TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Ahh which centre parcs Fleur? I've always wanted to go! You'll have to let me know what it's like and what there is for our Los to do!

I've got my second acupuncture today to try and sort my messed up hormones out!! Fingers crossed x
Aw enjoy centre parcs Fleur xxx

And good luck with acupuncture do you find it? I have always been intrigued to try it xxx
We are going to elvendon in Suffolk, it's less hilly than longleat apparently??! I am also refusing to go on a bike which I think is fair enough!! Will definitely let you know what it's like - dd so excited about going swimming every day! Reckon you need a holiday mrs w - do you have any lined up??

Hope the acupuncture goes well - I know a couple of people who've had it and had success so fingers x for you xxxx
Fluer sounds fun!

MrsW I hope the acupuncture works wonders for you, it seems to be helping Jokerettes cousin a lot with her cycle. Xo
Just an update on me - the new OB doctor put me on progesterone pills until I am 12 weeks as a precaution. I am so happy they seem to want to be proactive. I know there's no guarantee this will be my sticky bean but at least it seems we are doing all we can. FX.
Awww Twinklie! I'm so glad that they are taking care of you :hugs: Hopefully this will bring you some peace of mind, so you can enjoy this first trimester with less worry. Sending you all the hugs, hun
That's great news twinklie! I really hope this will be your sticky bean and rainbow baby! Only a few more bfps to get and we will all be pregnant/mummies with newborns!

Fleur have a wonderful holiday, looking forward to hearing all about it.

Tiger how are you doing? Has the spotting stopped completely now or still there now and again? The main thing is you know it's nothing to do with baby who is happy and secure in there with a strong beating heart <3

How about you princess how have you been feeling? Do you have any early scans or waiting for the 12 week scan? Do you have a date yet? Won't be long x

Swann how are things with you? Has af gone now?

And duckie how are you doing?

No holidays lined up for us unfortunately, we had our last big pre new baby holiday last September just before I got pregnant. We do have a weekend with our in laws at the holiday flat they own in Bournemouth in two weeks and hubby and I have a nice dinner out booked so that will nice and we may book a week off in may to relax but no money for another holiday at the moment.

Princess I've enjoyed the acupuncture so far. I've heard such great things about it, it's meant to be brilliant for balancing the body and hormones and so really good after a mc to get back on track. I am able to claim the money back through work luckily so nothing to loose, but I'd certainly recommend it. You don't feel the needles at all, in fact they are more like hairs than needles!!

So far so good this cycle, no spotting, pretty dark lines on my opk this morning so I guess I will ovulate in the next few days!! Keep your fingers crossed for me conkers!!!!
Thanks Mrs W! I truly believe, in no time, we will see everyone with a BFP! :hugs:

I'm still spotting, but it is faint. As with the beginning, it could only be seen upon wiping. Never leaking out, but it is still there. I'm just staying positive and reminding myself that these other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fatigue) are all great reminders everything is ok :flower:
Oh MrsW yay for a dark OPk! Hope you get some well timed BDing in the we. An all follow along your TWW. I can't wait until we all have our BFps!
Yay for darker opks mrs w - keep up the bd!!!! Come on bfp!!

Tiger that's good the spotting is minimal, and anyway as you say you know why it's happening. When is your next scan?? We must have some 12 week scans coming up?

We head off on hols tomorrow , I'm so poorly prepared! We have moved into our new bedroom this weekend so that dd can move into our room once it's redecorated leaving her room for baby and it's been quite chaotic!! I need a holiday but feel like I could do with a week at home to get sorted!! In proper nesting mode now I think!! ;-) in the course of my tidying I also came across my massive granny post maternity pants I was laughing about yesterday - ha ha!!!
Tiger, hope the spotting eases soon! I know some ladies are more prone to spotting/bleeding in pregnancy even when nothing is wrong. Glad you've had the scan to reassure you a bit, would your next one be 12 weeks?
Mrs W, fingers firmly crossed this is your month. Sorry you've been feeling down lately, I don't think anyone would blame you though :hugs: Hope the acupuncture helps, i've heard great things about it :thumbup:
Have a fab holiday Fleur! We just booked a week in Cornwall in May so hoping the weather is nice by then :flower:

