TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Bab- **Huge hugs** so sorry those numbers aren't a rising , did the dr say anything else? I am still fairly new to all of this so I'm not sure if the number dropping means 100% that things are going bad...? Sorry if that sounds stupid
Well it's almost as if it was waiting for me to receive the bad news, but I started bleeding overnight and pretty heavy. So I think it is safe to say that I am no longer pregnant.
My doctor wants me to come back for a blood draw next week. I guess to confirm it is gone?
Not sure if I will be trying again this month. I kind of want to take a break but my husband said that we might as well give clomid another round since I did technically conceive. I am just worried that my hormones are still too unbalanced to be able to keep a pregnancy alive. I may also search, yet again, for a new doctor. I feel like if she was more attentive from the beginning that they would have been able to do something to help the hcg to increase.
Bab-Oh honey I just said "oh shit" out loud at my desk, I am so sorry!! I am almost in tears for you. When you loose it this early just try to remember that it was 90% due to a chromosomal issue, and nothing could be done. Oh honey, I am so sorry. I have been there and there are no words to make it better. My opinion would be to wait a month, it may take a bit for your cycle to work its self out again. I didn't even ovulate after my loss. I am praying for peace and comfort for you. Your husband it correct that it is great that you now know you can concieve, you may want to think about taking progesterone like I did every month, I know it is more meds that none of us want to take but talk to your doctor about it and be stern when you tell them. I told mine that I thought I needed to be on it and he did, no questions. I pray for you sweet girl.
Babs, I'm so sorry. Wish I could hug you right now.

AFM - I saw Dr and he wasn't as bad as I thought. He sending me for an ultrasound and quantitative hcg to date everything. And then next week I have a follow up with my new OB who he referred me to. She's also in his office and she seems very nice.

I didn't talk to him about progesterone. I figure I'll talk to the new OB about it.
Bab-I am so very sorry. It is a terrible time and you need to let yourself heal (emotionally more than anything) and when YOU feel ready to try again you will know. I remember the feeling. I stayed in bed for 2 days, cried and let all my emotion out. I know right now it feels horrible but just keep telling yourself that your rainbow is out there. Hugs
I had my follow up scan earlier and saw the baby and hb. It is still dating behind by about 6 days but so was dd at the beginning. Actually they are both almost exactly the same right down to heart rate which is funny. I'm still feeling cautious only because it is behind and things are early.
I meet with my mw in 3 wks and I imagine will have another scan in 5 weeks around 12 weeks.
Ready that is so great that you got to see baby and hb!! What was the hb? I can't wait for your progress!!

Perse-so glad that your dr isn't as bad as you thought! Sounds like everything is looking good for you!

AFM-I am so feeling prego today!! I will attach a pic ;) I haven't gotten sick in 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo I am so excited, this is the longest that I have gone since finding out. I hope that ms is gone. I hope you all are having a great day. Bab you are in my thoughts sweet girl, and Ready is so right, YOU will know when you are ready and take as much time as you need.
Bab- So sorry sweetie *tight hugs* I know this probably is one of the hardest things to go through and my heart goes out to all of the strong women who go through this. I can't even imagine. I agree with your DH, maybe the fact that you did concieve and the clomid is obviously working is a good indicator that you may conceive again.. So better to do it sooner? BUT also like ready and mrs said you will know when your body is ready. *Hugs* and prayers are going up

Ready- I just knew it!!!!! I'm so glad you are at ease and got to see and hear the baby today!! Don't worry yourself about the weeks being off, it's funny my Dd was behind a couple of weeks too, congrats hun!

Mrs- Thanks for the bump pic! So cute! I'm glad you haven't gotten sick anymore (: how are you feeling as far as energy? And this is second trimester right?

My dr called today and said the numbers are doubling .... But that still means absolutely nothing until I get the scan. It could still be a number of things from a blighted ovum to ectopic to mc. So they scheduled me to do my scan on wednsday and I guess we'll go from there
mommy-that is a good sign, can't wait for you to see your baby!! Yes I am in the 2nd trimester finally!! Energy is picking back up, so far. Some nights are better than others though.
Mrs-cute little bump. Once you start to notice the "expansion" it seems to grow daily at times.
The hb was 114 bpm. I have read a myriad of averages and normal ranges and for the size of the embryo at this point. The hb is on the low side of "normal" so of course I worry! I hate the first's too stressful!
Mommy-next week I'm sure scan will show a lot more and you will be able to relax a bit. Did they tell you what ur numbers were?
mrs- Phew! That first trimester just flew on by! Your baby boo will be here in no time! I really really wanted to concieve in March ): never goes the way I plan it!

