ttc number 5

Finally had time to do this.

1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.
No. With my first, I was sick all day long every day for the first 3-4 months. I was just nauseous with the other 4 and vomited only once or twice in all of those put together.

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?
Well…with my first again, I craved dirt at one point. Lol. I was cleaning the windowsills in my mother’s house and could smell the dust and remember thinking how good that smelled. I did not give in to my craving, but it lasted for a month or so. I also craved lemons. I love them anyway, but I wanted to eat them all the time. I have a feeling I was low on a mineral of some sort.

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked )
I was insatiable with all of them, from shortly after BFP to delivery date, but the last one seemed even more so. It was constant. And when I’m pregnant DH changes from wanting it all the time to not needing it so much. He’s always worried about how I’m doing, and if I’m feeling okay, and if we will hurt the baby, etc. His mind just turns it off. We’ve had this talk already this time. I hope it worked. :blush:

4. With any did you gain too much weight?

With all of them I guess. I gained about 40 pounds with all my singletons and about 60 with my twins. It’s always gone within a couple months of breastfeeding though, especially breastfeeding twins. It fell off fast!

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?
With the twins, I had borderline gestational diabetes because of the 2 placentas. And I had preterm labor at about 34 weeks, but an overnight stay in the hospital on magnesium sulfate did the trick. I had them at 37 weeks and 2 days.

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?
I guess my twins would’ve been the longest. My first three lasted about 15 hours. But with the twins, my uterus was so stretched, it took longer for the contractions to work. I started having regular contractions at noon on Tuesday, about 6 minutes apart. We were out all day, and they weren’t getting any closer, so I figured it must’ve just been the stress of walking around. When we got home that evening and I rested, they continued at 6 minutes apart. I called my doctor, and she told me to go to the hospital so we could go ahead and make sure I had them the next day. I had them a little after 11 a.m. Wednesday.

My shortest delivery was with my youngest, about 8 hours.

The beginnings of labor take forever for me, then once I get to about 5-6 cm dilated, it only takes about an hour before delivery. This has happened every time.

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?
With the first two, I had an epidural. With the third, they didn’t believe I was in labor, so they had me waiting, and when the anesthesiologist came in to ask if I was ready to get one, he had to deliver the baby instead. I loved it! I felt much better afterward, and it seemed to me like I healed faster. I wanted to have the twins without one, but my doctor wanted me to have it for all the just in case scenarios…so I did. Well…I gave birth without one anyway because when they moved me around from bed to operating table (wanted me in the OR in case of an emergency), the epidural pulled out.

8. Any complications with delivery?
With the twins, after giving birth to Baby A, my cervix began to close back up. By the time the doctor handed her off to the nurse, I was back down to a 5. Then they couldn’t find Baby B’s heartbeat anymore. My doctor asked me to try to push him out even though I had closed up. I sat up and tried once and said “I can’t. It hurts.” My doctor leaned up on my knees and said “Crystal…we’ve got one chance to get him out, or I’m going in after him.” She said she would help with suction and that it was gonna hurt because my cervix had closed back up. The only thing I could think was “if she has to go in after him, since my epidural is gone, they’ll give me general anesthesia and I won’t be able to see my babies.” She used the suction, and I sat up and pushed without a break until he was born limp and making no sound. They had him crying in about 30 seconds. It was so wonderful to hear him.

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?
With my first two, my support team was my mom and sister. With the rest, my mom was still there, but my DH was very supportive. He is a man so, of course, when I was emotional or something, I didn’t see him that way all the time, but he really was always there and helpful.

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish )
I just have that feeling again, like it's time. I don’t know how to explain it. I love pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, snuggling, watching them learn, seeing the wonderful people they grow up to be, their distinct personalities…I could go on and on.
Welcome fiveandfinal!

So sorry for your losses.

