Can I join in?
I'm 20, my husband is 26. We will be TTC for number two starting next month

I am hoping I will not be in the TTC section for long but that may be just a bit too wishful!
We are TTC our second now because we don't want there to be too big of an age gap between Anna (our daughter, now 9 months old) and baby # 2 - I want her to have someone to play with when me and Dom are just too boring, I want her to have someone to share with; both toys and experiences, I want her to have someone to wake up with stupidly early on Christmas mornings, and someone safe to row with, someone to look out for, and be looked out for by... I just don't want her to be 'alone'. Although me and my husband will always be there for her, I want her to have someone close in age, just someone
close to walk through life with.
I also want to do my midwifery degree before too long, but definitely want baby #2 before then otherwise the age gap would just be too big.
Therefore, I am currently doing an OU course in health and social care that ends the beginning of October so I am set to TTC after this coming cycle as baby will arrive (if all goes to plan! And they stay in for the full 40 weeks this time

) after my exams and course are over.
If things go impossibly well I am hoping for a first month bfp so baby is old enough that I can apply for uni in Sept 2010 to do my midwifery degree and Anna and baby #2 can go to nursery together!

Maybe even more wishful there, though

I am just an impatient person I guess. I dread to think how I am going to cope with all that TTC brings...
*sigh* But that's me anyway, nice to 'meet' you all in TTC, I am looking forward to getting to know you all and hope we all get our BFP's soon!
