TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Ready- I am sure your hubby will understand if you don't want to try for another, and I don't blame you! I am glad the procedure went well for you. I have heard it maked recovery go by faster so that is good.
Just get some rest and pop in whenever you feel like it <3
Thank you for updating ready. I can't know how you are feeling right now but we are here for you, no matter what.:hugs:
Ready, so I came on here like three times yesterday and kept getting busy and never entered my post.....HAAAAPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY yesterday!!!!!!! I AM SO very sorry for everything you are going through, know that we are here no matter what!!

Bab-I only took 200mg progesterone so 400 is a lot. The side effects from it were awful, although they tended to be less when I became preg. Hope your appetite comes back soon.

Ren-Keep us posted on your results. I hope it isn't anything too bad.

Perse-How are you doing?

Mommy-I think salmon is fine, as long as it is cooked correctly.

AFM-I am just hanging out, dr apt went well last week. I have been feeling Bristol a little more, I think. So hard to know. I can't wait till I am like yep that was her! Or see her actually move and have dh feel it too. Hope you all had a great weekend.
Ready- I'm glad everything went ok <3 Try to get some rest as much as you can . whatever you decide to do we're here for you whenever you need us

Mrs- ok good I hope the salmon was alright! You will be feeling miss Bristol in a couple more weeks and dh will be able to feel too, let us know how the appt goes tomorrow

Bab- How are you feeling Hun? How excited is dh??

Ren - You and ready are such strong brave women I'm telling you <3

I don't have any symptoms really anymore they just vanished which I know from my other three that is pretty norm but because this one was so severe I tnought the symptoms would have gone slower. They'll be checking her out tomorrow
Mrs- Hopefully you will be seeing her move soon! <3
It certainly has made me more tired and gave me hot flashes today #_# I'm sure I will get used to it.

Mommy- I am praying that all goes well tomorrow!!
Hubby is pretty excited this time :P
He doesn't want to admit it, but I think he is just as impatient as I am about sharing the news!! He keeps asking when we will tell our bosses and coworkers lol
I am going to wait until the first scan to say anything :)

Sooo, I know this is all probably normal, but I keep getting gurgling type sounds and feelings from my uterus. Today it feels much more full than before so could this be amniotic fluids starting to fill up my uterus? Or what???
I am still pretty nervous about ANYTHING going wrong!!
I have had some cramping, some like a good strong af cramp, but I know that is usually normal as well.
:S why can't pregnancies just be simple??
Mrs- Hopefully you will be seeing her move soon! <3
It certainly has made me more tired and gave me hot flashes today #_# I'm sure I will get used to it.

Mommy- I am praying that all goes well tomorrow!!
Hubby is pretty excited this time :P
He doesn't want to admit it, but I think he is just as impatient as I am about sharing the news!! He keeps asking when we will tell our bosses and coworkers lol
I am going to wait until the first scan to say anything :)

Sooo, I know this is all probably normal, but I keep getting gurgling type sounds and feelings from my uterus. Today it feels much more full than before so could this be amniotic fluids starting to fill up my uterus? Or what???
I am still pretty nervous about ANYTHING going wrong!!
I have had some cramping, some like a good strong af cramp, but I know that is usually normal as well.
:S why can't pregnancies just be simple??

Won't let me post without quoting for whatever reason

Bab- I am excited for you guys to tell everyone! It's fun to see everyone's reactions lol I think the gurgling is def normal just considering I just had those sounds and feelings as well and everything seems to be going well so far. Same with the cramping too I still have them from time to time it's so hard to tell this way tho if anything is wrong because it can just be baby and sac growing and getting settled. I have a good feeling everything will be fine. Keep praying and take deep breaths relax and try not to stress. Did they set up a scan for you yet??
wasnt sure where to post to to get some advice, new to this site so hoping i can get some thoughts or opinions:shrug:
This is my first month TTC and we didn't really know we were going to start trying until the day I ovulated and my husband decided we should try. That was feb 18th and since then I have felt at least a tiny bit nauseated every day. I have not been religiously tracking my BBT but the last few days I had been out of curiosity 1dpo-4dpo it was a steady 97.7 and then 5dpo jumped to 99.7 for a few hours and then stayed at 98.6 the rest of the day. I forgot to check this morning so I am not sure if it was still in the 98 range. I felt the worst on the day it was 99.7; extremely nautious, no appetite and exhausted. Then today much better with just a sense of pressure especially when standing as well as my lower back and neck aching. I have had dull headaches every day as well. None of this is normal for me but I am having a hard time with whether or not its the anticipation of possibly getting a BFP or actual pregnancy symptoms. Anyone have any thoughts???
It is only the first temperature of the morning that matters. Once you get up to pee or move around much there are too many things affecting your temp for it to be meaningful. So if you forget to temp before you get up just skip it for the day.

It sounds to me like you have a cold. Now you could be sick AND be pregnant but temps only ever tell us that we ovulated never that we are pregnant. Your best bet will be to take a home pregnancy test around when your period is due. Your symptoms will change from month to month depending on how much progesterone you corpus luteum is producing.

