TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Twinklie: I'm sending you all kinds of love! I think you need a super wonderful Valentine's Conkers treat! A hot bath with bubbles, candles, music, a book or movie and your favorite drink! Make it special... We are all sending our love your way :hugs:<3

CD 24 (roughly 10 dpo, but not sure at all)

I didn't test this morning. As a matter of fact, I laid there and contemplated which method I wanted to waste (for the inevitable bfn), and I was getting so into it that I had to force myself to pee and flush my fmu, so I wouldn't actually do it. I can't afford to be in a sad mood. :haha:

The twins' baby shower is tomorrow, and my mom and I are the hostesses?!?!? Not sure if that is the correct term. Since it is twins, the theme I came up with was Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2, but instead we are saying "Girl 1" and "Girl 2". Super cute and simple. We were supposed to have months to plan the original baby shower, but because she found out it was twins, she became "high risk" and can't travel, pushing the date so we had about a month to plan.

I'm still not spotting, bbs still that different softer painful. However, today I'm feeling less convinced of "pregnancy" and feeling more of that "please! let this be it". Since I feel less convinced, I didn't feel comfortable testing. If I woke up going "Whoa! I totally feel all of those pregnancy symptoms," then I would have been able to handle a bfn, but oh well! It's all moot now :)
Sorry twinklie :hugs:

Tiger I hope the baby shower goes really well, it sounds like it will be fun! I know how you feel about feeling pregnant but also worrying that you are willing yourself to be and I definitely felt that way last cycle. The tww is awful but only a few more days and you should know for sure. We want a bfp this weekend!! X

As for me..... Af still here. It's been pretty light. I'd heard af can be very heavy after a mc but not the case for me. Hopefully it will be gone in a couple if days and I can start temping and opking and generally getting ready for bding!! Valentines tonight and although we don't do much, we get each other cards and we have a marks and Spencer's meal to eat once Freya's in bed. We got scallops to start, rack of lamb and then little profiteroles with salted caramel!! And we have some wine and prosecco but to be honest we've got a few bottles of champagne in the kitchen and once I'm preggo ill breast feed for at least a year if not more (bf Freya for 15 months) so we might as well, don't want them going off!!!!

Anyone else got valentines plans? Xx
Sorry I've been MIA ladies! We got dumped with another foot+ of snow, so the past day and a half we've been shoveling, blowing snow and dealing with the insanity of that storm. Yuck!

My period finally ended and here I am, waiting to O.

I'm so sorry your temp dropped Twink! I will keep my fingers crossed that it perks back up for you! :(

Tiger, I had that happen to me the cycle before last. I got a positive OPK and got cocky about it in my head. I got a BFN. Was so bummed! But it sounds like you have some great signs so I'm hoping that N turns into a P very soon! :)


Our Valentine's plans were kind of demolished by the snow. SIGH. But that's okay. My little sister from my sorority is flying in this weekend for a wedding, so I'm meeting her for bunch tomorrow. She can finally meet my daughter! She lives across the state which doesn't seem far, but it's an 8+ hour drive and she's a nurse with crazy hours, so we never get to see one another. This year, we get to see each other twice! So I'm very excited.

And I have to work tomorrow evening to make up for missing the ability to get stuff done this week. I work from home, but I need time without my daughter to focus.

So I'm making one of my husband's favorite dinners, will hopefully get the little down early for bed and am planning a wine night with my love. :) He said he feels bad that our original plans got changed but honestly, I'm just grateful for time with him. lol!
Happy valentines day everyone!!!
I'm praying someone is cooking a little bean of romance!!

