TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Ren- I'm glad some of the diaries you read helped a little <3 do you take anything for pain ?

Ready - so happy for your friends rainbow baby! I'm glad your doing ok <3

Bab- Does dr think it's a good sign that the numbers are at least rising instead if falling ? I didn't even see a sac or yolk at 5 weeks , and the exhaustion =} GOOD thing! I hope all goes well *Hugs*

Mrs- Sounds like a fun weekend! I've always wanted to do the paint and wine thing , that'll be fun! And how cute playing the sent to me song for her <3 us moms are suppose to be annoying lol

Yes , This week is a drag..... I'm so ready for Friday!

My ms/all day sickness is back so that might be a good sign baby is still growing. My scans have been canceled because of the crazy weather but I do have one scheduled for tomorrow at 1 weather permitting so we'll see. I've been getting killer headaches 2 times a week so that scares me a little and because I've had a c section with my last baby it's "safer" to do a section this time around but there are so many risks associated I'm a little nervous about that too.
Hey ladies just gonna jump in the form here. From the looks of things there is a lot of freshly pregnant ladies! :)
Lots of sticky vibes to you all.

Im one week in to my two week wait... It feels as though a month has passed. :/
I am seriously ready to bang my head on the wall and rip out the frer kit. Haha. My pal is fighting me tooth and nail telling me not to! Hahaha I know I shouldn't. its a wait of time and just peeing on $$$$
I just need to know one way or another. Id love some implantation cramping or spotting... any little symptoms.... faaaaa
Bab-I have everything crossed that hcg is just slowly rising but bean is growing as it should. How r u feeling?
Mommy-sorry ms is back but that's always good sign. I had headaches with both kids but be weary as it can be a sign of hypertension and that needs to be monitored by ur dr.
MrsMccoy-welcome to the group. The tww def has it's moments of suckiness but hopefully this will be ur last for a while. Don't look to me to keep u from poas cuz I have no patience. Fx'd 2 lines pop up when u do decide to poas.
Mommy- Your niece is very adorable <3
And my doctor isn't happy with how slow they are rising. They keep telling me to be prepared for a miscarriage and to call them as soon as I have any bleeding or strong cramping.
I am currently willing it away. I hd some spotting over the weekend but it was super light and was light brown. I kept willing it to stop and it finally did.
Tonight I had some decent cramps and I literally forced my body to stop cramping, as strange as that seems...
I am depressed, but I refuse to give up completely just yet, but I know that I have to be rational and be prepared for the worst.

Ren- I don't know how you do it! You are an amazing person and are much stronger than I could ever be! Admittedly, I am whimp and would cave to my emotions if I had to deal with one more stress than I have right now #_#

Mrs- Thank you :)
That is adorable that Bristol dances in your belly ;) I don't think she is annoyed. I bet she loves it!

Perse- How are things going for you??

Ready- How have you been feeling as well? Are things starting to get better for you? :hugs:
I am doing okay. I an trying to will this baby to keep growing but I am still terrified. As for symptoms, exhaustion, mild nausea waves that can get worst towards the evening. Head aches, smell sensitivity, randomely painful boobs that only hurt when something that isn't me touches them lol
Recently had some cramping which of course considering the situation makes me freak out and start telling me body to stop screwing me over!

MissMcCoy- the tww does suck quite a bit :/ I found that it helps if you either hide your sticks or just avoid buying them and have your DH help to discourage you until you are at least 12 dpo :)
Babbs, I am so sorry, so so sorry. Don't think you are any less strong than anyone else. No one else lives in your shoes. No one else has your exact hormone levels. Sometimes a good sopping cry is exactly what we need. I find the ones where my face is all red and I get stuck hiccuping after are particularly effective.:winkwink: you will feel how you will feel. No reason to "should all over yourself" by saying you should feel this way, or that way. You are strong, never forget that.

missmccoy, good luck in this tww. Hope you are back into pregnancy landin a jiffy.

Mommy, I take plain old fashioned tylenol for the pain. NSAIDs wreck my tummy so I would have to take stock in Charmin if I took anything else. I hope you can make it to your scan today and that everything is perfect.

