ttc number 5

Wanna - Good luck! My 4-year-old was a BFP at 10 DPO.

Mommy - Lol. Hope he smells good for you again tonight.

After work Saturday morning, I'm hoping for a lazy weekend. These past couple of weeks at work have worn me out. :sleep:

Is your 4yo a girl???
Was reading today that girls give higher HCG levels and ergo earlier BFP's - just wondering if there is any truth in it - I got my BFP with last baby on CD25 but ovulated early; so was 15dpo


No. He's a boy. It was CD22 with him because I ovulated on CD12. That chart is still on my FF page. I think it'll be fun to look back and compare when I get my next BFP.
Morning everyone.
I am so pleased to have a day off work today, but got to go in tomorrow for a couple of hours as finished early last night as went to a spiritual evening, no one came through for me :(
Off shopping soon just catching up on here while having a coffee.
Managed to DTD last night, or this morning which ever way you look at it as was gone midnight!!
I hope everyone is doing ok x

Wow you are into that stuff? Cool!! I was with a client yesterday and she had two come through to her!! I love helping people like this!!

Mean while on my front, FF finally gave me my CH and it looks like this month it will be a regular 28 day cycle. The only problem with that is that if I have another regular 28 day cycle we may miss my most fertile time while away on our vacation. :( I was really hoping it would be.

I love anything spiritual. Was so disappointed there was nothing for me last night as she was telling others they were going to be pregnant in so many months etc so wanted to see if she picked on anything for me. There was a lot of people there last night though and she could not go to everyone so I am going to have hire her for a private reading.
Are you into all this as well?
Morning everyone.
I am so pleased to have a day off work today, but got to go in tomorrow for a couple of hours as finished early last night as went to a spiritual evening, no one came through for me :(
Off shopping soon just catching up on here while having a coffee.
Managed to DTD last night, or this morning which ever way you look at it as was gone midnight!!
I hope everyone is doing ok x

Wow you are into that stuff? Cool!! I was with a client yesterday and she had two come through to her!! I love helping people like this!!

Mean while on my front, FF finally gave me my CH and it looks like this month it will be a regular 28 day cycle. The only problem with that is that if I have another regular 28 day cycle we may miss my most fertile time while away on our vacation. :( I was really hoping it would be.

I love anything spiritual. Was so disappointed there was nothing for me last night as she was telling others they were going to be pregnant in so many months etc so wanted to see if she picked on anything for me. There was a lot of people there last night though and she could not go to everyone so I am going to have hire her for a private reading.
Are you into all this as well?

I am into all spiritual things as well. I am practising to be a psychic, or angel reader if you will. I didn't think I was any different from anyone else, but I guess I am. So far all the readings I have been doing are spot on! I am still shocked at what I am able to do, but on the other hand I love being able to help people. I am also a Reiki practitioner.
Hey all. I'm ttc number 5 (although bf and not ovulating yet, so does that make it ntnp?). Well, it's my number 5, but it'll be number 9 between my partner and myself. My youngest is nearly 4 months, but I'm desperate to conceive asap, in part as my partner and I aren't spring chickens any more.

I can't believe people are giving negative vibes about the big family thing...! I haven't had that at all... everyone knows we both love kids and don't mind being hard working and broke (and probably wouldn't dare argue with either of us haha).

Glad to see there are also blended families in here - that's been a much bigger issue for us than the amount of kids we have... my God, teenagers can be hard work! It's been lovely having a sweet little bubba who doesn't answer back yet!!

Welcome hun. Hope you get your bfp soon. Xx
Morning everyone.
I am so pleased to have a day off work today, but got to go in tomorrow for a couple of hours as finished early last night as went to a spiritual evening, no one came through for me :(
Off shopping soon just catching up on here while having a coffee.
Managed to DTD last night, or this morning which ever way you look at it as was gone midnight!!
I hope everyone is doing ok x

Wow you are into that stuff? Cool!! I was with a client yesterday and she had two come through to her!! I love helping people like this!!

Mean while on my front, FF finally gave me my CH and it looks like this month it will be a regular 28 day cycle. The only problem with that is that if I have another regular 28 day cycle we may miss my most fertile time while away on our vacation. :( I was really hoping it would be.