Tiger I totally understand putting off poas. I HATE bfn's and would do anything to avoid seeing them. Maybe you will be ready in a couple of days :hugs:
I hope the shower goes well, it sounds fab xxx

Mrsw that meal sounds gorgeous, you enjoy that champagne! Weird I also bf'd my F until 15 months too :wacko: hope the :witch: leaves soon xxx

Hey swansong, stay warm in all that snow. I hope o is on her way. Get yourself fit and rested for all the bd'ing! Xxx

Still more of the same I'm afraid, a teeny bit of backache and twinges when I cough, but nothing I haven't had before on unsuccessful cycles...:dohh:
Anyway keeping up the excitement and hope :dust: xxx
Spotting last night before bed and the witch showed her face this morning. I am doing ok. Was more sad yesterday with the temp drop and knowing I was out! Trying to keep my head up and stay positive. Being bitter isn't going to help anyone, so trying to be hopeful for this cycle which could result in a little Thanksgiving baby. :)
Princess are we twins?! X
Must be online twins :wacko:

Spotting last night before bed and the witch showed her face this morning. I am doing ok. Was more sad yesterday with the temp drop and knowing I was out! Trying to keep my head up and stay positive. Being bitter isn't going to help anyone, so trying to be hopeful for this cycle which could result in a little Thanksgiving baby. :)
So so gutted for you Twinklie...ttc is getting a bit tedious over here too. Good girl for being hopeful and looking to the future. We have to believe this will happen for us all.
Enjoy your Conkers treat honey...we are all thinking of you.
Relax, chill and get yourself mentally prepared for next cycle :hugs: xxx
We've spent the day with my 36 week pregnant friend and her husband and dd and I've just been as broody as hell!!! Her bump was just adorable and they're so excited! They are such a cute little family-f had loads of fun playing

I kind of keep forgetting I'm in the TWW which is probably a bad thing as it means I feel normal??
Ido have a big bloat tonight but I think that is due to all the yummy food I've eaten today :dohh:, I'm also cold but it's felling freezing her tonight :dohh: nothing unexplainable I'm afraid...but still hopeful xxx
Any test updates tiger?! I'm so hopefully for you and looking out for a post from you.

Sorry af is here twinklie. Obviously I'm back to understanding just how hard it is when she arrives each month and although I haven't been trying as long as some of you because of my mc I've been wanting my sticky bean for a similar time and so I get how hard it's getting. Come on conkers, lets make march our official bfp month!!!

Pk you are getting close now, not many symptoms isn't a bad thing, could easily still be your month! When will you test, when is af due?

So I thought I'd try some new things this month. I didn't notice much ewcm last cycle so I have heard grapefruit juice and evening primrose oil are good for that, anyone else heard this? I have also read people on here taking soy isoflavines to make you ovulate sooner in your cycle. I was pondering that, I don't ov until around cd21 so it would be nice if I could get that to a more 'average' 2 weeks rather than 3 waiting! But I had also thought soy was more for people with very wacky irregular cycles.

Anyway really I wanted advice on what you've all tried, what you would recommend and tips on what to try this cycle!!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Af is still here but tailing off now thank goodness. We had a nice evening on Friday with a nice meal and wines. Yesterday we took Freya to see some baby lambs (there is a farm on the estate where I work) and then my nan and her husband came for the afternoon and dinner. Today's plans are a visit to a local town with lots of antiquey, random shops, delis and things and there's a stream there with loads of ducks which Freya will love.

Next week is operation get ready for ovulation!! Lets make babies!! X
9dpo cd25
I didn't realise how close I was to testing! Still undecided when to test...what does everyone think?
Af could be due from Wednesday and I'm afraid I feel her on the way. I have achy legs and back already :dohh: I'm praying it's not but im well prepared. :shrug:

Mrsw I drank grapefruit juice and took evening primrose oil until o last cycle...didn't notice any extra ewcm though :dohh:
I also drank raspberry leaf tea until o and have been taking vit b complex throughout the cycle :shrug: xxx

Ps Tiger where are you? Xxx
Princess it's good that the tww has gone so fast! Mine felt like a year! I think maybe test Wednesday then if she hasn't arrived? Hopefully your aches are pregnancy related and not af.

Did you have any new to try next cycle incase you are not preggo? (I hope you are though and hopefully you've bought it all ready and won't get to use any of it!!)