MrsBurch, wow that weekend sounds amazing! That painting class sounds like so much fun.

Perse, good to see you are still hanging in there.

Kitty did really well at the vet. She just went boneless and took everything they did to her, even the blood draws. She has stayed steady at exactly 12 lbs, so they are thrilled with her weight. She is a very big boned cat. Though it did look funny when they tried to move her. No anger at all just a resigned do what you will to my body and let me go. Proud fur parent moment when they said she is the easiest cat they have ever worked with.
Bab-It's amazing what we can do with our bodies. I say keep it up and hopefully that little bean takes the hint and sticks it out.
I am doing ok, just trying to get my body balanced and back to normal. Hpts are still showing (very faint) a line but I think by the wknd it should be gone. I have decided to try right away as there is no reason not to. If my body isn't ready it won't happen. I am doing a lot of positive inner talk and speaking to my spirit baby to let them know that we are ready for him or her.
Lol Ren- I am glad kitty did well today at her visit I love heavy set kitty's their so cute! I am so surprised at how calm she stayed my cat wouldn't have had it. Does the Tylenol work ok?

Ready- I'm so happy you're deciding to go right back in and try again! That's great (= what did they do about your headaches with your pgs? Was it hypertension? Did you do c sections?

I had my scan today and she is so big already, she's waving and sucking her thumb it was great to see her and know she's developing properly. I don't see new dr until end of March because we've had to reschedule so many times due to weather but I'm looking forward to scheduling my c section date and getting a game plan together
Mommy-It's so awesome to see them the further along u r. So glad all is good and she is moving along.
As for the headaches I am prone to them and therefore they r worse in pg. I never take anything unless it feels like it's turning in to a migraine. Tylenol is ok in pg but not sure how much or how often. When I had the reflexology last week (sorry Ren I said reiki) she showed me how to relieve my headaches. Ur big toe (right=right side of head) is ur head and so determine where the pain is and press on the spot on ur toe that is the same. U will feel a little pain in ur toe where the pain is in ur head but its amazing that it actually relieves it. If that doesn't work look online for other natural remedies but make sure they r safe in pg.
And no to c sections. Both babes were natural and med free. C sections scare the crap out of me.
Ready- I'm going to try that toe thing! I had this trick I learned to do with my hand on a pressure point and it works sometimes also but I did take aleeve the other day because it was so bad /: and yes the c sections scare me too ); I don't want to of course but it's looking like a safer option. Vbac could be just as dangerous if not more dangerous than the c section. I'm already getting nervous
So we saw the midwife last night and we got to hear the heartbeat! I of course burst into tears like the cry baby I am, but it was so amazing to hear. You think you know what to expect but absolutely nothing could have made me ready to be so amazed.

I have my 12w ultrasound to get the final date next week and then no more ultrasounds until 20 weeks. I wish we got to find out the gender at 12 weeks. Haha I'm so impatient.
Perse-so happy for you, that was the most wonderful thing I have ever heard, too. Amazing how much we fall in love with just a sound! ;)

Mommy-talk to your dr but I don't think you should take aleve, I take tylenol if I can't get rid of it and I only take 1 and that helps.
I don't want to to a c section either, but you are right vbac is worse than c section so I would opt for c section.

Bab-How are you doing? You were off yesterday right?! Hope you enjoyed your day.

Ready-I love how you always have ideas for things, other than meds! I will try the toe thing next time I have a headache, I don't get them often and never very bad so I don't usually take anything unless it just wont go away.

Well MS is freakin back, wth?! I will be 22 weeks tomorrow ugh I lost EVERYTHING this am, at work, didn't even have time to pull my trashcan out for the first time! :( I think you girls with your MS have brought it back on me, stop it!! LOL ;) Anyways hoping it goes away. I did gag yesterday am but never got sick so I was a bit worried, but this am it is back! I haven't taken my Unisom in about 4 nights so prob need to start that again, hoping it fixes it!
No MS today!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! Took my Unisom last night and much better! Hope you gals have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Ren- That is awesome that your kitty was soo good at your vet :)
2 of my kitties are pretty mellow and CRAVE attention! One used to go on car rides with me everywhere when he was a kitten. The other is just an attention whore lol but we got her from a pet store (I know, bad bad bad...) so I think her time there made her extra friendly. The last is old and a siamese so she becomes stiff if we have to take her anywhere and will flat out refuse to leave her cage xD
How are things going for you this weekend? Any plans?

