Turning 31, TTC #1- would love a TTC buddy!

Hey TTC,
Thank you for your kind words... I hope it happens, but my symptoms seem too much like my AF symptoms...
I am 11DPO, AF is due Thursday or Friday, I ordered IC and they are supposed to get here on Thrusday, so I don't have AF by then, I will test on Friday.
Joie - What did you do as your first post positive pregnancy test workout?

I did a kettle bell workout and a short run. The first trimester I'm going to focus on strength training and core. I want to maintain a strong core bc everyone says it helps with delivery. I have a "fitness account" on Instagram and this was my pic today! My "before" picture haha... I will miss my abs.
I kept checking my heart rate I felt great throughout it!
I've had this headache ALL day. I miss taking ibuprofen.


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Thejoie - Congrats! So excited for you! This is so exciting, has it hit you yet.. I also downloaded The Bump as well as like ten other apps, nothing really caught my attention where I was like oooo I have to have this app. They all kinda suck and don't really give a lot of information. It's like I have to dig through all of them for info that I am looking for. Go onto the Pregnant Chicken website, it is actually very entertaining as well as give you no BS information about pregnancy, i.e. do you poo on the table at delivery time.. lol...

PurplePear - I am hoping the nausea misses me too, I haven't felt anything yet. Anything else different you noticed? Have you told your work yet? I don't think I am telling till at least 12 weeks. They are going to freakkkkkk!!!

Perky - Looks like you are on your way... DH better be getting ready to do the BD!

Illa - What dpo are you? How much longer until you test.. I think you are the next one in our little group!! FX'ing for you!!

AFM - no new updates, I did tell DH as well as my immediate family. Everyone is super excited, it would technically be the first grandbaby in the family. No symptoms except the racing heart beat when I work out so I have been scaling back.

Does anyone know next steps? I feel like you spend all this time worrying about getting pregnancy, now I actually am. I have no idea what to do. I did the normal thing and found an OBGYN and made an appointment but i'm not seeing her until I am 8 weeks. So what do I do in between?!?! This is so weird, there is something growing inside of me but it is kinda like no one is worried because it is only 4 weeks... Anyone stop drinking coffee? I haven't.. That's probably my only vice I am keeping..

Ttc so far not bad with symptoms still intermittent cramping becoming a little less as the days go with nausea coming in waves still don't need to really take anything though but one of the doctors i work with gave me a prescription for diclectin for when I need it. Today I finally booked my first obstetrics appt for next Friday they will set up 8wk blood work and us so looking forward to that makes it feel a little more real :-)

I told a few people at work because i needed the referral and had to make my appointment which involved telling some people to get it set up. I have not told my boss I will wait the 12 weeks because like yours she will flip as another girl is due in April lol.

I agree i can't cut out coffee but I have cut down on the amount I drink in a day :-)

Have you booked any appointments or seen anyone yet??
Good morning ladies! CD 8 today and So far so good!

TTC you're so funny, hah!

TTC, Purple, and Thejoie, I'm so glad you all are doing great! following your conversations about post-pregnancy workouts, symptoms, and appts. So exciting :-). Purple, you are right. I have NEVER considered what you do AFTER the BFP before your first appt, haha. Smile and glow I suppose :-)?
Illa, how are you holding up? I can't wait for you to start using the OPKs when they get here for this next cycle. You'll love them! It's so helpful to combine it with temping and CM to try to understand what on earth your body is doing you know? Temping alone is really hard to follow I find because my temps can be all over the place sometimes. With more information, I find that I'm able to better make sense of where we are in the cycle :-). Still warding of AF for you!! Even if she gets here, it's ok, we have your back here. Every cycle is a new beginning and a new opp to get your BFP :-)!
Illa, how are you holding up? I can't wait for you to start using the OPKs when they get here for this next cycle. You'll love them! It's so helpful to combine it with temping and CM to try to understand what on earth your body is doing you know? Temping alone is really hard to follow I find because my temps can be all over the place sometimes. With more information, I find that I'm able to better make sense of where we are in the cycle :-). Still warding of AF for you!! Even if she gets here, it's ok, we have your back here. Every cycle is a new beginning and a new opp to get your BFP :-)!

Thanks Perky,
I got my Pre AF cramps last night, so AF will be here over the next day, so I know I'm out this cycle. I think the opk's would be good.
I am so happy to have you guys for support. I never thought I would be the type of person that gets bummed out over TTC. Next cycle is a new beginning so hoping for the best.
Perky- I feel you. Waiting to ovulate was so much more stressful for me than the TWW. But you are arming yourself for success!! Always a good sign when that mucus gets more watery! Are you seeing any progression on the opk's's yet? When is your estimated ovulation date? I'm so full of anticipation for you!!

