TTC peanut where are you!?

I'd like to jump in on this thread! First off, congrats Peanut and Hope on your BFPs! What was your secret?! Maggz my situation seems sort of similar to yours. I've been trying since December, got lucky in March but ended in a mc April 16 (ish) Now I'm just wondering how long it will take to get a sticky BFP. I'd love to get more advice from you ladies and have a nice place to talk about this journey. My AF is due tomorrow and I'm kind of feeling out of the game this cycle but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck everyone I look forward to conversing/venting with you all :winkwink:
Hey Ladybug! Oh wow that does sound similar! I'm sorry about your mc :(

Phew if there was a secret I wish someone had come out with it already... But I guess we're just doomed to have sex hahaha :winkwink:

I hope you're still in the game, my af is due in about 10 days, I'm not sure if it's gonna be regular since it's the first one after the mc. How was yours?
Maggz I'm very sorry to hear about yours as well. By far the worst thing Mother Nature can throw at someone who is trying to hard! Eeeek I can't wait to get an update from you 10 days from now!! Do you feel like you're still in?
And your right I guess a lot of sex isn't torture lol but the wait sure is!!
To answer your question my first one after the mc had a lot more cramping and quite heavier than usual but I was kind of expecting that. Very depressed the whole week but then a determination to try again came over me and now I'm kind of anticipating what my next one will be like since I'm not sure how much of my last AF was just from losing the baby. I've only had 2 cycles this year, one where I didn't get pg and one when I did so to be honest I've sort of forgotten how my body acts before she gets here!
Peanut, I hope your appointment next weeks helps you to feel better about how things are going and how far along you are. I have an appointment scheduled for June 10th to confirm the pregnancy and my initial consultation.

Welcome to the group, Lady Bug! I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage :( Were you on the pill before trying? I've heard some women mc early on after stopping the pill. Hope your AF stays far away!

Maggz, I started taking my temps a few months ago but I never got OPKs. I kept meaning to order them, but never got around to it. Do you have a basal body temp thermometer? I got one pretty cheap at cvs. The key is taking your temp every morning at the same time and not getting out of bed first, which was hard for me to get used to! One month taking my temps helped for me to see the sharp drop in temp and then a rise, which meant I probably ovulated. I found it sometimes confusing to understand, so I actually didn't temp this cycle. We tried to bd during fertile times, but I tried to be more relaxed about it.

My only one suggestion is to be cautious when using an app on your phone. They are designed for a typical cycle and the days that are listed as possible ovulation days, may not actually line up with your cycle. If that makes sense? Some women ovulate earlier or later than what an app says. This cycle I realized we didn't bd the weekend I supposedly ovulated according to my app because I was away. We did a few days before and after. So, I guess just give yourself a wide window, which I'm sure you are doing!

Meg, can't wait for your post on Sunday! I'm praying it's good news!!
Thanks Hope, I was actually recovering from the Depo shot. Worst mistake of my life!!! I got one shot in October 2012 and the next 4 months we're complete confusing hell! Finally the stuff got out of my system and my cycles regulated themselves so I was NTNP for 8 mos and just letting my body get back to normal until this last December when I decided to start really keeping track and trying.
Have you had much experience with temping? I tried it this cycle but I'm having some difficulty because I work a job where 3 days I work swing shift and 2 days I work grave shifts so I'm never waking up at the same time and my sleep schedule is a little hectic. So I feel like I can't trust my temps to tell me anything any advice for how a chick with a crazy work schedule can keep better track?!
Ladybug that sounds a lot like how mine went. Keep us updated hopefully that stupid af won't come!
I have no idea if I'm in the game still or not for this month... my right boob is a little sensitive but I think it's just the bra :haha: and I might not even have ovulated yet... I just looked at my phone app again and it's saying my af should be here in 2 weeks but FF says 10 days. How exciting I don't even know how long I'll have to wait... :dohh:
I can see how it would be hard for you to temp! Sleeping after a graveyard is never the same so I doubt the temp will be able to tell you a lot - you should google it! What did people do before google???

Hope yeah I'm not really relying heavily on either FF or the app that I have cause it's all general guesstimations, but it's nice to have something to see approx. when it should be happening.
I guess both temping and OPKs have pros and cons, I'll probably ask you guys about it again when my af comes around.
Do you have a doctor's appointment soon?
Lady bug, that's hard with your schedule. I got the most accurate information when I took my temp at the same time. I actually set a special alarm just for it. I think OPKs might help because they'll give you a better idea of when you might be ovulating. Temping is better for telling you if you ovulated.

The apps are definitely helpful for having a general idea of when things are happening and to keep track of everything, including symptoms.

I have my first appointment on June 10th to confirm pregnancy. They wanted me to come in around 5 to 6 weeks. I'm still not exactly sure when I actually got pregnant. It may have been a little earlier or later in the month, since I don't exactly know when I ovulated.

Hoping the best for all of you and that you have a good weekend!
Maggz, Dr Google is my best friend! That's really frustrating that the apps are giving you such different dates for AF. I wish there was a POAS test for an eminent AF!!! That would make life so much easier! I have my fingers crossed for you that you're still in and this month is lucky for you!
Hope thanks for the info I think I'm going to just give up on temping and rely in OPK's. Don't know why I've seen so much hype about temping online...your right it only tells you what all ready happened when it's too late to do anything about it!!
Well my AF is due today and no sign of her yet....took a test with FMU and of course negative :growlmad: so I'm feeling out....and my hubby leaves for a 3 month work trip before my next O! I'm pissed at the world today!
You're right it would be so convenient to test for AF:thumbup:

Let us know if yours comes along, hope it doesn't! Ugh three months, that sucks, mine is away right now so I'm hoping I o'd on Tuesday like FF said, if not I'm totally out this month. Is he going for work?

