Mommy- Your niece is very adorable

And my doctor isn't happy with how slow they are rising. They keep telling me to be prepared for a miscarriage and to call them as soon as I have any bleeding or strong cramping.
I am currently willing it away. I hd some spotting over the weekend but it was super light and was light brown. I kept willing it to stop and it finally did.
Tonight I had some decent cramps and I literally forced my body to stop cramping, as strange as that seems...
I am depressed, but I refuse to give up completely just yet, but I know that I have to be rational and be prepared for the worst.
Ren- I don't know how you do it! You are an amazing person and are much stronger than I could ever be! Admittedly, I am whimp and would cave to my emotions if I had to deal with one more stress than I have right now #_#
Mrs- Thank you

That is adorable that Bristol dances in your belly

I don't think she is annoyed. I bet she loves it!
Perse- How are things going for you??
Ready- How have you been feeling as well? Are things starting to get better for you?

I am doing okay. I an trying to will this baby to keep growing but I am still terrified. As for symptoms, exhaustion, mild nausea waves that can get worst towards the evening. Head aches, smell sensitivity, randomely painful boobs that only hurt when something that isn't me touches them lol
Recently had some cramping which of course considering the situation makes me freak out and start telling me body to stop screwing me over!
MissMcCoy- the tww does suck quite a bit :/ I found that it helps if you either hide your sticks or just avoid buying them and have your DH help to discourage you until you are at least 12 dpo