Illa-yes I agree. The opk's with temping gives you so much of an easier time pinpointing.

TTC- how are you feeling today?

Purple- I'm not sure when to tell work. My manager knows we are trying... I told him to anticipate maternity leave from me next year but I think I'm gonna tell him at 8 weeks too officially.

Today I feel great!! Energy is good. Headache isn't there. No nausea yet. Did the First Response RAPID Response and got a big bold line. Just keep telling my lil but to hold on tight!!
Good Morning!

Perky - I think dtd with DH, for them is a very manly thing, like yeah baby I am going to get you preggers.. You are luck 2x a day is awesome!! Afterwards I made sure to keep my butt elevated on a pillow, I know all the research says this doesn't do anything but I still did it.

Illa - I know i sound like a broken record, you aren't out until AF shows.. But being positive and hopeful for next cycle is a really great way to look at it mentally. I didn't grasp temping so I only used the OPKs and it was very helpful to know exactly what was going on.

Purple - That is great you work with doctors, that must put your mind at ease. You seem to be right on top of your appointments, I know what you mean about making it seem more real. Right now I feel like it isn't real, because I haven't gone to the doctor yet. I can't cut out coffee, no way, so I am just have my iced coffee in the morning and that is it.

Joie - Hot Mamma! I was looking at pictures of baby bumps (because I am super scared of getting fat!) and I saw some women who still had their abs with their bump. So you may keep them?! I cannot wait to see people reaction at the gym when I start showing and working out!! I plan to workout until I am in labor, let's hope we can make it that far! Is there a pregnancy workout website you are following to get your workouts ideas? Or just making them yourself?

AFM - I am actually 2 days late, so that is a good sign! I don't have any symptoms. And I completed my workout challenge last night, a day early (had to do 20 rides in 30 days) and little does everyone know I am preggers while doing it! lol That was super time consuming so I am glad to just go back to running now. I actually have a doctors appt tomorrow and she will take my HCG/Progesterone levels to confirm pregnancy. Also meeting with her to discuss pregnancy nutrition, what can/can't do etc. And I did make my 8 week apt with an OBGYN who will be my doctor throughout the pregnancy and do the delivery, but that is not until Dec, so I have a few weeks to go. But I think they do an ultrasound at that appt and can probably hear the heartbeat? Anyone know when we will be able to hear the heartbeat??

PS - Also just found out I got accepted into business school to get my MBA, so there is that too. lol
Congrats TTC that is awesome. An MBA is a great thing to have. The congratulations was was for completing your workout challenge while preggo.
Let us know how your doctors appt goes.
Thanks for the encouragement and enthusiasm, Joie! I feel more knowledgeable this go around :-D. My OPKs have looked roughly about the same all week. Also, your abs are amazing! As active as you are, I'm sure you'll totally get them back post-delivery.

TTC: Oh I know right. Also, I'm sure you and Joie will be able to workout until labor haha. You are both so active. You guys remind me of a friend of mine who did just that! Taking gym selfies at week 40! Congrats on getting into B school btw and the fitness challenge! So much good news over the last week! I heard they try to do an US to hear the heart beat btw weeks 8-10. Does that sound about right, ladies?

Illa: That's the spirit!
DH and I used to be actively preventing pregnancy month to month. Now, it's so weird that we are doing the exact opposite!
Here are my opks so far!
Perky they are definitely getting darker! Love the hip thing I'm not going to lie I tried it a couple times since I sleep with a body pillow it was East :)

Ttc wow November is your month!! That's awesome that your doctor is doing blood work before you go to see the dr that will be following you. Mine never wanted to see me at all so I am definitely lucky to work with a great group who helped me get set up. I was told at my eight week us I will be able to hear the heart I'm so excited to hear it and for dh to hear it also :-)

Joie omg wow look at those abs! I'm sure I have some.. under a roll or two lol. I was doing boxing but injured my back this past summer and put on some of what I had been loosing. But thankfully I've been able to restart at a gym to keep moving at least and put on healthy weight. How long is your maternity leave?

Illa great attitude :-) awesome to see you looking forward to the next round but as perky said not out till af shows!

Afm today I had an osteo appt but was told when I got there that they won't touch me until I'm 12 weeks for risk of causing a miscarriage...has anyone else heard of this??
TTC: 8-10weeks usually for first heartbeat. They are hard to find earlier. Congrats on school!! My husband wants to go back this next year too! Glad you're still feeling well!

Perky: you're opk's look awesome!! That last one is really showing progression!! You are right on track!

Purple: osteo? I'm not sure what that is...

