Ren- LOL about you telling your hubs all that xD Yeah piggy babies are adorable!!
All that I can do for her is give her TONS of fresh water (she has a mega-water bottle), lots of alphalpha and timothy hay, make sure she has plenty of pellets and give her lots of leafy greens!!
I have been worried about possibly needing to get her a c-section but their survival rate is extremely low

So lets hope she won't need any help and can do this all on her own!!
As for your tests... I am on my phone and it is being a butthole about letting me see the test pic! I will try to remember to get on tonight to check it out.
mommy- I am excited to hear what the gender is!! That is awesome you can find out that way
ready- I hope ren and I are as lucky as you and Mrs and just don't have symptoms appear until later! I wouldn't mind them by any means but it would be comforting to have few or no symptoms and get a bfp!
Mrs- I hope you are right!! And I will for sure post pics as long as it all goes well
That is super exciting that she is kicking already!! It must feel pretty weird to feel it happen from the inside lol
Okay... I think that was everyone xD
So afm.... No guinea pig babies yet. She is very sluggish now though so it will be soon!!
I have had a dull cramp on my right side when I stretch, not a bad cramp but it feels like it did when I was pg last month. Could be recovering still for all I know...
We are pretty broke this paycheck so I won't be able to test any time soon :'(
But I guess that is fine because if I do conceive and it turns out to be non-viable or a chemical then I probably won't be able to really tell at all and will just think my period came. But as soon as we get paid next payday and af is still absent I will for sure by some tests and see if anything happens!