I've got my grapefruit juice and just had my first glass so def doing that. I take pregnacare conception. I've also bought some epo to try but have read it can delay ovulation. I already ov on cd21 and had been researching how to move it closer to cd14 so I'm not too keen on delaying it and am now unsure wether to take it. Has anyone heard anything on this?
Hi ladies! PK I can't wait until you test. You know as a POAS addict I would have caved by now haha. FX! MrsW your Vday sounds lovely. I hope you O closer to CD14 and you can get to making babies real soon! I have heard vitamin B complex can help with that as well as lengthen LP. And Swan I also had a low key Vday with my hubby due to the snow, just Chinese take out. But snuggle time is all I really need for Vday. :) We might do a nice dinner next weekend, we'll see.

I have had a good weekend. Had a friends son's first birthday party Saturday. Was good to see some friends and cute kiddos and the decorations were adorable. I had told the boy's mom about my BFP back a month and a half ago and apparently she had told her sister but never let her sister know I miscarried. The poor girl congratulated me on being pregnant..... Sooooo awkward. I was fine really, but the poor girl was mortified. I could also tell my husband was checking on me to make sure I wasn't going to have an emotional breakdown but really other than it being somewhat embarrassing for all involved I didn't feel super sad or anything when it happened. But the girl who told her sister might be off my list of people I tell early! Haha

Anyhow after we left the party we went car shopping for my husband, even though it was snowing. We went again this morning and ended up buying a new car! Trading in his Toyota Corolla for a new Honda Accord. We got the sport version and are adding a sun roof, very exciting!

So I haven't even had a drink yet to pamper myself, go figure. Just not a huge drinker mostly only drink socially. I will look forward to a nice glass of wine next weekend. ;)
Thanks mrsw. Epo didn't change my o date this time and I've not heard that myself :shrug:
I'm going to try exactly the same extras next month, but I might not do smep this time as we are going away for the weekend at the end of the month so I want to be free to bd whenever. Oh I so hope I don't get to next month :wacko:
Still having cramps and now I'm cranky which I was this dpo last cycle :dohh: and my boobs feel hot and tender :dohh:
I might wait to test till Wednesday then? Xxx
Glad you had a good weekend twinkly....sorry about the congratulations, the poor girl would had felt so bad I'm sure. When do you get the new car? We got one on Friday :yipee:

Hope you get that drink tonight xxx
Hi all!

Sorry I haven't checked in since Friday. We went to my parents' house for the weekend, and I didn't have time to break out the computer. I am still doing really well. I am not spotting, yet, and my period is estimated for TODAY! Before I get too excited, I should explain that I have an "irregular" cycle, so the due date can be as late as Tuesday. :shrug:

In most cycles, I would have been spotting by now, and in the smallest scenario, I would have only one day of spotting and that would mean tomorrow is the last day my spotting can start to follow my previous patterns. I'm getting nervous and excited.

HOWEVER!!!! I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning, and it was negative.

SS: I have had shooting pain from my uterus area to my belly button and/or down my leg. I have a sharp sense of smell, nausea, gas/bloating, fatigue, and some full feeling in my uterus. This is a totally different cycle than the others. I just hope it's not another game being played.

Trying to stay positive that if my estimated period was to start Tuesday, then yesterday would have been too early for my late-positive self.

Hi ladies! What a weekend; it went so quickly and we were so busy! Yikes!


Twink, I'm so sorry about AF. Stupid :witch: :hugs:

Tiger, still rooting for you! :happydance:

How were your weekends? Besides doing a lot of work, I actually had a pretty nice one spending time with C and A. C had what will probably be his last Saturday off until after tax season ends, so it was nice to all be together.

A is enrolled to start at preschool in the fall, so I'm excited for that. :) It's something we've wanted to do but things didn't fall together as I had wanted until today. So, that's something to look forward to... though I really wish I was also looking forward to a bump! :lol:

I always swore I wouldn't want a baby during December but really... I won't be picky now! :rofl:

Hope you're all having a good night! :)
Hi all!