AFM: I think I'm getting sick. I've been sneezing like a maniac and my nose started running today. What the heck?! Of course I'd get sick when I can't take anything!!! Sigh. I was hoping it was allergies but I don't get sneezing with my allergies. Weird.

Did I mention we bought a house?! Well we did yesterday. Put a deposit down on a new construction which will be ready March/April!! Perfect timing!!! I am so freaking excited. A house and a baby... I'm living a dream!!
TTC: 8-10weeks usually for first heartbeat. They are hard to find earlier. Congrats on school!! My husband wants to go back this next year too! Glad you're still feeling well!

Perky: you're opk's look awesome!! That last one is really showing progression!! You are right on track!

Purple: osteo? I'm not sure what that is...

AFM: I think I'm getting sick. I've been sneezing like a maniac and my nose started running today. What the heck?! Of course I'd get sick when I can't take anything!!! Sigh. I was hoping it was allergies but I don't get sneezing with my allergies. Weird.

Did I mention we bought a house?! Well we did yesterday. Put a deposit down on a new construction which will be ready March/April!! Perfect timing!!! I am so freaking excited. A house and a baby... I'm living a dream!!

That's amazing joie congrats on the house! 2017 will be the best year yet for you guys!

Osteopathy is like physio, he works my muscles in my lower back to help them release by using the trigger points and stretches.
TTC: 8-10weeks usually for first heartbeat. They are hard to find earlier. Congrats on school!! My husband wants to go back this next year too! Glad you're still feeling well!

Perky: you're opk's look awesome!! That last one is really showing progression!! You are right on track!

Purple: osteo? I'm not sure what that is...

AFM: I think I'm getting sick. I've been sneezing like a maniac and my nose started running today. What the heck?! Of course I'd get sick when I can't take anything!!! Sigh. I was hoping it was allergies but I don't get sneezing with my allergies. Weird.

Did I mention we bought a house?! Well we did yesterday. Put a deposit down on a new construction which will be ready March/April!! Perfect timing!!! I am so freaking excited. A house and a baby... I'm living a dream!!

That's amazing joie congrats on the house! 2017 will be the best year yet for you guys!

Osteopathy is like physio, he works my muscles in my lower back to help them release by using the trigger points and stretches.

That's what I thought and it makes sense. You can't get a massage in the first trimester either. It's a liability thing. Even though there isn't a lot of research on the topic- many establishments abide by it.
Congrats on the House Joie!! That's great news!!!
I've heard about no massages and osteopathy in the first trimester as well, Purple.
Perky, That is a wonderful progression in the OPKs, fingers crossed for you :D

AFM: Still the same, waiting for AF. The crams have been on and off today unlike the constant cramps yesterday, but more intense. Also have this weird bloated feeling. AF should be here today or tomorrow.
Perky - Your OPKs do look like they are progressing, keep POAS and tell DH to get ready!

I have been reading it is 8-10 weeks to hear the HB, but just wanted to see if you ladies heard differently. That is great then, because my appt with my OB is right at 8 weeks when I get back from Mexico! Whoo!

Purple - how are you feeling today? Sorry about your osteo, are there stretches you can do on your own?

Illa - still hanging on?

Joie - I read that with all the estrogen/progesterone being generated in your body it increases mucus everywhere. Including sinuses so it could be that and not getting sick. I think runny nose and even bloody nose is usual because of the extra mucus that is being generated for the embryo to borrow into the lining. That is so exciting about your house, that really is living the dream! What will it look like when it is completed, it is being constructed from scratch?

AFM - Have my appt with my GP, this is actually my three month check-up which has been on my calendar for months so it just happens that I got pregnant and she can do all my blood work, HCG levels and Progesterone so it just kind magically worked out. I do hope it doesn't take 2 weeks to get the blood work back though, I just want to hear that my levels are "pregnancy" levels. Still no symptoms?!
Hi, good morning!

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I think DH maybe getting sick unfortunately which makes me 1. sad that he is sick and #2. sad because we literally JUST entered our fertile period! I'm literally going to feed him Echinacea tea and vitamin C until the cows come home... I hope this doesn't derail things for us this week :-|...

Joeie, congratulations!! That's so exciting! And custom built huh? My friend just had her home custom built. She said for the price you pay for something you "don't quite want", its worth the investment in your dream home :-). Do you like your new future neighborhood?

Ditto. I to heard that several medical appointments are off the table until after the first trimester. I also heard that people generally don't go tot the dentist but I think that is because of the intense nausea maybe? I'm not sure if it's the liability there too.

Thank you Illa! Fxed for you. Your temps are still pretty high... Keep us posted as to if your OPKs get here and if AF shows up!

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