I think we all have that exact same overactive mind when TTC. Lol. "Who cares what people think" is the best attitude to have. Good luck!
Do you mind if I tag along? I am ttc #5. Well not officaially as DH wants to wait until July!
I am 32 and DH is 35. We have 1 Dd - 13, 3 DS's 10, 5 & 3. I would love another girl but would be happy either way.
I had a mmc in Feb 2012 at 11 weeks and a mc in Aug 2012 at 9 weeks.
I have such an overactive mind that every month I swear I am pg!! I analyse every tiny symptom and then make myself believe that I am pg only to be welcomed by the perfectly timed WITCH!!
I am slightly cautious to be telling anyone I am ttc as of peoples opinions to having more children! Can you afford another? Your house is bursting at the seems already! What about your poor body, it couldn't possibly carry another! (Ha that makes me giggle.) Your other children will miss out? Thats just a few quotes people have made! And that's just the ones I hear! But at the end of the day I am married, happy and my children are well looked after and loved to the bone so who cares what people think.
This is my first post on a thread. I have been a stalker for what seems like forever but now I have found a thread that is just right.

Well you have company here with the overactive mind. I do this all the time. My DH just laughs at me now when all of the sudden I am "I PREGNANT! I just know it" Everytime in the past I got a neg. I am trying with all my might not to do this to my self!!
it's so nice to meet like minded people here, I know I am 'only on' number 3 but none of my friends in real life have more than 2, and many still on 1. I just think it will be lovely to see them all at their different stages. Can't wait to have more :)

For example I love that I can have a conversation with my ds1 now, and I am helping him learn his number/letters etc.. and then I love that I don't have that with ds2 yet, just seeing him getting more confident with his walking and developing his own little personality, but they both love cuddling up with a book at bedtime :)

I will go back and answer those questions in a bit too :)
Its really hard not to believe that you are pg. Every little symptom is put down to pg symptoms in our heads. My DH says that he knows when I am pg??? Well we will put this to the test again soon I hope! :thumbup:

Our minds are wonderful at tricking us into believing what we want them to believe. I have been pg every month in my mind!! I must not over analyse this month! :dohh:
So questions for you: (for a little fun to pass the time)

1. Where all your PG the same? If not explain.
Yes pretty similar, although I had more nausea with ds2. With ds1 it was generally just with anything I didn't like the smell of, particularly meat cooking!

2. What were you cravings like, any crazy ones?
Nope, no cravings with either unfortunately

3. With which one were you the most horny? (that's right I asked :haha:)
Would have liked a lot more with both, but oh is not very keen on pregnant sex so kinda stopped around 5 months, although I managed to convince him when I was overdue with ds2 to try and get him on his way! lol

4. With any did you gain too much weight?
I gained a lot more with ds1 than ds2, probably due to a minimum of about 5 cakes/biscuits/chocolate bars a day

5. Did you have any complications with any of yours, during PG?
No complications in pregnancy, just after delivery with ds2. Had a haemorrhage and retained placenta, which resulted in me becoming anaemic and then an operation 10 wks after delivery when they realised there was placenta left over causing the continuous bleeding.

6. What was the longest you were in labour, and shortest?
ds1 labour was approx. 14 hours, ds2 approx. 4 hours

7. Did you have a natural birth? Or did you epidural it?
Natural birth with both, ds2 was a waterbirth.

8. Any complications with delivery?
ds1 was a failed waterbirth as he was back to back and they needed me to get out for an episiotomy. ds2 complications as above

9. Were your OH's very supportive? Or did you have extra support?
Oh was perfect, as he let me get on with it. I said to him as long as you're not looking bored or fed up, then just let me get on with it, but just DO NOT LEAVE ME!

10. The true reason you want another? (be honest even it sounds a bit selfish ;))[/QUOTE]
Love having babies! seeing them grow up and being at their different stages. Also love the idea of a noisy busy house, with them all coming and going. Then far far in the future when they are grown up, hopefully at least 1 will still be living nearby and coming to visit regularly! Hopefully they all will be with their gf's/bf's/wives/husbands/children and we can a big family Christmas :)
30mummyof1 - its lovely having children at different stages. I am not saying its easy though! My DD is 13 soon and is just been bombarded with hormones!
My DS is 10 tomorrow and he is just finding his independence. He has such a lovely sensitive character.
MY 5 yr old DS has a cheeky side to him and is slighty mischievous!!
Then there is my Ds who is 3. Well he tends to rule!! BUT they are all a pleasure to have. Very different and entertaining. :hugs2:
Yes I've been told it gets harder, I better get on with it quickly before I find out! :haha:
Not to say my 3 1/2 year doesn't have his moments!
Not sure if I want to be talked out of it, or encouraged to go for it haha:haha::haha::haha:

But really want to... I think!!