Also pick up the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" it will teach you everything you need to know about temping, cervical fluid and other things. If you read it you will go from being new to this to being one of the more informed women on this site.
Mommy- My scan with my doctor is March 11th :) but I might get an early one next week on Monday elsewhere!
When did you share the news? I feel it may still be pretty early, but I am just too darn impatient!!

ash- You should only be getting a BBT reading very first thing in the morning, before you even get out of bed :) otherwise it is just your body temperature fluctuating throughout the day as it should.
Another BBT tip, take your temp at the exact same time every morning. Your body temp changes with the time of day so your readings will not be accurate if you take them at different hours.
Just set an alarm and learn to pop the thermometer in your mouth wait till it beeps and then either right down what it says or just text yourself for later lol

It is sooo hard to tell the difference between PMS and Pregnancy symptoms. I do know that this time I got car sick quite a bit and both times I would have pretty intense hot flashes. Last time my boobshad SHARP shooting pains and this time it is mainly my nipples that had hurt a bit. I did have cramps both times and had bloated up almost instantly lol

How many dpo are you? And what cd are you?

afm- Insomnia hits again! Idk if it is the progesterone pills causing this or what, but I can't sleep at night despite the pills making me EXHAUSTED!! Like, I am wide awake now, but I can guarantee that in an hour or two I will be ready for a nap xD
I have also had NOOO energy to clean my house at all! I hate it getting messy and it feels like a pigstye to me right #_# I just can't bring myself to clean it.
No work today, but I do have to job hunt for a second one :/ no sleep for me then!
Hi Babbs! :coffee: waiting on dr. Calls is hard. Like waiting for the plumber but worse. :)
Are you going to start bugging them if they don't call by a certain time?
I can never wait for mine to call me xD but if I do then I wouldn't get my results for at least a week lol sooo I sort of have to bother my doctors office when I am expecting results :P
They are really good about calling me back. I never have to bug them. They will call when the labs send stuff back. The wait is hard.:blush:
Ren- How long before they said they would call? Good thing you don't have to hassle them I use to have to bug my old dr all the time ! I hate waiting

Bab- I started sharing when we were about 9 weeks along because I started showing so early this time around. His dad wasn't super excited about it either, my family was pretty happy about it.... Or surprised. It hit hard that his parents weren't excited made me kind of feel bad. I feel your exhaustion it was soooo bad for me too house was a mess for weeks. But don't worry or stress about the mess you'll get to it when you can

My symptoms have completely vanished ..... I'm not hungry I'm tired but I think it's my usual tired from running around with the kids and staying up late with dh but nothing compared to a few weeks ago. No more ms no more hunger rages smells aren't bothering me, absolutely nothing. Dh has been really rough during sex and was pressing hard on my stomach not meaning to ..... I hope everything is ok.
Ren- Did they call yet?? I am going to check your Journal after I post this..

mommy- I am sorry that they weren't very excited :(
My husbands mom passed away when we first got together and his dad is a drunken mess that literally wanders everywhere. His Grandparents are nice but they have a ton of Grandkids already lol So they may not be very excited..
His oldest sister would be the only one who would be pretty excited from what we both can tell..
My parents would be over joyed with the news, but my mom would make it awkward #_# she would find a way to make it about her.

I am sure everything is fine with your baby :) You are getting far enough that they say symptoms will come and go for days or weeks at a time! Be thankful for no morning sickness! Mine has been slowly making its appearance!! Last night I was too nauseas to even lay down in bed :S I took a shower and forced some food in me and started to feel better after that.
Hey ladies! Work has been so crazy that I've barely had time yo come on here. Still dealing with nausea but I think maybe its starting to lessen. I threw up today but I think that was because my mouth was dry and I had drank too much ginger ale earlier...

Next Wednesday is my midwife appt where we get to hear the heartbeat. I can't wait. I'm nervous, obviously but I hope all is well.
No call yet. They have called me as late as 6p. My doctor sees clients until 4:30pm, so whe would have just had her first breather a second ago. If the labs are in I'll get a call. I would rather she take the time to review it and figure out the next step than to call me immediately back. I do know that my blood was overnighted to a lab in Washington. So they did rush it as much as they could. Hopefully tonight I'll hear something and if not I can't imagine any later than tomorrow.

Perse, best luck with your scan. So exciting. Feel better!!

Mommy, I hope you are ok. When can you see someone next??

Babbs. Still exciting about thinking of telling folks. I hope it goes great once you do announce.
BABTTC123: I am 7dpo and on CD29. I usually have about a 35-36 day cycle. I still felt nautious today and my boobs started to hurt. Forgot to take BBT when I woke up but the days I mentioned that I had taken it I did so right when I woke up and before I got out of bed. Thanks for the BBT advice! :-)

Ren: Thanks for the advice as well I will have to see if I can find that book at the library... :-)
Ren- Have they called yet? Results should be in by now I'm assuming unless there was some kind of emergency causing delay?

Bab- So sorry about dhs mom <3 and his dad too, your baby will have plenty of cousins then and that will be exciting and fun for him or her. Maybe you're right maybe everything is ok. And ehh I feel bad about your ms it really sucks sometimes lol but it will get better, or last the whole time lol but you'll enjoy it either way I'm sure

I have a bad bad cold and diarrhea (sorry tmi) no appetite at all just feeling so out of it. I have a feeling something isn't right, could be my anxiety but I guess we'll find out tomorrow IF Im well enough to make it to my appt and if the weather clears up.

Hope everyone is well , if you live where it is freezing cold and snowing bundle up and be safe

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