I love anything spiritual. Was so disappointed there was nothing for me last night as she was telling others they were going to be pregnant in so many months etc so wanted to see if she picked on anything for me. There was a lot of people there last night though and she could not go to everyone so I am going to have hire her for a private reading.
Are you into all this as well?

I am into all spiritual things as well. I am practising to be a psychic, or angel reader if you will. I didn't think I was any different from anyone else, but I guess I am. So far all the readings I have been doing are spot on! I am still shocked at what I am able to do, but on the other hand I love being able to help people. I am also a Reiki practitioner.

Oh wow how exciting. I am very open to it all, I saw my grandad after he passed. But I sense a lot of things, I can walk into a room and can tell if something is there and where in the room it is.
I can usually tell if its male or female but thats as far as I can go.
We have had lots of things happen in our house and I know its a lady, I even know her name.
Do you do online readings? I am desperate to know things!
Hi ladies.

Well been so tired not dtd for the past 3 nights and I am on day 10 so really need to be dtd for the next few nights. Must stay awake. lol. xxxx
Hi ladies.

Well been so tired not dtd for the past 3 nights and I am on day 10 so really need to be dtd for the next few nights. Must stay awake. lol. xxxx

I know how u feel. Day 7 for me and only DTD once. It is hard when you are tired isn't it.
I did not sleep too well last night then had to go into work for a couple of hours this morning and not got a day off until next sat! Not sure how I will be managing over the next week especially as it's nearing that vital time x
mummyto4boys I can do the same about who is the room and such. I have never really tried to communicate with them cause you never know what they are about and what kind of energy they hold. I am an highly sensitive empath so I can take on others energies if I am not careful.

I am not sure how we would arrange payment. but I am getting that you can do this on your own, you just need to start meditating more!! They are saying you have it within you!! :thumbup:

lesh07 go get him hun!! Though it could help your chances with a giant deposit compaired to a bunch of smaller ones :winkwink:

AFM Ok I know that I don't have a huge chance but I am having weird symptoms for not being in the running. For the last three nights in a row I have been waking up in the middle of the night to pee. (could be that I am drinking too much water/tea at night) I have been extra crampy since I O'd. (this happen last TWW I got our BFP, but could be just a bad endo cycle) Then I had a baby dream, and what a lovely dream it was!! Then this morning I woke up as if I peed myself I was so wet.

I know I could totally be fishing, but I have not noticed any of these unless I was possibly PG!! So I will keep my FX that it digs in good and deep this month!!
Hi ladies.

Well been so tired not dtd for the past 3 nights and I am on day 10 so really need to be dtd for the next few nights. Must stay awake. lol. xxxx

I know how u feel. Day 7 for me and only DTD once. It is hard when you are tired isn't it.
I did not sleep too well last night then had to go into work for a couple of hours this morning and not got a day off until next sat! Not sure how I will be managing over the next week especially as it's nearing that vital time x

Tell me about it! It is just so frustrating and I know I will be so annoyed if I miss that prime time especially as this is our 1st month of ttc....I really want to be able to give it a good go.

I hope you get some rest soon. I don't know how you manage running a household and working. I tend to find some days I do non stop cleaning and that is tiring enough with having 5 little ones at home, So praise you alot. :thumbup: xxxxx
All you mummies with large families are an inspiration to me. I'd like at least four and when I tell people this they say I'm mad and will change my mind when I've had my first. I'm pretty sure I won't, I'm always looking after my nieces, nephews and young cousins and I love every minute of it!
:hi: yes me too. I said I wanted 3 or 4 when I was expecting my 1st and they said "oh wait till you've had 1, then you'll change your mind" well we're ttc no'3 and don't plan to stop there.
:dust: to everyone
All you mummies with large families are an inspiration to me. I'd like at least four and when I tell people this they say I'm mad and will change my mind when I've had my first. I'm pretty sure I won't, I'm always looking after my nieces, nephews and young cousins and I love every minute of it!