BFN on Saturday
Then Saturday afternoon -crampy lower abdomen, Boobs HUGE and veiny and tender and also had a lot of creamy CM. Today my hips are achy.

So should I wait until actually late for AF:shrug::shrug: or maybe get a wee cheeky one to test in morning :happydance::happydance: Although on night shift tonight so not sure how that goes with HCG levels and EMU

I just really really feel like I COULD be pregnant Fingers crossed xxx

Anyone else testing soon? Any more symptoms?


:test: Good luck hunni. xxx
lesh07 go get him hun!! Though it could help your chances with a giant deposit compaired to a bunch of smaller ones :winkwink:

Lol...Well I dtd last night so I got him and today I have had a very stretchy egg white substances today and I am on cd 11 now so I am in my fertile window. Will be trying to dtd for the next few nights to keep upping my chances. :thumbup:

Lesh xxxx
lesh07 go get him hun!! Though it could help your chances with a giant deposit compaired to a bunch of smaller ones :winkwink:

Lol...Well I dtd last night so I got him and today I have had a very stretchy egg white substances today and I am on cd 11 now so I am in my fertile window. Will be trying to dtd for the next few nights to keep upping my chances. :thumbup:

Lesh xxxx

Fingers crossed you catch that egg!
Do you mind if I tag along? I am ttc #5. Well not officaially as DH wants to wait until July!
I am 32 and DH is 35. We have 1 Dd - 13, 3 DS's 10, 5 & 3. I would love another girl but would be happy either way.
I had a mmc in Feb 2012 at 11 weeks and a mc in Aug 2012 at 9 weeks.
I have such an overactive mind that every month I swear I am pg!! I analyse every tiny symptom and then make myself believe that I am pg only to be welcomed by the perfectly timed WITCH!!
I am slightly cautious to be telling anyone I am ttc as of peoples opinions to having more children! Can you afford another? Your house is bursting at the seems already! What about your poor body, it couldn't possibly carry another! (Ha that makes me giggle.) Your other children will miss out? Thats just a few quotes people have made! And that's just the ones I hear! But at the end of the day I am married, happy and my children are well looked after and loved to the bone so who cares what people think.
This is my first post on a thread. I have been a stalker for what seems like forever but now I have found a thread that is just right.
Hi, our children are nearly the same ages! I do not like the neg comments either. I also think every month I am regnant, its funny how our bodies lay tricks on us x
well BFN from yday -knew it was too soon' one more test to go, waiting for AF or actually late for AF now xxx
Good luck hun hope you get your bfp. Xx
How is everyone doing? I am out this month. Am ov now and have not managed to DTD for 3 nights. I have a really crampy tummy and just feel yuk and no energy. I really hope I can get a session in tonight even if its just a quickie!!
I hope everyone is ok x
I am ok atm. Last night on the other hand was a different story. I was woken up by very painful dull pains or pulls. Almost like someone had a bunch of my insides in between two fingers and were twisting hard! I tried to sleep through it but I thought I should maybe go pee, thought that was my problem, but there wasn't very much there. No burning or pain while urinating, so ruling out infection. After that I couldn't sleep, was tossing and turning, was too hot so change my blanket out, then still too hot so opened a window, then was too cold after a while so shut the window. By then I ended up waking up DH. I finally went to sleep at 3 am fully. Woke up to my temps rising again a bit.

So all my symptoms from the last few days are matching up to all my signs with my last PG even the intense pain late 8DPO. I POAS (I know I know) this morning and of course it was BFN. I will try and hold off until sat to test again.
Hi I am on day 14 now and I have no O signs for the past 3 days so def ovulated early this month on day 10 which i will keep a track of. But still been dtd every other night just incase. Due to dtd again tonight so will be on track if I do O mid cycle without any signs. xxxx
I have no idea what I'm doing right now. Lol. I keep thinking I should already be getting at least the beginnings of fertile CM, and nothing yet. Hopefully it starts soon. Have BD'd every other night since AF. Hoping to manage tonight and then every night over the weekend.

Mummyto4 - I hope you can catch the egg tonight.

Allforthegirl - FX you get that BFP this weekend. Those are all great signs!

Lesh - Good luck figuring out O. I feel like mine is trying to be elusive this month too.

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