TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

Good to hear from you Swan! As PK said, don't apologize, we are just glad you are doing ok. I hope they get to the bottom of this pain soon, that is just not fair. Do you feel like you BD-ed well, making this a hopeful TWW? We can't wait to see you test! xo
Hi ladies! Once again I haven't been updating on bnb. Dh thought I was getting a bit obsessed so I took a break. I also have been under some stress. My parents have been having financial problems and mom is totally stressed out which is a bit scary because of all her heart problems. I also had to deal with in-laws which is stressful to even think about. I told DH we won't be going anywhere for the rest of the year unless its for a vacation where we don't have to deal with family.
As for my pregnancy, its going well. I still have nausea if I don't eat at least every 3 hours which totally sucks. I'm trying to eat more healthy options now, but that can be a little difficult.
Oh man, I just left for an hour to eat. I started getting major nausea and realized I hadn't eaten in 4 hours! Anyways, I have my 18 week ultrasound next friday the 9th! So excited and can't wait to find out the sex. I'm kind of leaning towards boy, but not as sure as I was with the girls. We'll see!
It looks like all of you are doing well. I hope I haven't missed too much.
Sorry to hear about the family stress! Sending your family prayers <3

Take care, hun :hugs:
Aw Hope I want things to get better for you - try not to internalize it and take it easy. xo
Thanks ladies! I just talked to my mom today and she seems to be feeling a lot better. They were able to get some help and are doing way better. My sister is driving up from Seattle to visit them this weekend. My brother-in-law is buying our shared house from us. So glad thats happening because we could really use the money. As for the in-laws, I only talk to them when absolutely necessary and only about how everyone's doing. I never go into detail which means I can avoid any conflicts.
I try not to let any stress bother me. I always talk about it with dh so he knows exactly how I feel. This pregnancy has made me more emotional than ever. I cry so easily! Seriously, I've probably cried more in the last 4 months than in my entire life!!!
Staying positive for my little one!!

How is everyone else doing?
I just thought I'd check in. I had my monthly checkup and looks like we're doing great. Finally got to hear baby's heartbeat clearly. When we went at 13 weeks it was very faint. Apparently, the doctor's doppler is crap and can only pick up the heartbeat at 14-15 weeks. Anyways, the heartbeat was anywhere from 120 to 150 which is pretty good. I'm feeling way more kicks now (yay!). And I've put on 6 lbs up till now. I'm hoping to get more active so I don't end up gaining too much. I'm a little overweight so I know I shouldn't gain too much. I have my scan on Friday and really can't wait to find out the gender!! Dh says he doesn't want to know, but he got his way the last two times. Now its my turn and I'm finding out!
How is everyone else doing?

Any ladies in the tww right now? I hope you're all doing well!
So glad to hear from you, hope!! :hugs: So exciting.

AFM: I'm doing ok. I think because I lost so much weight last year, my body is easily going to go either way. I've gained quite a bit, but luckily, it's all in the belly area. My face, legs, arms, etc. all look the same and measure the same (I was measuring since I was using a weight loss app). I have a regular ole ob appointment on the 21st. It will be nice to hear the heart beat again. That's so reassuring. I've been feeling some fullness in my uterus. Almost stretching, and I'm hoping that's the beginning to feeling rolls, kicks, and punches from my little one. I'll be so happy to not guess if the baby's doing ok. Movement is so reassuring. My pregnancy app said that if this is your second child, starting in the 15th week, it's common to feel the baby move. I sure hope that's me. I am fairly sure I didn't feel that with my first born until much later, but my placenta was anterior.

Also, other news, our son is potty trained. He has been wearing a diaper for the last few days because we've had so much to do, but he never goes in it. He even used the toilet in a Target today, which was so exciting!!! I never thought my kid would be 3.5 before he even started training, but he hated it whenever we tried before. We decided against forcing him to do it. We wanted him to be excited. Now he is, and he gets so excited to tell us "Mommy... Daddy... I need my diaper off. I have to go potty" I think tomorrow we will go back to underwear and pants. We tried it too early on and ended up with tons of laundry :haha:

Hope everything is well with all of you lovely ladies!!! :flower:
Well done Archer with the potty training :yipee: I think it's right to do things when the child is ready and often boys are later.
I have not attempted it yet with F, I will be looking for signs as the weather gets warmer!

I can't remember if I posted on here that we are selling our house? So I'm busy with lots of cleaning for each visit :dohh: not easy when you have 2 children (F and dh!) following you round messing everything up!!

Pregnancy wise I'm feeling ok, still nauseous and chubby but my energy is coming back.

Any news from the TWW ladies? Xxx
Well done Archer with the potty training :yipee: I think it's right to do things when the child is ready and often boys are later.
I have not attempted it yet with F, I will be looking for signs as the weather gets warmer!

I can't remember if I posted on here that we are selling our house? So I'm busy with lots of cleaning for each visit :dohh: not easy when you have 2 children (F and dh!) following you round messing everything up!!

Pregnancy wise I'm feeling ok, still nauseous and chubby but my energy is coming back.

Any news from the TWW ladies? Xxx

:haha: I'm so glad I am not the only one with a second "child" :rofl: My husband is super organized, and he pretty much is our vault for bills and paperwork, but come to the house... Sheesh! It's literally like having a second child.

I'm also glad I'm not the only one feeling chubby. :blush: Any baby movements yet, PK?
No Tiger not yet, but placenta is anterior so I may not feel anything until later? :shrug: xxx
That's what I've been told, and that was my experience in my last pregnancy. I remember not feeling things until very late.

