Bab-Oh honey I just said "oh shit" out loud at my desk, I am so sorry!! I am almost in tears for you. When you loose it this early just try to remember that it was 90% due to a chromosomal issue, and nothing could be done. Oh honey, I am so sorry. I have been there and there are no words to make it better. My opinion would be to wait a month, it may take a bit for your cycle to work its self out again. I didn't even ovulate after my loss. I am praying for peace and comfort for you. Your husband it correct that it is great that you now know you can concieve, you may want to think about taking progesterone like I did every month, I know it is more meds that none of us want to take but talk to your doctor about it and be stern when you tell them. I told mine that I thought I needed to be on it and he did, no questions. I pray for you sweet girl.