Sorry i've been awol ladies, haven't been posting on BnB much lately. This pregnancy has turned me into a bit of a hormonal wreck and the daftest/most innocuous things are setting me off :wacko: Also feeling a bit stressed with goings on at work, roll on August and mat leave!
Aw Buttercup sorry you've been a bit down, pregnancy hormones are just crazy :hugs:

Yey :yipee: mrsw you're there!!! Get into that bedroom and make a baby!! :winkwink: good luck honey xxx :dust:

I'm good...very nauseous and it has been getting me down at moments, it's just a constant hangover and worse in the car. But I've been through it before, I know it will pass and I know it's a good sign!! Sucking on lollipops is helping!
I told my parents on Saturday which was lovely. I still haven't got a scan date through yet but it should be between 11-14 weeks :shrug: xxx
Darker today, I think I'm going to ov tomorrow or the next day!! Woohoo x
i didn't realize how many places we all come from here, how fun! :)

i'm on cd21 of 26 (7 dpo) today with some pretty steady cramping (very light compared to O cramps or AF cramps) and have had an outbreak of significant acne! yuck! i'm hoping this means that the clomid did its job and made a stronger progesterone response for my LP this time around... i just LOVE the tww :p
Tiger, hope the spotting eases soon! I know some ladies are more prone to spotting/bleeding in pregnancy even when nothing is wrong. Glad you've had the scan to reassure you a bit, would your next one be 12 weeks?
Mrs W, fingers firmly crossed this is your month. Sorry you've been feeling down lately, I don't think anyone would blame you though :hugs: Hope the acupuncture helps, i've heard great things about it :thumbup:
Have a fab holiday Fleur! We just booked a week in Cornwall in May so hoping the weather is nice by then :flower:

Sorry i've been awol ladies, haven't been posting on BnB much lately. This pregnancy has turned me into a bit of a hormonal wreck and the daftest/most innocuous things are setting me off :wacko: Also feeling a bit stressed with goings on at work, roll on August and mat leave!

You are not alone. I've been right there with you. I'm super hormonal. As a matter of fact, I'm writing this to you through tears because my in-laws took my son over to my BIL's place. I'll explain that in a post later. :cry: Everything sets me off right now. Everything. Sending you love!! :hugs:

I don't know for sure when my scan is. I will be calling them later today to set it up, but basically 4 weeks from today?!?!? :)

Aw Buttercup sorry you've been a bit down, pregnancy hormones are just crazy :hugs:

Yey :yipee: mrsw you're there!!! Get into that bedroom and make a baby!! :winkwink: good luck honey xxx :dust:

I'm good...very nauseous and it has been getting me down at moments, it's just a constant hangover and worse in the car. But I've been through it before, I know it will pass and I know it's a good sign!! Sucking on lollipops is helping!
I told my parents on Saturday which was lovely. I still haven't got a scan date through yet but it should be between 11-14 weeks :shrug: xxx

I might have to purchase some lollipops. Are you using preggopops? Stuff designed for pregnancy? Or just generic store candy? :thumbup:

Darker today, I think I'm going to ov tomorrow or the next day!! Woohoo x

Yay! I'm so glad those lines showed up for you :happydance:

i didn't realize how many places we all come from here, how fun! :)

i'm on cd21 of 26 (7 dpo) today with some pretty steady cramping (very light compared to O cramps or AF cramps) and have had an outbreak of significant acne! yuck! i'm hoping this means that the clomid did its job and made a stronger progesterone response for my LP this time around... i just LOVE the tww :p

Isn't it fun? We are so far apart, and yet, this site has allowed us to find an amazing collection of women. Somehow, it's been such a wonderful fit too! The love and support from each other (Even though we are technically mostly strangers) is outstanding. :flower::cloud9:

7dpo! WOOT! The TWW is a trip :haha:, but I had cramps from the moment I ovulated until my bfp (They were lighter than typical af cramps but still pretty apparent), so hopefully this is your round :happydance: FXed!!!!!!

I've heard the clomid plays games with your typical hormonal reactions, so tons of acne is not unheard of. No fun! But hopefully it did the trick! Seriously keeping everything crossed for you, hun! :hugs:
This whole thing is filled with drama, tears, and heartache. Read at your own risk! This is the story of my BIL.

As for why my son going to my BIL made me cry... bleh. This is an awful story.

I didn't want to write it in here because it isn't TTC/pregnancy-related, but it has played a huge factor in our lives and my emotions today.

