TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Welcome duckie! Tell us about you, how long have you been ttc etc?

I'm ttc no 2. I have a dd who is 19 months now. I fell pregnant first time ttc in October last year but found out I'd had a mmc at 12 weeks in January. Ttc again now but my cycle is not quite back to normal yet, very frustrating.

Duckie, my name is Amy , I'm a friend of your SIL's RedHeadBabies. Twinklie12 is my real life Bestfriend, and SwanxxSong is a friend of mine and RedHeadBabies from our first children.

I have a 2 year old son, and am 14 weeks pregnant with #2. I had a loss in November and the Conkers have been just an amazing support system. Unfortunately we have had our share of losses here.... but we have been here to lean on and comfort eachother. We have a pretty good mix of TTC#2 and TTC#1 <3
:rofl: RedHead ya creeper. Nah, jk. I love ya! :)

Welcome Duckie! :wave:

PK: no, not my first time temping. I was a religious temper with my daughter and was temping to avoid when I got pregnant in late 2012. Clearly that did not go so well though, since BF had thrown my cycles off, and that's how I got pregnant with my Jan 2012 angel. As my nurse put it: "birth control fail" except my 'control' was temping... rofl. I had been temping in August and the earlier months when we were trying with THIS baby and I had stopped because my temps were all over the place because I was still BF and my daughter was still waking a ton at night. She doesn't wake quite as much now and weaned just before her birthday, so I'm hoping to see more of a pattern than I was before. haha! We'll see!

I will KMFX for you MrsW! (on both your upcoming O and that you feel better! :hugs:)

Quick intro for Duckie: as Joker mentioned, I am the third part of our triad who's come from our 2012 baby group. :rofl: My first was born in January 2012. I had a loss in January 2013 with a surprise baby who had some complications with development and then a chemical the cycle before last. So, we're still TTC for our second take-home baby. I've been TTC since August. So glad to see another Conker joining us! These ladies adopted me only recently and they're all wonderful. :flower:
i'm looking forward to getting caught up on all of your stories in the next few weeks and months! i thought i'd offer a quick summary so that you all know where i'm at with this ttc thing...

after 10 years of OCPs and 3 years of marriage, my hubby and i decided we were ready for the challenge of parenthood. turns out that conceiving in the first place is equally challenging! i had my first period exactly 26 days from my last OCP (october 2013), and have had very regular 25-26 day cycles since. i bbt'd a few months, but had such erratic temps and inconsistent wake up times, i didn't think it was offering me any solid information. i haven't been as dedicated with bbt's the last month or two. i have also been using OPKs the last 3 cycles and have consistently had a positive on the evening of CD 14 (sometimes just on CD14, once it was still positive the morning of CD15). frequency of the BD part is most certainly not an issue in this equation ;-):winkwink: we've talked about having him tested, but haven't just yet.

i'm a little worried that i have a luteal phase defect because of my shorter cycles and my +OPK/O dates being too close to the next cycle (and because i haven't had a BFP yet). my PCP gave me a round of Clomid this month to see if it would provoke a stronger ovulation and hormone response, and based on the cramping and acne i've had the last 3 days, i'm hoping that's the case! (CD1 was 3/4, +opk CD14 3/17)

i have an appt with my Gyn at the end of the month to hash a few of these issues out and talk about labs or progesterone or something more. it'll be funny timing because i'll be CD 24 on my appt date, so if the clomid worked, i'll be having a very different conversation that day :p:dohh:

i work in health care, so my other issue is that i over-think everything (though i think every woman who is ttc has an overly-analytical brain at some point!)... i'm hoping that you ladies can offer me some piece of mind, and hopefully i have some insight to bring to the table, too!

phew, sorry for the essay here. what do i need to know about you?! thanks again for extending the invite :):flower:
Hi duckie, hi redhead :wave:
Ooo cool girls!! How funny!!

This is truly the best group of ladies on bnb :hugs: love you all!
Lovely to have new faces.

Duckie I took vitaminb complex last cycle to try and extend my Lp. It wasn't mega short but some cycles a bit short. I got my bfp anyway so it definitely didn't do any harm!! I also drank grapefruit juice until o to encourage ewcm and drank raspberry leaf tea until o to help general fertility (sorry I have written this in here before but it may help someone?) xxx
My cousin is TTC and she had a short LP but vitamin B conplex has seemed to lengthen it a bit as well.
I've read that quite a few people have had luck with the B complex supplements lengthening their LP... I'll definitely keep that in mind, thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for your intros so far, too :hi:
i'm looking forward to getting caught up on all of your stories in the next few weeks and months! i thought i'd offer a quick summary so that you all know where i'm at with this ttc thing...

