TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

The hospital messed up and didn't forward the films over to my doctor. Still waiting. :coffee:
Ready, I am so sorry. I just read what happened. I hope you are doing ok. Im sorry it took so long for me to get on.
Ren-have you heard anything yet? Maybe I'll take a peek on ur journal. I really don't know how one person can have so many things working against her. Your strength to carry on with everything is very inspiring.
Bab-sorry the ms has started but its a great sign that all is well. Have u decided if u will have an early scan?
Mrs-soon enough u will be able to see movement on the outside. It's so exciting when u get to share what u r feeling with those around u. Dh was always rubbing my belly with dd.
Mommy-how did ur scan go?
Perse-ms is no fun but all part of the package lol. I'm excited for u to hear the hb and meet ur mw. They really are so wonderful!
Smommy and AB-how are the babies doing? R u getting any sleep?
Afm-I'm still recovering, emotionally. I have my little breakdowns and move forward. It's all part of the process. I thought I would take back control so I'm back to clean eating paired with my reg gym visits that I've been doing. Plus today I went to see a doula who also performs reiki. She was fantastic! She has a wealth of knowledge and insight and we had a great connection. I believe there is more spiritual issues that need to be balanced before a healthy pregnancy can happen. I feel clearer today and on a new path. Thanks again for the support.
Yes, but forgive me I am typing with one hand.

They did find arthritis in my foot and in my ankle. So they know something is going on. They can't identify the cause of the hand swelling, but it doesn't seem like there is inflammation associated based on blood tests. Blood tests show it is unlikely to be RA or Lupus. Huge bad flareup today in my hand. Feels broken. Have a sexy wrap on my hand to keep me from moving my wrist or fingers.

Went into the clinic for documentation for my file. On exam pain is confirmed at break level but they can see no reason for it. It isn't even swelling or bruising. My hand and arm was ice cold where it should be hot to the touch with break or sprain. We repeated and failed a bunch of range of motion tests. Likely guess this is autoimmune. He placed me on immunosuppressants for the next six days to combat it.

GP is stumped and is moving me to the rheumatology group for diagnosis. :)

Responses in a hr or so after a hand break.
Ready. I am so glad you found a provider that you could connect with on a level you needed. I haven't heard of reiki before. Finding a good state for you emotionally is such a great goal. I am glad you are taking this time to take care of yourself.

More one hand typing. Mrs, mommy and Perse, I can't wait to hear about your next scans and baby updates.

Babbs: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Alright. I think I need to pull myself out of this funk. Things aren't terrible, yet.

So I had my BETA's done yesterday morning.
Hcg was 1175.
My last draw was 6 days prior and was 549. So it was a 131.2 hour double. Not good at all.
Progesterone was good 41.98, but I'm not sure if that even matters now.
I will have another BETA on Monday and will have a vaginal scan later that day.

I keep looking for some hope but there isn't many success stories. :/
Got my crying out yesterday so I should be fine for the weekend. We will see what Monday brings.

ready- BIG hugs your way! I am so happy you found a good doula who is helping you to feel better <3
If this one ends itself then I am going to look into getting some emotional health help somewhere. I am spiritual and my beliefs are based on Christianity as I was raised to be Christian, but I am far too open minded to label myself to one religion. But I have been considering finding a good church to attend and see if they have any support groups there :/
Still might do it regardless of the outcome.
I can't remember if you mentioned, but did you opt for a d&c or are you going to wait it out and go natural?

ren- :hugs: Thank you :)
It is crazy how much you go through and yet you are able to turn around and make others feel better! You are an amazing person and I am impatiently awaiting you IVF so we can hear all about your healthy baby!

Sorry if I didn't get to anyone. I am lazy and didn't go past this page on my cell phone lol
Ready- I am so glad you went to get even more support <3 and seem to be staying positive through this . You and ren are both very courageous inspiring women! Thanks for updating us

Ren- So sorry about the arthritis, stay strong! And I'm looking forward to your IVF too !