What about you Meg? You testing tomorrow?
Yes he is a commercial fisherman and is gone quite often. He was home all month so we had plenty of time to DTD, and we did, all month after I got my AF back after the mc. But now he is going back out for a few months so fingers crossed my first cycle back is a lucky one! I hope FF was on track for you!
Where are all the other ladies I'm in need of some inspirational success stories today!!!
I am! I'm nervous. I keep racking my mind about the BFP on Monday. I tell myself I'm crazy so I don't get dido pointed if I get a BFN tomorrow but as I sit an think about it I'm like what else
could it have been? I regret not sending you girls the pic.
I kept thinking well there's a mark on the test or a bend (...I know I'm on a rant sorry.) But if there was the line wouldn't have been in the right spot an the right size. Just was faint. I've been crampy the last couple days so I'm extra anxious and nervous. Oye I never thought I would be this dramatic about it. I guess just bc I saw what I saw...who knows.
I'll make sure I send you girls the pic first! My plan is to pee on it and jump in the shower lol.
Just saw online the batch of Wondfos I ordered and have been using are a bad batch and numerous people confirmed by doctors are getting negatives with these. :growlmad: I live on an island in alaska with 1...I repeat... ONE drug store and I feel silly going in all the time cleaning the shelves of tests so I order online. Darnit!! I'm sure AF is on her way anyways
Good plan Meg, I'm very excited and hopeful for you! Update ASAP for all us hopefulls keeping an eye on this thread!
I am! I'm nervous. I keep racking my mind about the BFP on Monday. I tell myself I'm crazy so I don't get dido pointed if I get a BFN tomorrow but as I sit an think about it I'm like what else
could it have been? I regret not sending you girls the pic.
I kept thinking well there's a mark on the test or a bend (...I know I'm on a rant sorry.) But if there was the line wouldn't have been in the right spot an the right size. Just was faint. I've been crampy the last couple days so I'm extra anxious and nervous. Oye I never thought I would be this dramatic about it. I guess just bc I saw what I saw...who knows.
I'll make sure I send you girls the pic first! My plan is to pee on it and jump in the shower lol.

Fingers crossed for you! Don't make yourself too crazy. Be positive! Can't wait to see a posted pic!
Maggz, Dr Google is my best friend! That's really frustrating that the apps are giving you such different dates for AF. I wish there was a POAS test for an eminent AF!!! That would make life so much easier! I have my fingers crossed for you that you're still in and this month is lucky for you!
Hope thanks for the info I think I'm going to just give up on temping and rely in OPK's. Don't know why I've seen so much hype about temping online...your right it only tells you what all ready happened when it's too late to do anything about it!!
Well my AF is due today and no sign of her yet....took a test with FMU and of course negative :growlmad: so I'm feeling out....and my hubby leaves for a 3 month work trip before my next O! I'm pissed at the world today!

Sorry Ladybug! About the negative & your hubby being out of town for 3 months. That's difficult! But, maybe look at it as a great opportunity to really track your body, CM & temps!

I understand your frustration. I'm here if ever you want to vent further.
I am! I'm nervous. I keep racking my mind about the BFP on Monday. I tell myself I'm crazy so I don't get dido pointed if I get a BFN tomorrow but as I sit an think about it I'm like what else
could it have been? I regret not sending you girls the pic.
I kept thinking well there's a mark on the test or a bend (...I know I'm on a rant sorry.) But if there was the line wouldn't have been in the right spot an the right size. Just was faint. I've been crampy the last couple days so I'm extra anxious and nervous. Oye I never thought I would be this dramatic about it. I guess just bc I saw what I saw...who knows.
I'll make sure I send you girls the pic first! My plan is to pee on it and jump in the shower lol.

Aw Meg I'm sure you'll get your perfect line tomorrow!! I'm gonna be checking in when I wake up :)
Just vent you know we're all here for you:hugs:

Ladybug that's no fun, mine is out at sea right now but at least it's only a week - which of course had to hit my possible fertile time though, haha:haha:

I'm gonna go ahead and order the cheapo OPKs off Amazon and I guess then it's just the wait...:coffee:
Well ladies I woke up. I ran to the bathroom turned the shower on and POAS 2x! Lol. And I got 2 very clear BFN.

You didn't read that wrong. BFN. 😡 😭 I'm glad I'm not going to be come at the perfect time.
Meg, I'm so sorry! I've been thinking about you all weekend. You used the digital? Still no AF? I'm glad you are going on vacation too, hopefully it will still be relaxing and fun. Where are you going? This was your first cycle with clomid, right? Maybe it will just take your body a while to adjust and you'll get your BFP this new cycle!
lady bug and Maggz, hope you aren't completely out this month. Lady bug, where in Alaska do you live? I have a friend from college who lives outside of anchorage and my husband and I really want to visit someday.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not, but some of the ladies from another forum recommended buying the cheap OPKs on amazon and then if you get a positive with those, buy better ones from the pharmacy and back it up with that. I guess the ones from amazon can be hard to read sometimes.
Meg, I'm so sorry! I've been thinking about you all weekend. You used the digital? Still no AF? I'm glad you are going on vacation too, hopefully it will still be relaxing and fun. Where are you going? This was your first cycle with clomid, right? Maybe it will just take your body a while to adjust and you'll get your BFP this new cycle!

It was my first cycle on Clomid. AF should be here the 5th. I'm 16dpo today. I just used 2 IC I thought I had a digital. I think I'm going to skip Clomid this month. I want to see what's going w/ my ovaries.

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