I read from 15 weeks on, second pregnancies can start to feel kicks, so here's to that happening soon for both of us :flower:
I scan actually reckoned I'm due on the 24th but looking back at my chart I don't think that's really possible?? :wacko: I'm sticking with my date! Xxx
Hi ladies, sorry I have been MIA.... i feel like I havent had a moment to breathe lately! Raising a toddler is hard... I had no idea how hard! He's really testing the limits and my sanity. Then, just when I think I can't take it, he reels me back in with a hug and kiss and melts my heart. And, overall I know I have a very easy kid, so I don't know how some others do it!!!

Kennys been potty trained for a little over a month, wearing undies everyday, but suddenly he started having accidents again. I realllllly dont want to go back to diapers after a whole month of success in undies. I can't figure out whats causing the regression... but its frustrating! And then he looks up at me after we clean it up and say "Mama are you sad?" and I say, "Yeah, im kind of sad that you had an accident, it makes me happy when you go in the potty." And he will say, "potty makes you happy?" LOL... hes so stinkin cute, but I wish the accidents would stop! Then, theres the typical toddler stuff, like hiding things when I need them, toddler tantrums in restaurants, and fighting bedtime. Man, im exhausted!

I'm about 22 weeks pregnant and I let myself have a glass of wine last night. It was just what I needed. I've allowed myself one glass every couple of weeks since entering 2nd trimester and I am really liking it. I know its not for everyone, but after doing some reading and speaking with my Dr, she agreed that a couple glasses a month if just fine, and I think its helping to keep me calm in the midst of the toddler storm! haha!

I dont think I posted in here, but last week I had spotting and cramping, so I went to the ER. They monitored the contractions and I ended up going home later that night after they checked everything on the ultrasound. Bailey looked fine, but they said I need to rest more, not lift so much, and just generally take it easy. So thats what I have been doing and this week I feel much better physically!
Hope, glad you are feeling better about things and had a great appointment!

Pk, good luck with the move, and your two "kids". :) I always joke I am already a single mother as I take care of my DH.

Tiger - We are all are own worst critics when it comes to body imagine I feel. I am sure you look fabulous. :) It takes me like 40 shots to get one I am okay with for each weekly bump pic. Finding one with no double chin or fat arm seems impossible! haha

Jokerette - I need to give your boy a talking too! JK. He is so cute and he must know it and is seeing what he can get away with. Plus he totally senses this impending change and is acting out I bet. Not that any of that makes it easier! So God bless you! Hope you manage to still take it easy and relax for Bailey's sake. Make DH step to it some more! haha.

As for me, I had been feeling pretty good lately, and trying not to let that concern me. haha. Feeling my asthma a little bit more lately but still in control I think. Tiny little bump starting I think, but could just be bloating. I feel like the next few weeks it will grow exponentially from what I have seen in others' bump pics. My NT scan is TOMORROW. Eek! So excited and nervous. Thinking good thoughts. If all goes will I will visit Jokerette after and try out her doppler.... plus then lots of errands with DH after that. Prepping for our big Mother's Day BBQ and announcement! :)
Twinklie, I was very spoiled last night DH gave me a 90 foot rub!!
Hi girls, great to hear everyone's updates. It feels like I know so many people who have been potty training recently!! My dd has been trained for a few weeks now. It's good to think our eldest will be out of nappies before the younger ones arrive huh! Jokerette - I was reading about regression the other day - my dd has had a couple of days where she has had accidents. It is frustrating :-( apparently it's common once they're initially trained to regress. I read that one of the reasons for this is because to start with you are saying 'do you want a wee' to them every 5 mins. Then when they catch on, you tend to stop asking so much as most of the time they will tell you. Anyway what I read is that you're supposed to say to them whenever you go somewhere/get up for the day - the potty/toilet is over there - if you need to go you know where it is and you can ask me for help - apparently you're supposed to try and get them to take responsibility as much as possible. Very frustrating though I know as you think it's cracked and then it all goes to pot!

Glad to hear everyone's pregnancies are going ok. Sorry to hear about your scare Jokerette - never fun :-( but hope you are taking it easy, I had spotting at 17weeks from a cervical erosion that was not much fun.

I'm now 32 weeks and finishing work in 2 weeks! I can't wait!! I feel massive and my brain isn't functioning at all!! I can't remember if I said that baby was breech at last mw appt - I don't think it has turned yet but we will see... I really don't fancy an ECV! Or a c-section... But if I had to choose would choose c section I think. Anyway we will see! X
Fab updates ladies, another one here in the throes of potty training! DD is pretty close to being done I think but I don't want to speak too soon :winkwink: Pregnancy wise i'm feeling OK, just enjoying being visibly pregnant but not uncomfortable yet! Only thing is i'm starving all the time so i'm really having to watch what I eat as I don't want to gain too much weight. We go on holiday on Saturday and the forecast isn't great so I have a feeling our waterproofs will be getting a lot of use but i'm happy to be having a little break. Then when we get back the completion date for our new house is scheduled for 23rd so it'll be busy busy! Can't wait to get the keys and start decorating though :flower:
Glad everyone is doing well! My younger dd just turned 3 in March and was potty trained at around 2 1/2 with only a few accidents since, but my mom came to visit for 3 weeks last month and she started having accidents almost every other day! I don't know if it was my mom coming or her letting the girls stay up later, but it was ridiculous. My mom kept asking why she wasn't trained yet. I just told her my dd was doing fine until she came! She's back to normal now and hasn't had an accident since.
I had my scan today and the tech took over an hour to get all the measurements. Baby kept moving around so she had a hard time getting good pics. She asked me if I wanted to know gender and I told her it would be really nice. So she kind of second guessed herself at first. She thought boy first and then maybe girl, but after much investigation and after baby got the feet out of the way for a clear view we confirmed that its a boy!!! So excited!!

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