Anyone else get weird looks when going through the baby sections..? I am almost 23 but look even younger.. I was just picking up some baby gates at Target for my puppy this weekend and got some weird looks.. grr.. and later on I was just passing through and got ANOTHER weird look.. rawr..! Little do these people know that I own my own house, have been married for 3 years, have a great career .. I can only imagine once I am pregnant & showing I am going to get people looking at me weird constantly ..
Lol I get that too!! I'm going to be 23 on may 1st, and last week I went to visit my friend in the hospital after she had her baby and the nurse stop me at the door and said I had to be older than 16 to get in.. I had to show Id before she let me in! I also have seen people look at me wired for admiring baby gear, and they over here my family say 'i hope I have a baby soon' I'm married, and I'm a licienced surgical tech and my husband works for an amazing company, and it sucks that people can be so judgemental... But I try not to let it bother me cause I know we will make great parents!!
And I'm sure you will too! Let them stare and admire us for being young, smart, and beautiful!!
