Alright. I think I need to pull myself out of this funk. Things aren't terrible, yet.
So I had my BETA's done yesterday morning.
Hcg was 1175.
My last draw was 6 days prior and was 549. So it was a 131.2 hour double. Not good at all.
Progesterone was good 41.98, but I'm not sure if that even matters now.
I will have another BETA on Monday and will have a vaginal scan later that day.
I keep looking for some hope but there isn't many success stories. :/
Got my crying out yesterday so I should be fine for the weekend. We will see what Monday brings.
ready- BIG hugs your way! I am so happy you found a good doula who is helping you to feel better
If this one ends itself then I am going to look into getting some emotional health help somewhere. I am spiritual and my beliefs are based on Christianity as I was raised to be Christian, but I am far too open minded to label myself to one religion. But I have been considering finding a good church to attend and see if they have any support groups there :/
Still might do it regardless of the outcome.
I can't remember if you mentioned, but did you opt for a d&c or are you going to wait it out and go natural?

Thank you

It is crazy how much you go through and yet you are able to turn around and make others feel better! You are an amazing person and I am impatiently awaiting you IVF so we can hear all about your healthy baby!
Sorry if I didn't get to anyone. I am lazy and didn't go past this page on my cell phone lol