TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Babs- You can pm me as well, I'm so sorry you are going through this but am super happy to know that you are trying again and are looking for a better dr! Let us kno hat they say about how soon you can move foward hun

Ready- Thanks!

Mrs- yes please let smommy know I am happy for her and looking foward to hearing from her soon !

Pers- That is great news!!!!! I knew you'd be ok !! Keep us updated

I have NO appetite , I want to eat but I dont. This is very different for me. I had more of an appetite before I got bfp. Haaaa come on 11am!
I will most likely go back for a scan in 3 - 4 weeks to hear the heartbeat. Will be talking to OB on Thursday about it.
Hey gals!!! I did have the gender scan today!!!!!! Say hello to Miss Bristol!!!!


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Mrs- I knew it was a little lady!! She looks like she is doing great :)
So is Bristol going to be her name?

Ren, Ready, Pers and mommy- Thank you all! I am still up and down and not sure about things. I didn't like the doctor I seen today either. I pretty much just got rushed in and then swept out the door with few of my questions answered. I guess there isn't much to know :/
They told me to wait until I have a period before ttc again. What are your opinions? What would happen if I tried now and got pg again? Would it be bad or would it be fine?
Mrs-huge congrats! I so knew she was a she lol.
Bab-when I had my mc I read all kinds of info on both sides and what I determined was I wasn't far enough in a pregnancy that would cause any issues if we ttc right away. The main concern is that the mc didn't allow for a proper shed of ur lining and therefore may not be thick enough for the next pregnancy. Personally if u r emotionally ready to do it I would say go for it. Get ur folic acid in to u just to make sure that is not an issue and go to town!
Mrs- Oh my goodness! So cute! Looks like she is sucking her thumb how cute! I really like the name you chose it's really cute and different . That chart is like 100% accurate for everyone I know now btw lol congrats !

Bab- So far I've read that it is "safer" to wait 3-6 months after for a chance at a healthy viable pregnancy but that's medically correct. There are tons of women who have gotten pg right after and had a healthy pregnancy. So I too would say go for it and take your folic and vitamins

I am not feeling too good about this girls, I have mild stomach pains and when I stretch its worse , nothing like I've ever felt before so of course it's throwing me off. I'm under so much stress right now too so I'm sure it's not helping anything. Few more hrs until I get some answers
Ready- I'm already taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins.
The prenatals have 800 mcg and I take one 800 mcg folic acid pill on top of that. Should I be taking more??

mommy- I completely understand your fears since you have already had babies and know what to expect. But I am wondering if maybe this little one is just doing too good and growing fast and giving you lots of pains from that? I am going to hope that is the case <3 better to have a super healthy baby, right?
Fx your scan looks good and you can relax afterwards!
Babttc, nah you only need more if you have a MTHFR mutation or malabsorbtion issues from something like Celiac disease like I do.

Mommy, that pain does worry me a bit. I am so glad you are going in tomorrow for your next scan. You need to know where that little bean is. If it isn't in the uterus, or the fallopian tubes they can attach in the abdomen as well but it is rare.

Ready, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Thanks for always been so supportive of all of us.

Mrs.Burch - Hooray for a little girl! She is already sooo cute! :cloud9: Also tell Smommy grats from me as well!

Persephone - Good news for you too! You got to see the little sack in the uterus, and before you know it you will be hearing the heartbeat. This little one is going to make it. Let us know what the OB says a week from now.
Okay good! I am worried about taking too little or too much of anything x_x I don't need to be making things worst...

I do want to ask, is it normal for me to be experiencing some cramps after the bleeding has stopped? They are pretty dull feeling so my only guess is that my cervix is closing?
Though it sort of feels like it is in my uterus :/
Hi, i am 11 dpo and tested on a "four days early" pregnancy test, is came out am i to believe this? The test was 99% accurate. Thanks xx
Bab - like ren said that's good. I just couldn't remember if you said u were taking anything. I think as far as vitamins the only one that poses a major threat if over consumed is Vitamin A. Most prenatals have exactly what u need combined with a healthy diet. As far as the cramping I don't remember after I bled. I would say keep an eye on it just in case everything wasn't expelled.
Mommy-cramping/pulling/stretching are all normal especially in the first few weeks and then later on as baby grows. As long as they aren't constant and progressively getting worse I think things are fine. You will know soon enough and be able to relax maybe a bit.
Welcome Petal! Just because u r getting a negative right now doesn't mean u r out. Wait a couple days (if u can) and test again. Any symptoms?
Ok gals so I read back last night and caught up then typed out this long message to everyone and then it got deleted.....FAIL!!!!!!!! So anywho!! lol

Bab-I think I do remember some slight cramps for a few days after the bleeding stopped, do keep and eye on it. I am sorry you are having such a horrible time with drs, that sucks.