after 10 years of OCPs and 3 years of marriage, my hubby and i decided we were ready for the challenge of parenthood. turns out that conceiving in the first place is equally challenging! i had my first period exactly 26 days from my last OCP (october 2013), and have had very regular 25-26 day cycles since. i bbt'd a few months, but had such erratic temps and inconsistent wake up times, i didn't think it was offering me any solid information. i haven't been as dedicated with bbt's the last month or two. i have also been using OPKs the last 3 cycles and have consistently had a positive on the evening of CD 14 (sometimes just on CD14, once it was still positive the morning of CD15). frequency of the BD part is most certainly not an issue in this equation ;-):winkwink: we've talked about having him tested, but haven't just yet.

i'm a little worried that i have a luteal phase defect because of my shorter cycles and my +OPK/O dates being too close to the next cycle (and because i haven't had a BFP yet). my PCP gave me a round of Clomid this month to see if it would provoke a stronger ovulation and hormone response, and based on the cramping and acne i've had the last 3 days, i'm hoping that's the case! (CD1 was 3/4, +opk CD14 3/17)

i have an appt with my Gyn at the end of the month to hash a few of these issues out and talk about labs or progesterone or something more. it'll be funny timing because i'll be CD 24 on my appt date, so if the clomid worked, i'll be having a very different conversation that day :p:dohh:

i work in health care, so my other issue is that i over-think everything (though i think every woman who is ttc has an overly-analytical brain at some point!)... i'm hoping that you ladies can offer me some piece of mind, and hopefully i have some insight to bring to the table, too!

phew, sorry for the essay here. what do i need to know about you?! thanks again for extending the invite :):flower:

Hello dear! and Welcome!!! :hugs:

First of all, conceiving is a very intense part. Who knew? :haha: I didn't come into this thinking I would conceive on the first try, but I had no idea that I would be trying for 5 cycles, with some pretty ugly temperature charts thrown in there. You are definitely not alone in wondering what is going on?!?!? :shrug: You are definitely not alone in getting a little over-analytical. It's perfectly normal... :thumbup::haha:

A little backstory on me...

Our first born was a surprise. We weren't trying, and my oh my, we weren't ready, but we were excited. Suddenly, we had this little creature to fall in love with, and he took our hearts from the moment we saw his heart beating on the first ultrasound. Archer, our son, is three now, and he's the smartest little thing.

Because he was a surprise, we just assumed that we were mega-fertile. We basically assumed that if my husband looked at me, I would be impregnated :haha: Gross! Ok, not that bad, but we assumed it would be easy.

Before my son, my cycles were 28 days precisely. So much so that I would start on a Thursday, guaranteed. It was great! After him, they've gone from decent to bad to kind of terrible.

Basically, I SS'ed HARD with our first cycle of TTC, and it was a miserable outcome. I decided not to after that, and not SS'ing helped me not feel *so* crushed. However, when the symptoms are screaming at you, it is ok to observe. I've found that avoiding SS helped me maintain a more cheerful mind.

I do also want to clarify that I, and I'm sure I'm not alone, have fallen deep after a few cycles of trying. There's something about TTC that everyone in your life is suddenly announcing pregnancy, and you over-think, worry, panic, and wonder if it will ever happen. I started to sink into kind of a funk.

Our family went on vacation in Taiwan (to visit my husband's family), and that was my worst cycle. My period came 7 days early, The bleeding was quite terrible, and I bled for about 4-5 days. Somehow though, I was pulled out of the funk. I wasn't hurt that my period came, and I was feeling pretty positive. I remember distinctly not crying. Then I spotted for about 7 more days after af stopped (and that freaked me out). I still don't know what happened. However, we conceived with that ovulation. :happydance:

Just like I did with my son, I am spotting with this pregnancy. Both times, the doctors didn't seem concerned. The blood is brown, the baby's heart is steadily beating, and I am sicker than a dog.

I'm currently over the toilet about 5-6 different times, randomly, throughout the day. :sick: but I will take it knowing that I can count on that as a friendly reminder this little one is growing. With my son, I only threw up in the mornings, and I wasn't really sick throughout the day. I'm team girl right now because of the weird ms :winkwink::blush:

Sorry for my essay! :)

Welcome to Conkers! This is the most wonderful group of girls. Without them, I don't think I'd be able to say "I'm pregnant". I think I would have quit long ago without their support and love:cloud9:
Welcome Duckie!!
I have two little girls and am almost 11 weeks pregnant. I don't ovulate on my own so I took clomid for all 3 of my pregnancies. I was able to ovulate and get pregnant with just the clomid. It can give you some intense symptoms. I had crazy mood swings and would find myself getting super angry over the smallest thing. In my mind, I knew I was overreacting, but I just couldn't stop myself from being upset. I hope you avoid that symptom. I hope it works for you and that you get a bfp soon!
thanks again for all of your lovely bios and support! its crazy how complicated this whole process can be. even among all of the struggle and pain you ladies have been through, i still find such hope and encouragement reading your stories and learning from you :)

tiger, i definitely agree that the SS is a miserable way to live! i've had months where i caught a cold during the tww, months with crazy cramping, months with bb tenderness, and each time i thought "this is it!" only to be sorely disappointed and in a sobbing mess when AF showed up.

