Hello ladies can I join please?
Swan told me about the group a while ago but i wanted to take a little break for a bit.
well I am Hayleigh and I am 26. I am married to matt.
I am a mum to logan-george who was stillborn at 43 weeks on the 28th Jan 2008, I also have a little boy Corbyn-matthew who was born at 37 weeks on the 28th jan 2012.
Last year I fell pregnant when ntnp but sadly lost the baby at 10 weeks
it took us 38 months to conceive corbyn, my husband was diagnosed with azoospermia, and they said there would be no way we would have anymore children. Well we beat them odds haha.
My cycles are all over the place!! Anywhere from 24 days to 44 days!!! Ovulation tests are not my friend most the time so I have purchased a clearblue fertility monitor (but yet to use it) I am on day 2 of a new cycle and I am now going to grab ttc by the horns!!
when my 2 year old asks for his baby it breaks my heart, so I want to make him a big brother (like his friends at our groups we go to)
sorry if none of that makes sense I am trying to do a puzzle with corbyn and type haha
Lots of baby dust to you all