Sorry I haven't checked in since Friday. We went to my parents' house for the weekend, and I didn't have time to break out the computer. I am still doing really well. I am not spotting, yet, and my period is estimated for TODAY! Before I get too excited, I should explain that I have an "irregular" cycle, so the due date can be as late as Tuesday. :shrug:

In most cycles, I would have been spotting by now, and in the smallest scenario, I would have only one day of spotting and that would mean tomorrow is the last day my spotting can start to follow my previous patterns. I'm getting nervous and excited.

HOWEVER!!!! I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning, and it was negative.

SS: I have had shooting pain from my uterus area to my belly button and/or down my leg. I have a sharp sense of smell, nausea, gas/bloating, fatigue, and some full feeling in my uterus. This is a totally different cycle than the others. I just hope it's not another game being played.

Trying to stay positive that if my estimated period was to start Tuesday, then yesterday would have been too early for my late-positive self.

hi Tiger...we missed you :flower:
I'm so glad you're still in and no don't worry about the test yet...we test late remember. Let's take each day at a time and celebrate the little milestones, so fxd for no spotting.
Symptoms sound good, I am especially excited about the shooting pains as I definitely got those with F.
Keep us updated xxx

Hi ladies! What a weekend; it went so quickly and we were so busy! Yikes!


Twink, I'm so sorry about AF. Stupid :witch: :hugs:

Tiger, still rooting for you! :happydance:

How were your weekends? Besides doing a lot of work, I actually had a pretty nice one spending time with C and A. C had what will probably be his last Saturday off until after tax season ends, so it was nice to all be together.

A is enrolled to start at preschool in the fall, so I'm excited for that. :) It's something we've wanted to do but things didn't fall together as I had wanted until today. So, that's something to look forward to... though I really wish I was also looking forward to a bump! :lol:

I always swore I wouldn't want a baby during December but really... I won't be picky now! :rofl:

Hope you're all having a good night! :)
Glad you had a good weekend swan. We visited friends and then family and celebrated my dad's birthday. I also got my new car which was very exciting :happydance:
I hope you get your bump to look forward to soon.
I felt exactly the same about December. F was due on the 9th of January and I spent the whole end of my pregnancy trying to keep her in as long past Christmas as I could and this time I thought it would be so easy to just have a summer baby!! Anyway 5 cycles later I don't care when a baby's birthday is, I just want one!! Xxx
Swan & princess I felt the same way about a December baby! I've always loved having a summer birthday so it's not close to Christmas and Freya is a summer baby so I assumed it would be easy to plan the same again! Anyway now I've really come round to the idea and I'm so hoping for a newborn under the twinkly tree lights this year!

Ooh tiger it's sounding good! I so hope that spotting doesn't arrive. It could be you tested to early, will you test tomorrow if no spotting?

Princess are you waiting until weds or an early test? I'm so excited and thinking there's bound to be at least one bfp this month in the conkers !!

Twinklie poor you, I didn't tell many people I was pregnant but it was horrible having to tell those I had told that we 'd lost the baby. I don't know what we will do next time round. Hopefully ill have early scans next time.

Princess what car did you get? I'm looking at getting a new car as well. I've got a golf at the moment but I'd like a 4x4 and c will then have my golf so I won't loose it completely! His car isn't very child friendly so needs to go!!

It's my gramps funeral today so I'm obviously not looking forward to the day. It's at home (Oxford) so a 2 hour car journey there and back.

I've decided not to do epo this cycle just incase it delays ov but ill do grapefruit and I've ordered conceive plus. Can't wait to get on with ovulating.

@Swan and Princess: thank you! I'm still feeling good, but getting more and more nervous. Each trip to the bathroom is a real rollercoaster. The fear then the relief. The fear then the relief. Every time :haha:

@Mrs W: Thank you. I am not sure when I am testing again. Maybe tomorrow if I am still feeling good. If I panic, I might wait until Wednesday. I just don't want to see a "not pregnant." I want to give those hormones a chance to give a blaring "Pregnant". I'm a late positive-tester, so I don't want to unnecessarily be hurt. However, the sooner I test again, the sooner I might get to feel better?!?!? :shrug:

Mrs W-- I'm sending you all the hugs today. I'm so sorry about your grandpa, but I hope today brings you peace. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers all day :hugs:

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