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TTC Lucky Conkers!-Our first Conker has been born!!

duckie: Don't be sad with that bfn. I know that's easier said than done, but I always like to point out that my period was two days late before I got my bfp, and PK was also a late positive!!! :hugs: Sending you :dust:
i'm out again. AF showed up this morning, another short, 25 day cycle :cry:

on to cycle #10 i guess... on the other hand, i'm kind of ready to give up :growlmad:
Really sorry duckie :-( hope that you can enjoy a couple of days r+r and cheer yourself up with a glass of something nice and a long soak in the bath.

Sending lots of hugs your way xxxx
Don't give up duckie. You'll get there. Has your dr tested for lp defect or anything else?
I know how you feel. I was trying for a year before I was sent to a specialist that did a load of tests and finally discovered I don't ovulate on my own. It was another 3 months before I was put on clomid so it was definitely stressful and frustrating. We are all here for you and I know you'll get through this!
Duckie, I'm so sorry :( I'm thinking of you today. I know you might feel the urge to give up, and it is ok and normal to be sad... but I hope you change your mind.... It's so unfair... I wish everyone could get pregnant when they want to
thanks, ladies :hugs:

why is this whole thing so darn difficult!? makes me feel like my body is broken and dysfunctional... isn't conception supposed to be a normal/biological function?! :growlmad: sorry to be so grumpy, i know you all have been there too.

hope, when i saw my dr after 6 months ttc, he said he didn't believe much in LP defects and he didn't offer any testing at that time, which is frustrating. i checked progesterone during my recent yearly labs and it was "normal" (at 12 on cd 21) but certainly giving the egg the time it needs to implant is equally important. seems tough to do with only 9-10 days of an LP at best (with spotting and cramping by 8-9dpo)! i know plenty of women who were successful ttc with clomid or prometrium, even when they've had "normal" progesterone levels. i might pursue progesterone support for this next cycle if the doc will agree to it (and if i decide to "try" again this month). :shrug:

hopefully a long walk after work and a cold glass of something will improve my outlook :thumbup:
Sorry the witch got you duckie :hugs: If your doc isn't forthcoming with the progesterone supplements the cream is pretty easy to get online if it's something you wanted to try. I've heard quite a few success stories on here of ladies getting BFPs the first cycle they tried it :thumbup:

Congrats on your much deserved BFP swan, wishing you a h&h 9 months :happydance:

How exciting Fleur that you're so close to the end now, can't wait to read your announcement :D
I'm so sorry Duckie :hugs: Take some time for yourself and I too think that feeling of wanting to give up is totally normal. I've no experience of the progesterone supplements myself but thank you ladies for the advice xxx
I do often wonder about this baby making business - no one can really prepare you for the reality of not getting pregnant and not understanding why, it's horrible. I really hope next month is your month duckie - sounds like it's worth looking into the supplements, although I have got pregnant twice with 10 day LP so it is definitely achievable.

38 weeks tomorrow and I waver between wanting baby OUT and wanting to enjoy the last couple of weeks of pregnancy (and the associated peace of pre baby maternity leave!)... Will definitely keep you all posted! X
PK: thanks love. :) I will wait to be added until July 1 -- that's my ultrasound. Then it'll feel "real" as I'm just so scared still of another loss.

Duckie: I am currently on progesterone treatment for low progesterone. My LPs varied from 10-14 days just depending, but I have a history of low prog. and am on prometrium to sustain things. Hopefully it will do the trick. I think it's definitely worth looking into; I know I've heard how doctors don't always take LP defects seriously, but it IS real, as you well know! I'm so, so sorry that AF showed up. :( :hugs: I wish I could offer you more than a hug and prayers. :( I know it's difficult not to give up hope... I was at that point this cycle.
Awww I am so, so sorry Duckie. TTC is such an awful, confusing process when it takes too long - which is really any longer than you want it to! So frustrating.

I did use progesterone with this pregnancy through week 12, my new OB/Gyn doctor prescribed it right away after learning of my history of loss (my LP was fine though). My prior doctor wouldn't do anything without 3 losses, so my piece of advice: If you don't feel heard, get a new doctor! Preferably one someone can reccommend to you as being a good listener, etc.