do you ladies have a favorite brand of prenatal vitamin? i've just been taking a meijer brand, but have other friends who swear by their organic/raw/natural variety...?
I also used Vitamin B Complex to extend my LP with my LO and at the earlier months of TTC #2. :) Am currently taking it again this cycle because although my LP has been doing much better without it, I'm just taking it.

I had trouble with many prenatals making me sick, Centrum being one of them. I can't even take their regular vitamins.

For a long time, I used Rainbow Light since I had gotten them on a huge steal at CVS during a sale period... but they're pretty $$. So right now I'm using Source of Life -- I went to Savemart (some random pharmacy by my mom that has a rather large section of vitamins and herbs and crazy herbalists who'll tell you anything about them :rofl:) since they were a decent deal. I'm also taking maca root, vitamin b complex and a baby aspirin a day for this cycle. Hoping to get my body ready. My last m/c (before the chemical) I had low prog so I also have organic prog. cream ready and waiting for when I get my :bfp: to hopefully help stabilize things if my body struggles again.

TTC is a mind-trip, no doubt, and I'm also an over-analyzer. :lol: You're in great company here. ;) <3
I went off on that vitamin tangent and never concluded my thought process. :rofl: I have found that, though more expensive, the food-based vitamins settle better with my stomach, so they're what I have been, and will continue, taking at this point. I've not had nausea or other issues with the Source of Nature or Rainbow Light, thankfully.
Welcome duckie! Where in MI do you live? I have cousins there!

So my DH and I have been married for 3.5 years now. We started TTC around our 3 year anniversary in August, so it's been about 8 months. In that time I have gotten pregnant three time! The first two ended in early losses (Fall 2013 4 weeks 4 days, and then January 2014 at 5 weeks 4 days). And I am pregnant right now! Got my BFP less than a week ago, and trying not to stress too much about keeping this one sticky and healthy. FX it sticks!

This is such a fantastic thread, everyone is positive and there for each other when we're down. It's really helped me through my losses, and it's so nice to have people rooting for you! Plus it gives you a place to obsess over TTC a bit without your DH thinking you are completely batty. It's almost impossible to not have it take over your every waking thought, it's such a potential big change in your life. So exciting though! Can't wait to follow along in your journey. :)
^ awwww made me cry! Xxx

It's true. :hugs: Without you lovely ladies for comfort and love and support, my heart couldn't have handled this journey alone. :hugs::hugs: My husband is amazing, but not being the one seeing the blood that signals the start of another cycle TTC, he just understood things from a different perspective. It was amazing having you ladies going through it to for comfort. It is tough, but it is also wonderful
I take Nature's Plus Ultra Prenatal because I'm vegetarian. It's a three month supply for $33 which I thought was ok. It has super high vitamin B, something I don't need to supplement because mine always shows off the charts during blood tests, great iron, folate, etc. I like it. My only complaint-- they are HUGE! BUT you only take two pills/day (taken together). As a vegetarian, I've found a lot of our prenatals are 2 pills 3 times per day?!?!? WHAT! That's ridiculous. No thanks! It's also in all the Super Supplements (a chain vitamin shoppe)

I'm also taking a liquid vegan DHA. It was fine before conception, but now I am having a hard time swallowing oil. BLEH!! :sick: :haha:
interesting you mention the DHA, tiger. i've been taking a fish oil supplement, too, along with the prenatal, and a calcium +vitD supplement.

i added the B complex to my grocery list for this weekend, hopefully that does good things, too.

anyone else? :winkwink:
twink, i live in west michigan, near Grand Rapids, but i grew up closer to the east side, near ann arbor. best of luck that this pregnancy sticks around, seems like you've had quite a rollercoaster 8 months! i'm pretty sure DH things i'm relatively batty already, so i'm hoping you're right that this will help me, too! :thumbup:
I take women's 1-a-day prenatal with DHA. I heard DHA is really good for brain development... I must say my little munchkin is quite the genius :rofl: just kidding ;)
I forget the brand, I take a gummy prenatal with DHA. I like taking gummy vitamins as I am more likely to remember... it's like a dessert! Who would want to miss that? haha. Plus I have heard some have an easier time with the gummies when they are dealign with morning sickness.

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