When we conceived our son, my in-laws were actually happy, after the initial "but you are still in school?" shock. Then, they spent the day at my BIL's house, and came home with a new-found anger. He then spoke to my husband and told him

1) I was probably gold-digging
2) I was probably not pregnant
3) When my pregnancy was not in question, I was probably knocked up by someone other than my husband (even though we are the only people either person has ever been with. I never thought with having saved myself for that special someone that I could be accused of so many awful things in one go. This crushed me. To have someone think, or even state without true conviction, that I was basically a slut that cheated on my perfect husband... I was devastated)
4)My husband needed to get a paternity test.
5)My MIL/FIL should kick my husband out of the house unless he forced me to get an abortion.

:cry::cry::cry:. I'm sitting here at work crying all over again thinking about this horrid human being and the hatred he tried wedging into our relationship so early on. Luckily, I don't have any patients today. Just billing work.

When those areas didn't work, because my husband loved me and didn't buy into my BIL's crap, he worked from a different tactic.

He told my MIL that I had insulted his special needs daughter. I have two special needs cousins. They are the sweetest ladies, and I have babysat them and played with them and loved them my entire life. I grew up knowing how hard it was for them. I would never insult anyone, especially not a special needs child. He told my MIL that I had said something derogatory. I've only met his daughter *maybe* 4 times for little 5 minute intervals. WHAT?!?!?! That was more hurtful than implying I was a slut. You are now bringing in my character around innocent children. I also found out that a lot of games were played from his wife's side too. Her mother had said a lot of things to my MIL about me being untrustworthy.


It took a long time for me to convince my MIL that I was not that kind of person. Fights. Many fights. But we finally hammered through that. Why wouldn't she believe her son over a daughter-in-law. She has every right to side with her child. His plan worked. I lived in a house (until about 1.5 years ago) that was filled with judgment and concern towards me. I think his goal was to tear my husband and myself apart. My husband believes that his goal was inheritance related. If the kids are unmarried, of course, their inheritance would be less because they wouldn't need as much. My husband thinks he hoped to pull us apart for money :cry:. Luckily, my MIL realized the game that was being played, especially with my BIL's MIL started getting into it. My MIL realized that she was looking out for her own daughter's inheritance from my MIL/FIL. Wow! Seriously some Days of Our Lives crap I stumbled into...

I grew up poor?!?! No... not the right word. We never struggled, but money was always tight. I didn't go out there looking for money. I met this man who had a scruffy 5 o'clock shadow, flannel top, made really dry jokes, and I fell for him. Nothing about him screamed "money!" ever. To this day, I'm not sure where this "inheritance" is they are talking about because even though his family is well-off, they are not flamboyantly wealthy. Anyway.

Even though my in-laws have realized what is going on, it's still in their culture to want us to reconcile. However, to do that, they want me to apologize for the confusion. I grew up with a strong mouth. I was taught to stand up for myself, say sorry when I've done something wrong, have respect for elders, etc., but apologizing to make amends with a bad person... NO! I will not say sorry to someone who has tried to destroy me, my marriage, my happiness, my integrity.

Three years ago, this stuff happened. However, whenever he's brought up in conversation, my heart just... hurts. It sounds dramatic. This whole thing sounds dramatic, but I physically hurt when I think of the things he has done. I don't want my son over there because I'm concerned about the things he will say to my little guy. He's that manipulative.

Not only all of that, but to finalize his behavior, he refused to come to our small wedding (my parents, brother, my future parents-in-law, and supposed to be him). He can't undo that. He skipped his brother's wedding!!! He can't take that back. That breaks my heart too.

That's the end. It's been a rough day. :cry:
Ooh Duckie almost through the TWW! When will you test? FX!

Tiger I am so sorry you are going through that. How awful! Your BIL sounds like a jerk! All you can do is limit your contact and know your son will believe you over anyone else!!! Xoxoxo
Tiger, oh my goodness! BIL sounds so horrible! I don't get WHY he would ever say those things about you... that's just mean and wrong. You poor thing :( I wouldnt want my son around someone who said those types of things either, so I can understand why you are upset. But, that being sad... try not to let others negativity pull you down. You a beautiful person inside and out, who did a wonderful thing saving herself for marriage and you have a committed relationship with your husband and a beautiful son. I hope BIL grows up soon and gets over himself. Maybe someday your son can know his uncle and never know what a horrible person he was. I'm sorry hun :(

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