doing? hahah good question. We just really accepted that we are TTC today (dealing with insurance, and getting on a plan that covers maternity now), and so we are still in teetering between utter bliss and total panic! I am sure we will settle in bliss soon... hopefully?!?!? haha:happydance::wacko:

Hahaha! It's pretty stressful just deciding to have another child. DH and I always knew we wanted 3, but we still keep wondering what we were thinking. :shrug: My girls are 4 and 2 1/2 so I'm not sure how I'll handle it. I just thought my oldest will be in kindergarten so she'll be gone from 9-3 on weekdays and my younger one will be in preschool which is 9-1130am 3x/week. That will give me some time alone with baby...hopefully. It was pretty hard when I had my second because I had 2 under 2, but we got through it and I know you'll do great too! :happydance:
I specialize in this stuff with my patients, and for some reason, when the light is on me, I cannot be objective with myself hahah clearly, I am easily and overexcited. :happydance:

I truly believe it has to be just random af coming back for a spot. I also battled food poisoning yesterday and the evening before last. That may have played a roll because I was so weak from that.

We have dtd out of celebration a few days ago, but nothing for baby purposes :blush:.

Aww good luck getting back to sleep, hun. I had that night last night. My son coughed around 1, and I woke. Then again at 5, and I was up from that point, even though I didn't need to get up until 7. My BBT reading this morning was probably inaccurate from that.

It is scary deciding that! Are you taking too much time from the other kids? Of course not, but it is still a thought that our crazy brains let us think :p
I specialize in this stuff with my patients, and for some reason, when the light is on me, I cannot be objective with myself hahah clearly, I am easily and overexcited. :happydance:

I truly believe it has to be just random af coming back for a spot. I also battled food poisoning yesterday and the evening before last. That may have played a roll because I was so weak from that.

We have dtd out of celebration a few days ago, but nothing for baby purposes :blush:.

Aww good luck getting back to sleep, hun. I had that night last night. My son coughed around 1, and I woke. Then again at 5, and I was up from that point, even though I didn't need to get up until 7. My BBT reading this morning was probably inaccurate from that.

It is scary deciding that! Are you taking too much time from the other kids? Of course not, but it is still a thought that our crazy brains let us think :p

So I am obviously not a mom yet but I see siblings together and get jealous because my brother and I are almost 9 years apart in age. It sounds cliche but a sibling is such a gift! An adjustment, sure, but don't feel guilty. It is good for them and you in the long run of it is what you want.
Can i join too? I am cycle #3 of TTC #2. We actually did not plan on trying again until this month, but then this summer we got ansy and I had my IUD removed and we started trying in August. I would love a summer baby as i am a teacher and it would be nice to get an extra long maternity leave. Finger crossed to all you ladies!!!!!
Twinklie i have heard so many women feel "extra fertile" the cycle after a MC <3 There's no telling what will happen but I'm sending lots of baby dust your way!!! <3 xoxox
Good morning, all!! Welcome, Jokerette!!!!

Anyone have some interested news? I know that some of you are TWWers. Finally positive that it was left over spotting. The DH and I BD last night, basically timed it so he will have a good healthy clean batch of swimmers for when we are trying. I always tell my patients to BD about 7-5 days before their typical O in order to allow for that old grandpa sperm to move out of the way for strong young-adult swimmers hahah

Cm is higher quantity, but we are not there yet on EWCM. I usually am very easily able to tell when I have EWCM. I think we have a few more days before we are truly BD for a purpose. I am a late O.

I am currently: CD 8, happy, settling down to really accepting that we get to be here TTC!

Where is everyone at in their cycle? How are you feeling?
Twinkle I'm cd 10 so almost the same stage! We can keep each other sane during the tww!

Sorry to hear about your mc last cycle, keep
Positive you know you can get pregnant now so fingers crossed for this cycle! X

Hi Mrs. W! Thanks so much. It is nice to have a cycle buddy! I am waiting on O still, should be a few days. Getting very faint OPKs today. You?

I'm still waiting to ov too. Haven't started peeing on opks yet but will tonight. I never got a pos opk last time I was ttc though so we will see. I looked back at my cycle I got pregnant and it looks like I oved on cd 20 then so ill keep bding to make sure I give myself the best chance.

Am currently sick with a sick child so not much fun in our house!!!
Tigermom you made me laugh with the grandpa sperm comment! great tip though!!

I am 2dpo right now, just waiting for Fertility Friend to draw in those cross hairs tomorrow with one more high temp :) I think we really timed things will this month, having sex both AM and PM, and covering the 4 days preceeding and including ovulation day! We used preseed some days, but not all days, and I had pretty good EWCM myself most of the days too.

Ive been trying to eat (and drink) healthier too this cycle. I cut out all caffeine, even though with my DS1 I waited until after a BFP before cutting it out I decided to start now to help the eggy. I've been more tired than I thought I would be, i didn't realize how much I relied on the caffeine from soda! And I also pretty much cut out all wine. I love my wine before bed so I am missing that a lot, but anything I can do to help TTC is worth it. I might sneak in one glass between now and my eventual BFP, but im trying to be good.

Here's my chart
Tigermom you made me laugh with the grandpa sperm comment! great tip though!!

I am 2dpo right now, just waiting for Fertility Friend to draw in those cross hairs tomorrow with one more high temp :) I think we really timed things will this month, having sex both AM and PM, and covering the 4 days preceeding and including ovulation day! We used preseed some days, but not all days, and I had pretty good EWCM myself most of the days too.

Ive been trying to eat (and drink) healthier too this cycle. I cut out all caffeine, even though with my DS1 I waited until after a BFP before cutting it out I decided to start now to help the eggy. I've been more tired than I thought I would be, i didn't realize how much I relied on the caffeine from soda! And I also pretty much cut out all wine. I love my wine before bed so I am missing that a lot, but anything I can do to help TTC is worth it. I might sneak in one glass between now and my eventual BFP, but im trying to be good.

Here's my chart

OOoooOOO you are definitely in your TWW, and it really does look like you timed it well! Looking good!! Are you planning on paying attention to everything that goes on in the TWW (symptom spotting, as they say), or are you planning on staying out of forums now and not really thinking about it? I know myself, and to say that it won't be 100% on my mind would be lying right out! hahah

Good luck, either way. Your timing and cycle are looking very promising!! :happydance:

Twinkle I'm cd 10 so almost the same stage! We can keep each other sane during the tww!

Sorry to hear about your mc last cycle, keep
Positive you know you can get pregnant now so fingers crossed for this cycle! X

Hi Mrs. W! Thanks so much. It is nice to have a cycle buddy! I am waiting on O still, should be a few days. Getting very faint OPKs today. You?

I'm still waiting to ov too. Haven't started peeing on opks yet but will tonight. I never got a pos opk last time I was ttc though so we will see. I looked back at my cycle I got pregnant and it looks like I oved on cd 20 then so ill keep bding to make sure I give myself the best chance.

Am currently sick with a sick child so not much fun in our house!!!

Sick babes and sick moms are no laughing matter, not a fun time. Get better! Sending healthy thoughts that you are recovered and sexy :winkwink: by the time you ovulate!! Healthy vibes your way <3
Welcome jokerette! I'm hoping for a summer baby too! Dd #1 was conceived in oct 2011 and Ron the following July so I'm hoping for a repeat of that!

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