Hey gals!!! MV welcome back!!!
Perse-I hope the ms is giving you comfort!!
Ren-Hurry up 5th!! Keep us posted!!
Bab-How are you doing, hope better and got some rest!
Mommy-hoe are you, when do you go back to dr?
Ready-I love my doppler, I don't use it all the time and used it wrong for about 8 weeks but I am so gald that I have it! It does give me comfort, even now still. If you find your pulse like I did and think it is the baby's heartbeat it will be the best thing ever!! lol
AFM-I am starting to show more this week, well I haven't gone #2 in a week either, so that may be part of it!

I am feeling great and have way more energy. We get to see Bristol again on the 18th, I can't wait!! Work has been crazy today, someone called and had a total loss fire on their home, I cried while talkin to them. Then right after that someone else calls me and starts yelling because they are getting cancelled and they are mad, well they didn't tell me that they aren't living in the home any longer, they move to another state. These are things you need to tell your agent so I can keep you from getting canceled. Anyways long day and it is only noon!! UGh hurry up 5, I am ready to go home!!