Bab- I'm not very educated as far as the numbers go ... To me that sounds good because they are suppose to double ? Right ? Mine weren't through the roof but my dr said they were "good enough" and it took a few weeks before we knew whether the pregnancy was viable or not. Don't get upset yet enjoy your weekend <3

So. My 18 yr old sister had her baby last night..... She had been in labour for 24 hrs. During the early stages her and my mom reached out to me to ask if I was coming up. Originally I wasn't going to because I know how overwhelming it can be to have lots of visitors the first day but since they insisted I came. Out of the kindness of my heart I went out and bought a few things for her and the baby since her and the father are jobless and didn't have much. I only spent 60 bucks on clothes and wipes and shampoo and bibs but with 3 kids and one on the way I don't just have extra money lying around to spend but because she's my sister and I *thought we were closer I went out of my way. Not to mention it was cold and late and I had the kids with me dragging them around. I get into the room and talk with her, my mom and the "boyfriend" and the nurse comes in to ask her who she wants in the room while she pushes and she says just my mom and the boyfriend. My jaw just about hit the floor. The person who has been there from the beginning, who drove you to and from, who listened to you everyday about how hard it is to deal with our mother and all of the lies the boyfriend tells.... I mean we texted and spoke on the phone everday she was calling for advice and I supported her the ENTIRE way and you don't want to share the experience with me? I was so hurt. The two people she cried about every other day and were so mean to her ...that's who she wanted to share this with. Maybe I'm just over re-acting but it truly hurt me. To top it off my other sister says she has been awake at the hospital sending everyone pictures and texting...but not once did I get a thanks for the gifts or a picture. I've done things like this before ...go out of my way to do things for her give her things I really can't afford to and BARLEY if ever get a thank you. This was definitely a wake up call though because I will not ever go out of my way for anyone who doesn't appreciate it.

So sorry I had to vent that out! I don't think dh would really understand or he would get frustrated because he is constantly telling me I have to stop being so nice to everyone
Mommy- Thank you for thinking positive about this, but my doctor was very concerned about the levels. :/

I am sorry about your sister doing that to you. That was pretty rude of her. :(
I understand how you feel about it. I used to have friends that always ased for help but never returned the favor or even thanked me for anything. I thought I was being a good person for not asking for anything in exchange but I eventually got sick of it and stopped helping them. They got butt hurt and stopped being my friend because they couldn't use me anymore.
I hope things get better for you <3
Bab- Have the Drs called anymore? Are they doing another level check? I know you probably can't wait for your scan day but don't worry Too much. The numbers sound so normal to me, maybe I'm reading them wrong . I will say a prayer for you tonight Hun although things may change and everything might be ok ! Stay strong

It's going on 2 pm here , still haven't gotten a picture NOR a simple "thanks for coming out last night" or "thanks for the gift bag" NOTHING. She's sent everyone but me texts. I am so disgusted with her. Family or not she isn't getting a single thing from me from this point on. And Bab you're right when you keep doing and doing for people who are so unappreciative I guess you have to get to a point where enough is enough!

How is everyone? How is the weekend going for everyone else? Mine is awful so far but I'm going to try to go out to eat and have some fun to blow off this steam
Bab-I'm so sorry!!! Keep us posted on your scan tomorrow and your bloods.

Mommy- I totally know you're feelings, my little sister is 22 and has two kids and is NEVER thankful for anything!!!! She had her first at 16, no job no money and still has nothing. Matter of fact she didn't even know the day of my nephew, it was between 3 guys!! You had sex with three different guys in a 3-5 day time frame???!!!! Like I said I know the feeling. I quit doing for her a long time ago. If I want to do something it is for the kids, not her and I have learned not to expect anything from her. It's hard but I hope you work through it. I'd like to say they are young and dumb but don't think mine will grow out of it. Some people are just very selfish and don't care about anything other than themselves.

Ready so glad you are feeling better, sounds like you know what you need and glad you are doing it.

Peres how are you?

Ren- ok wth girl??!! Can you remind me of what all your shit storm body has going on??! I know celiacs and now arthritis and of course the one tube. I am so happy to see you have such positivity, don't know how you do it. Prob makes your life easier though, you could easily be depressed and a negative person but you aren't that's something to be very proud of!!!