Duckie: I'm so sorry the :witch: got you. I totally understand that feeling of wanting to be done. It's still fresh in my head. Before this pregnancy, I wanted three little kiddos. With the pain, heartache, and stress of TTC (our first was a surprise, so we were lucky to not experience this that time around), we are done. Not to mention the ridiculous bleeding in early pregnancy for both pregnancies. We will be thrilled for a third surprise, of course, but I can't go through TTC again. At least not while it's so fresh in my head. I wanted to quit every time. It's tough to push through, but that's what we are here for, in part. :hugs:

It will be well worth all of the suffering when you get that bfp. In the mean time, please just know we are all sending you our love. This is such a bummer of a time. So difficult, so slow, and tedious. Top it off with the not knowing. Why is it so difficult to just have answers? :shrug: But know that we are going to be here. Use this page for the ups and downs.

You'll get your bfp! :dust:

Now... go soak in the tub with a big glass of your favorite mommy-time fluids (mine is a mojito :D), and enjoy your favorite peaceful pass-time.

Sending you love and :hugs:, hun!

Duckie :hugs: sorry to hear af got you and you are feeling so down this cycle. Ttc is absolutely one of the hardest, most stressful and sometimes degrading processes some of us sadly have to go through. The pain and heart ache, the confusion of watching other people get bfps so easily. It is hard and all we can do is ride it out. We can try various things, become knowledgable about conception to give us the best chance, analyse our cycle, take supplements but really, we have no control.

It will happen duckie, I know waiting is hard, but it really will be your day one day and you will treasure every second all the more for having to wait, I promise. In the meantime there are so many ladies in the same boat here on bnb to help you through the journey.

Swann I think I have said congrats on here but congrats :) hope you are feeling ok so far. First tri will fly by and you'll feel more relaxed then.

Fleur wow that flew by! Not long to wait now.

As for me, currently on holiday, enjoying time out with my hubby and gorgeous little girl. I've been offered a promotion at work if I go up to 4 days a week (I currently do 3) so although I'm sad to loose Wednesday with my girl I'm hoping focusing on work will do me good for a while and it's a nice pay rise so we will be able to do more on our days off together. I'm not on bnb as much anymore but ill still check in from time to time xx
Congrats on the promo offer MrsW! I hope it worked it for you the way you want!
duckie, I hope the dr listens to you and offers the progesterone. I can't believe he doesn't "believe" in lp defects. That just doesn't make sense to me since it is definitely a real thing. I had to switch drs at one point because my first one told me that if I lost 10lbs my cycles would be normal again (I was 140lbs) even though I had been 120lbs 2 years earlier and still had the same issues. I hope you decide to keep trying and know that we are all here for you. Good luck :hugs:

mrsw: congrats on the promotion!

fleur: I can understand wanting to have some relaxing time before baby comes. It will be a while till you can relax like that again! But I'm so excited for you! Our first conker!!

As for me, I'm 24 weeks today!! I've seen ladies on here call it v-day and it took me a little search to figure out what that meant. It stands for viability day which means that my baby could survive if I somehow went into labour today. I didn't actually know any of that since I didn't really use any of these type of sites with my first two pregnancies.

I hope everyone else is doing well!!
My cousin just joined BNB after 18 months LTTTC she is finally pregnant. It was her 3rd cycle of IUI. She is real life friends with Twinklie12 as well. :) Please pray for her and keep your fingers crossed for a sticky bean. Like any woman who wants to be pregnant, no one should have to wait <3

And if anyone feels so inclined, here is her new BNB journal if you'd like to give her some love :) Her username is ItalyRocks83... She doesnt really know anyone on BNB yet besides me and Twinklie

Ah that's fantastic for your cousin Jokerette. Keeping everything crossed for a sticky bean. As you say - no one should have to wait to conceive. It's a hard journey.

Speaking of waiting - our first conker is not showing any inclination to come and meet us all! I'm due tomorrow - actually am quite incredulous about this?!! 34+4 with no 1 and now it looks like I will go overdue! I'm trying not to get too fed up and at least I have a max of two weeks before I get induced...but it's still frustrating! Thankfully I had enough holiday for my maternity leave not to kick in until today so I don't feel like I've been wasting time. It has been great to have a few weeks down time to get everything sorted!

Anyway, I will keep you all posted with any updates! I saw that ricschick posted in third tri about possible mucus plug coming away so I may not even be the first conker to pop anyway as think she is only a couple of weeks behind me ;-)

Hope you're all well and all pregnancies and ttc are going well xxx
Wow youre due tomorrow!!! Amazing!!!!! I hope baby doesnt keep you waiting too much longer!
Thanks Jokerette! So do I!! It's funny because when I had dd I used to feel irritated whenever anyone moaned about late pregnancy because I just thought - well it's better than having a preemie (and it definitely is better!!) but it is still pretty miserable in its own right!!!
Fleur, I thought your post was going to be your announcement. She or he will be here before you know it, Freya was 16 days late, imagine the torture!! Good luck Hun xxx

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