Perse-your scan sounds like it went great, that is awesome. So happy for you! Keep us posted on when you get to hear that sweet sounding heart beat!

Mommy-is your scan today at 11 or was it yesterday? Keep us posted and I hope it is just pains from bean "settling" in. I am sure your scan will go great.

Ready-MS is a bitch, sorry for language, I hope it gets better for you! I hope you can still do your catering. I think I am finally over the MS, fingers crossed for sure!

Ren-How did your scan go? Did lefty pull one out for the team?!?!

Petal-like ready said it doesn't mean you are out yet. fx that you get your bfp soon. how long have you been ttc?

AFM-I had no idea you could love something so much that you have never seen. I can't believe that I am going to be a mommy to sweet little Bristol. I am feeling much better, I think it is the tamiflu med that is making me get sick, I took it last night and lost everything I had eaten for dinner, it was awful. I only have two days left to take it so hoping it goes quickly. Hope you all have a wonderful HUMP DAY!!
Mrs-it is totally normal to love ur little baby. With ds (my 1st) once I found out he was a boy and we named him I connected on such a different level and my heart exploded with love. Just wait until you see her for that first moment...words can not describe it. So happy for u and love love her name.
Mommy-how was ur scan?????????
Hi, i am 11 dpo and tested on a "four days early" pregnancy test, is came out am i to believe this? The test was 99% accurate. Thanks xx

With my last pregnancy, I tested with and early pregnancy test too. I got BFN on 11DPO, 12DPO, 13DPO, 14 DPO. But on 15DPO( 1 day late) I got a BFP. I would say most people don't get BFP's until at least the day AF is due are later. I would wait another 4 days, then test again. Good luck!
I am currently in the TWW with ntnp #4. I fell like I am going insane symptom spotting!! lol I cannot test for another 10 days. I do have some similar symptoms that I had with my previous pregnancies. I am crazy hungry, full/heavy breasts with lots of visible veins, darkening of areola's, bloating, gas, lots of stretchy CM and I am crazy moody!! lol

How is everyone else?
Mari-welcome!! I hope these are all good signs for you!

As for us gals, we have been together for a long while so there are a few of us in here that are actually expecting and some that have already given birth to their baby. Here is a quick run down I think.

Ren is currently waiting to O and hoping it comes from her left side.
Ready is expecting and around 6-8 weeks I believe.
Mommy is expecting and also around the same, waiting for a scan to see baby.
Perse is expecting and is about 5 weeks, saw the sac yesterday. Yay
Bab just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and hoping to continue the ttc journey
Petal is in the tww and I think 4 more days before af is due.
and I am expecting my first and am 15 weeks and just found out we are having a girl.
So we saw baby and heartbeat today! Hb was really low ...about 118..? the dr gave me the very blunt reminder that I'm not out of the water and I can still have a miscarriage , isn't she sweet? Me and ready should be due around the same time ! September 11 is my due date

Mrs- I felt the same Way with my babies too, ready hit it head on, I think once you name him/her you feel even more connected. I can't think of any girl names but have a ton of boy names that I love. How did you find Bristols name?

Pers- Seems like they don't ever see anything at 5 weeks, my dr told me today she was surprised to hear the heartbeat because they usually don't until 7-8 weeks. I'm six weeks but at 5 weeks they didn't see anything not even the sac

Ren- Is your appointment tomorrow?

Welcome petal and Mari!

Petal- I would wait until after AF is due , your not out yet keep testing. Any symptoms ?

Mari- Those were my symptoms exactly, sooo hungry , veins in the boobs, not so much moody but tired! Now the hunger is gone but I'm still tired and nauseous . Fx for you!
Mommy dh actually thought of it and I liked it. We had names picked out long before we got married and thought too much about kiddos!!
Mari-welcome!! I hope these are all good signs for you!

As for us gals, we have been together for a long while so there are a few of us in here that are actually expecting and some that have already given birth to their baby. Here is a quick run down I think.

Ren is currently waiting to O and hoping it comes from her left side.
Ready is expecting and around 6-8 weeks I believe.
Mommy is expecting and also around the same, waiting for a scan to see baby.
Perse is expecting and is about 5 weeks, saw the sac yesterday. Yay
Bab just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and hoping to continue the ttc journey
Petal is in the tww and I think 4 more days before af is due.
and I am expecting my first and am 15 weeks and just found out we are having a girl.

Thank you for getting me up to speed with everyone! I hope you don't mind me joining in:) With my 3rd pregnancy BnB was so great. It's so nice to have support ladies during pregnancy.

I am hoping my symptoms are a good sign, or I am going through crazy PMS!! lol

Congrats to everyone who is expecting and good luck to all who are TTC:)

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