Afm- Bristol has been doing flips and moving and grooving. Dh got to feel her move Friday night, it was freaking awesome!!!! I've been a little emotional this week and I feel bad for dh, im not an emotional person. He says wow you are like a real girl, not sure how I feel about it!! Lol I know what he means cause I don't know if I like it either lol hope this passes soon. Hope you gals had a good weekend.
Medical stuff you asked for spoilered. Ohh my god he felt her, awesome! :cloud9:

1999 ask GI doc for help with stomach issues he says stress is causing it
2000+ ask for Drs help in suspicious mole
2004 finally get a doc to biopsy malignant Melanoma, full blown one of the most deadly cancers, still managed with a 80% survival. Some how my overactive immune system I didn't know about saved me. They didn't know how I kept it at bay for so many years.
2006 another spot, now precancer. Now finally in remission after two more surgeries.
2008 wedding on 10 yr anniversary
2010 ask for first rheumatoid arthritis test.
2011 Celiac Disease finally diagnosed (full autoimmune)
2012 start trying for kids as 1 yr should be enough time to heal absorbtion issues.
First ectopic, lost tube
After year of trying I switched to the RE
She found four polyps in my uterus, removed, noncancerous
More chemical Ps
Second ectopic, treated with methotrexate
MTX resolved more than the pregnancy, suddenly my whole body didn't ache all the time. After MTX wore off I realized what feeling normal was like and resolved to get my full body and joint pain resolved. Flare ups getting worse.

Tummy issues still there 20+ episodes a week, doc agrees to send me to a new GI specialty group. That is in two weeks and I get to find out if I have a second intestinal autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are like chips some people can't have just one. Once one is diagnosed it is more likely there can be others.

I got in to see her this week to follow up on the mtx working so well for me. So they did a full RA and lupus work up. Both negative but they did find another form of arthritis in my toes and ankle. Those areas ache the least in my body, so I am being referred to a second rheumatology specialty clinic. I get to make my appt Tuesday. Third autoimmune?

Then three days ago, felt like my wrist had just broken. I could not move my fingers without pain drilling through my hand. (NOTE THIS IS WHAT A NORMAL FLAREUP FEELS LIKE) My normal doc was out so I saw a different guy so that we could document it. He has me on prednisone on the guess that it is also another autoimmune we just don't know which one. It is helping, not as much as the MtX for the joint pain. But it has been wonderful for my tummy which pretty much decides the second intestinal autoimmune.

So now my RE will be working with both specialist offices to get me diagnosed soon so maybe I can do a june or September IVF.

You wanted to know how I handle it. While waking up with pain all over your body so bad you can't get out of bed for an hour sucks, I am getting help. Finally the doctors are seeing this and realizing it isn't normal. I had to fight for years for my Cancer diagnosis, and I guess once I faced that the other stuff wasn't as bad. Celiac disease was me dealing with different docs for over a decade all telling me clearly my stress about the diahhrea was causing the it, jerks. I started having the pain from my polyps at 16, talked with every OB, every year about being floored by my menstrual pain until at 35 my re found the polyps and told me these four things had been scraping my uterus for 15 years. That is why my periods were so bad.

So to be getting doctors that finally help is a treasure I am so happy to have. Yea it sucks, and that is why I have my few mopey days around when I find something yet else again is going on. For years doctors had me convinced I was just making too much of it. I am so glad I moved to Montana. I had been in utah and every time I went to a doctor they looked for my temple garments, realized I wasn't LDS and their whole attitude to me changed. Religious bigotry can still be so hurtful. My husband who moved to utah from out of state was horrified when he saw it happening. Up here I present a problem and they just test it, fix it and save my life. The difference has been amazing.
Mrs- Im sorry you share this same bs with your little sister. It's one of my biggest things, if you're going to be needy at least be appreciative! But I can say I've learned my lesson and as hard as it is to watch family struggle and not help I'm just going to have to stop doing for her as you did your sister. She's just too much to deal with sometimes. I am SO glad dh finally got to feel her!! My dh keeps asking me when do the start moving again? Lol that is so cool! What's he in the dumps about ?

