Mrs- Hopefully you will be seeing her move soon!

It certainly has made me more tired and gave me hot flashes today #_# I'm sure I will get used to it.
Mommy- I am praying that all goes well tomorrow!!
Hubby is pretty excited this time
He doesn't want to admit it, but I think he is just as impatient as I am about sharing the news!! He keeps asking when we will tell our bosses and coworkers lol
I am going to wait until the first scan to say anything
Sooo, I know this is all probably normal, but I keep getting gurgling type sounds and feelings from my uterus. Today it feels much more full than before so could this be amniotic fluids starting to fill up my uterus? Or what???
I am still pretty nervous about ANYTHING going wrong!!
I have had some cramping, some like a good strong af cramp, but I know that is usually normal as well.
:S why can't pregnancies just be simple??