Duckie: I'm so sorry

!!! I hope you gave yourself some time and enjoyed your Conkers treat!
As for me: I'm doing much better. The nausea is still coming and going, but it has been at least a week since I have thrown up, and the nausea is much milder when it's there. Really, just hunger or car sickness bring the nausea.
I'm also having my lovely SI joint pain/sciatica that I was blessed with when pregnant with my son.

Nothing makes it better per se, and it comes and goes randomly or if I don't have good posture when cleaning or something like that.
I feel like I've been slacking on here. I've just been pooped. Working on some things, some personal things. I've found that pregnancy has given me a zero tolerance with my son. I've been snapping more and more, and I hate what I felt like I've been becoming. I can tell it's been hormonal crap, but I seem to be unable to stop it until I go total psychomom. Then when it's done, I am just filled with guilt because I know it was an over-reaction.

So, I have been really really working hard on being with my son, talking through the triggers, etc. It's totally helping. I'm returning to myself. I still have moments when I need a bit of alone time to calm down, but these pregnancy hormones are a b****

This is probably just me.
Other than that, I've been doing better with getting more protein in. That's helped the nausea calm down too (not to mention being out of the first trimester). I've also found that the protein allows me enough time to make a healthier snack rather than the emergency snack, if that makes sense. When the nausea was extreme, I'd have to grab the nearest thing that sounded good, which was usually a starch (pretzels, chips and salsa, fruit if it was already prepared), but now, I'm doing better. I can have a salad (which I've been craving), make a protein dish, etc.