No-one believed me either, when I said I wanted 6 lol :haha::haha:

After #2 (one boy one girl) everyone said 'well you'll be done now! One of each, cannot get anything else' LOL :wacko::wacko:
Then broke up with then husband, and had a new partner and had #3 - so not too much of a surprise (to blend the family unit etc) ; but it was then again EXPECTED I was finished :shrug::shrug:

So#4 -'was he not planned?, was he a surprise baby?' and 'OMG you must have been devastated' NOT!!!! There was a HUGE gap here but only because I went to Uni and then had to get a job etc And like all my other babies yes he was very much planned thank you very much haha

#5 will shock and surprise a lot of ppl I imagine - probably more to do with my age (39) than the amount of children tbh

I just love being a mummy, love being pregnant love all the different ages and stages of them growing up and if my body still allows it then why not??

xxxx thanks for your lovely sentiment and good luck to you achieving your large family too :hugs:
Not sure if I want to be talked out of it, or encouraged to go for it haha:haha::haha::haha:

But really want to... I think!!

BFN on Saturday
Then Saturday afternoon -crampy lower abdomen, Boobs HUGE and veiny and tender and also had a lot of creamy CM. Today my hips are achy.

So should I wait until actually late for AF:shrug::shrug: or maybe get a wee cheeky one to test in morning :happydance::happydance: Although on night shift tonight so not sure how that goes with HCG levels and EMU

I just really really feel like I COULD be pregnant Fingers crossed xxx

Anyone else testing soon? Any more symptoms?

Tell me about it! It is just so frustrating and I know I will be so annoyed if I miss that prime time especially as this is our 1st month of ttc....I really want to be able to give it a good go.

I hope you get some rest soon. I don't know how you manage running a household and working. I tend to find some days I do non stop cleaning and that is tiring enough with having 5 little ones at home, So praise you alot. :thumbup: xxxxx[/QUOTE]
Thank u, it's not easy but my husband is amazing. We would not work so well together if he was not as hands on as he is. Up until a year ago I had not worked for 12 years! I loved being a stay at home mum but when my husband lost his job I decided to go back to work until he found something else but I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed going out to work and he surprised me how good he was at home, so we have stayed like this. He is now looking again though as I would not be able to do my job when pregnant, well I would but i'd really find it hard so hopefully he will find something soon x
Not sure if I want to be talked out of it, or encouraged to go for it haha:haha::haha::haha:

But really want to... I think!!

BFN on Saturday
Then Saturday afternoon -crampy lower abdomen, Boobs HUGE and veiny and tender and also had a lot of creamy CM. Today my hips are achy.

So should I wait until actually late for AF:shrug::shrug: or maybe get a wee cheeky one to test in morning :happydance::happydance: Although on night shift tonight so not sure how that goes with HCG levels and EMU

I just really really feel like I COULD be pregnant Fingers crossed xxx

Anyone else testing soon? Any more symptoms?


TEST!!!! I usually start testing a good 5 days before AF is due. Good luck x
Do you mind if I tag along? I am ttc #5. Well not officaially as DH wants to wait until July!
I am 32 and DH is 35. We have 1 Dd - 13, 3 DS's 10, 5 & 3. I would love another girl but would be happy either way.
I had a mmc in Feb 2012 at 11 weeks and a mc in Aug 2012 at 9 weeks.
I have such an overactive mind that every month I swear I am pg!! I analyse every tiny symptom and then make myself believe that I am pg only to be welcomed by the perfectly timed WITCH!!
I am slightly cautious to be telling anyone I am ttc as of peoples opinions to having more children! Can you afford another? Your house is bursting at the seems already! What about your poor body, it couldn't possibly carry another! (Ha that makes me giggle.) Your other children will miss out? Thats just a few quotes people have made! And that's just the ones I hear! But at the end of the day I am married, happy and my children are well looked after and loved to the bone so who cares what people think.
This is my first post on a thread. I have been a stalker for what seems like forever but now I have found a thread that is just right.
Welcome fiveandfinal:flower:

I dread those negative comments too, but you are right!!
I am an adult, fit and healthy and can support another child financially and emotionally and if me and DH want another it's no-one else's business :blush::blush::blush: ;except I will still keep it secret until baby#5 is well and truly on the way :haha:

Why waiting til July?

And I will let you know results of test - gonna pop out get a two pack today so if neg ( or lets be honest; even if positive :shrug:) can have another go in a few days. Might wait til morning to test tho

thanks ladies xxxx:hugs:
He wants to wait until July as its our 10 year anniversary in June and he would like to celebrate with a big party and I am also running the race for life on July 14th. So anytime after then is fine. But I still hold on to a little bit of hope each month!!
Good luck testing. x

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