Ready- My numbers went from 300 to 1639 I think I misheard her the other day I though she said 3000. But it went from 3 something to 16 something .... I just heard her say the numbers are shooting up lol

I wish knowing the gender wasn't such a big deal to me and DH because it feels selfish and ungrateful and just makes things more stressful. Wish I could afford gender selection
Mrs- Beautiful bump! <3

Ready- Sounds like you may have a girl? I think it is girls who have a lower hb right? :)

mommy- those numbers still sound great! I doubt it is ectopic. I read that ectopic pregnancies don't rise very fast at all and sometimes even drop and rise occassionally. So i think this baby is sticking in ya!

pers- Thank God your doc is working with you finally!

Ren- How is this cycle treating you so far?
Babbs, again I am so sorry you had to go through this. Each doctor will have different ideas about when you can get pregnant again. The only reason some ask for a month break is it makes dating on their end easier. You can get pregnant right after your first with no issues. This flow is going to be heavier and probably a bit more painful. But it means you will get a good clear out and have a plush lining ready. You can start again when you feel ready. It was hard to hear about all the successful pregnancies after my losses but know you have friends here no matter where you are in the ttc world.

Mommy dk, Grats on your numbers. Now they are above 1500 it should be much easier to see the embryo on the vaginal ultrasound.

Ready. I am glad you got to see your new little one. Hopefully it will grow quickly and be very healthy.

Mrs burch, I can't believe you are already in second trimester already. The time has gone by so fast. Cute bump you have growing there.

Persephone whew, glad he listened to you on done stuff. Let us know how the tests go.

AFM, nothing much, day 3 on femara and praying for a left side ovulation, but resigned that it just may not happen for months. One week until my scan.
Bab-I agree with Ren that it is very hard to hear about other's positive ttc stories when u r in the midst of this. Please don't think I don't totally empathize with you because I was there. That's why I can say confidently this will soon be in the past and u will be celebrating ur rainbow. Hopefully with u and Ren both its much sooner than later.
They say that boys have a lower heart rate but I think that's after 8 or 9 weeks when it can range from 140 to 180.
Ren-my everything is crossed that next week ur scan shows some lovely follicles from ur left side!
Babs, I wholeheartedly agree with Ren and Ready. Take whatever time you need, whether is a cycle or two or six. For me it took a long time to be emotionally ready to try again. But we are here for you, no matter what. :hugs:

Ready - So glad things are good with your scan! Maybe you have another little girl in there!

Ren - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Mrs - Woohoo! Second Trimester! Your bump is sooo cute!

Mommy - That seems like an excellent sign!

AFM, I posted this in the 1st Tri forum but I'll post it here too. Tonight on my commute home I started having this weird...I am reluctant to call it pain, but its definitely uncomfortable. It started at the spot where my thigh meets my hip meets the corner of my public line and then travelled down the left side of my vagina and to the back of my thigh.

Now it's just sort of settled at the spot where my thigh meets my hip meets the corner of my public line.

Has anyone else experienced this? It seems to go away when I walk around.
First off, thank you all <3

ren- So far I am fine about others being pg or getting pg. But this is just day one so it may change.
I just hope that you get your bfp soon! I may take some time... I will ntnp but I won't take clomid again until I feel like it is a good time.

ready- I will need to geg caught up on the hb gender myths lol What would you want more? Boy or girl?
I may have already asked this before....

Pers- I am excited for your first scan! Did they give you a date?

afm- Going to try to put this in the back of my mind.
I passed most of the tissue today and am still hurting. Had to work so that sucked... Oh well.
Going to try to spearmint tea thing for pcos and try to lose some weight after this. Then see how things go later. Maybe I won't need clomid if the tea stuff works!
Pers- Yes I use to get them all of the time when I was of with the kids....early on and later into the last trimester. My GYN has always said they were growing and stretching pains, makes sense because things are get moved around and stretched out preparing for baby. Walking helped me too

Ready- What are you hoping for? Boy or girl? Does DH have a color he's rooting for ?

Ren- I hope this round is it for you! Are you trying any teas or anything else? My friend was taking fertility supplements before she conceived ..... I was going to try them out before clomid

Bab- Sorry you had to work today /-: you are such a trooper! I was reading around as usual lol about clomid and how mc after clomid usually happens with the first pg but then won't happen again...? Not sure if you read that or not or how true it is but I read that in two different places. So like ready said ..... That rainbow is on its way <3 and we are all here if you need further support or need to talk

I felt some pains today ...... Cramps . Not like the ones I've gotten during pg , more like the ones I would get if I was exercising or walking to fast ...? Maybe it's nothing . I'm just so curious to see what's going on. Is a d&c painful? I just want to mentally prepare for worst case scenario
I am on everything MommyDK:

Vitamins: Ubiquinol COQ10 and Royal jelly for egg quality, Vitamin D, Calcium, whole food prenatal, prescription 4mg folic acid a day, EPA fish oil to reduce my NK cells.

Then Femara 5mg cd 3-7, and hcg trigger if the follicles are on the right side.

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