Ready- I am happy that you are going to try right away! You are more fertile now anyways and if it feels like your body is healed enough then go for it!! I had read an article about how people's spirit children are just waiting for the right vessel and that it could explain why some women experience multiple miscarriages. It does help to put my mind at ease :)

Mommy- That is awesome that she is growing well! I guess you know that you will have to get binkies for her since she is already sucking her thumb :P

Perse- I am so happy you got to hear his or her heart beat! Are you going to invest in your own personal doppler??
I hope you can get an earlier scan for gender reveal!!

Mrs- It sounds like you just can shaje that ms without the Unisom! Thank goodness your doctor had prescribed it to you!
I have been keeping busy on my days off with trying to make more money. I usually babysit on my days off now.
I remember you had gotten a doppler, what brand did you get?

afm- I am staying positive about this pregnancy despite my symptoms being weak and having super slow rising hcg. I haven't had any further draws since Monday and won't until Wednesday the 11th when I also get my scan.
I had a $50 gift card that was from Christmas and I decided to buy a doppler :) They didn't have many options for my price range but I ended up finding one for $28 that had only 1 bad review and the rest were good! Granted it won't pick anything up until AT LEAST 10 weeks, but it would be something that could ease my mind in the future as long as things go well next week.
Hey girls!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, how is everyone?

Bab-I don't remember what brand mine is but it was like $48, pretty inexpensive. How are you doing?
Hey, ladies hope you all had a good weekend. I caught a nasty bug. Not surprising as I was on imunosupressants last week. Just resting at home waiting for the fever to drop so I can get outside again. Good news though we have my ivf scheduled! I go in for egg retrieval the week of September 14th! That gives me a whole 6 months for my intestines to heal. My GI appointment is in one week!

Babbs, I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.

Mrs. I am glad the unisom is finally working. You deserve a break from the sickness.

Perse. Yay!! :hugs:

Ready, I have heard the same thing. Tylenol is ok in moderation, but Aleve and ibuprofin should never ever be taken in pregnancy.

Mommy, is your pain any better today? And mommy, to answer your question tylenol only takes a teeny tiny edge off. I do more personal mental work to try and force myself to ignore the pain.
Bab-my doppler is a sonoline b and I paid around $50 for it.
Ren-yahooooooo for ivf booking. I will be saying my prayers for you so everything is perfect come sept.
Mrs-ms sucks, especially when its supposed to be done!
Afm-my hpt this am seemed to be negative. I took an opk this afternoon and it was a blazing positive. I have had 2 lines on them for the past 2 wks but the test line was way darker today. Cm and cp are indicating ov is happening or at least my body is acting like it. Dh and I have been "active" this past week and will continue to be. We will see what happens over the next couple of weeks. The ob and mw both told me to wait but I know its for dating purposes and I also know u are more fertile after a loss. Fx'd
Ready-glad you are trying again. I didn't listen to the dr's either after our loss, although it took another 6 months for us. Hope this works for you, fx and everything crossed for you! How is your ivf friend doing?

Ren-YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sept is our 2nd anniversary! I can't wait for your ivf!! Keep us posted on your next apt! Hope you are feeling better!

Bab-your apt is tomorrow!!!!! How are you feeling?

Perse and mommy-how are you gals doing?

AFM-I have a horrible ear infection, I have been fighting it for a month now, finally called dr and got a rx, I tried everything to get it to go away and it won't. I can't hear out of my right ear, fun! I feel like an old person, I am constantly like "what, I can't hear you!!! lol I felt a little nauseous this am but didn't get sick, could be the meds on my stomach. Little Miss is doing well and getting big.
Mrs-my friend is doing great. She has had 2 scans and has seen baby with a strong hb. Shes almost 9 wks so hopefully things continue to progress.

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