Ren- I'm sorry all of that is going on with you <3 but glad you've moved on to Montana and found better help. What exactly had been scraping your uterus for 15yrs ? Have they got it under control ?

Bab- how's it going Hun ????

A picture of my new niece my other little sister sent over .....she's a little butter ball


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Medical stuff
The uterine polyps they removed were what was scraping. It is also why I was bleeding every day of my cycle. They thought initially they were fibroids because of their size. While most polyps are soft, they had grown to a size that anytime my uterus moved or cramped at all the polyps would rub against my uterine lining, or at the begining of my cycle my uterine wall. Nookie with the Mr is much better now because I don't get bad cramps now after Orgasm.:thumbup: it is also why I am on the Nuva ring while we wait for IVF. Keeping me on birthcontrol should keep them from growing back as fast.

I am sorry she was so ungrateful after everything you did for her. We had a purge if those people when we moved away from Saly Lake. Our friend and family group is small but we would do anything for each other and we all reciprocate. Your niece is absolutley adorable.
Ren-holy freakin crap!! I knew there was a lot. I knew about the polyps and there after but not all the shit you had to go through. Man you are a strong woman. Good for you for fighting with the dr for your life! I know that feeling, I have had to do it with dr's before. We may not have the medical schooling but I do know my body and I know when something is wrong. I am glad you are getting the help you deserve. It seems like your drs now are all working together and trying to find out what the f is wrong with you! ;) I can't imagine what you go through daily. Hugs!!!

Mommy- she is so beautiful!!! It does suck when they are what I call "Little selfish Bitches"!!! It isn't easy to get past but you will, give it time! Hope it gets better.
Hi everyone!

I am feeling less worried after today..
Measuring to be a week behind (5 weeks 4 days) but my doctor says that is about right on track with what they were thinking. I seen the sac and yolk :)
No heart beat or baby yet..
Hcg will come back tomorrow as I got it done late. If hcg looks good then I will have my next scan on the 11th, as originally planned.
Fx that we hear a heart beat then!!

BTW.... I am EXTREMELY exhausted!! So I will have to catch up later <3
Ren-wow!!! Do I need to say more? I hope you get some answers and get ur body sorted so ivf goes smoothly.
Mommy-I have no time for people like that. I also did a purge when I was pg with dd and hold those dear to me closely. How was ur scan last week?
Mrs-so excited that dh got to feel Bristol. U r in my fave part of pg.
Bab-that all sounds great! I have everything crossed for you and putting all that positive energy out to the universe.
Perse-how r u feeling? Is today ur mw appt?
Afm-i have been taking hpts every couple of days to make sure my hcg is going down and today's line was very faint. Hopefully by the wknd it will be gone and I can get back to normal. My friend that had ivf saw baby and hb last week. She is sick as a dog and i am so happy for her lol. 10 yrs and finally she has her raonbow! Miracles do happen.
Mommy, how is the exhaustion? How are the kids taking the new pregancy?

Ready, that is wonderful news for your friend. I chuckled a bit about the sickness part. It must be bitter sweet to see those lines going away. You are right miracles do happen.

Babbs, I am waiting anxiously for your hcg. Ohh I hope so much that everything is just perfect. I am so glad you were able to see the yolk sack. So we know you little Cherio is in the right spot. Exhaustion is a great sign.

Mrs. I love how blunt you were with the "selfish little bitches" so true. Do you Bristol and DH have anything fun planned this week? How is the baby room coming?

Perse, thinking about you.

AFM, two more days of prednisone I have stepped down to the lowest dose now. The aches were definitely back today but it only took my 30 min to get my body moving out of bed, go me! I took some time yesterday and read some journals from rheumatology autoimmune ladies and it was really cathartic. Dare I say it helped me feel pretty normal. I think it is a lot like struggling to conceive. You don't realize that there is this whole other world out there with ladies experiencing exactly the same thing until you look. Most the literature says it takes about ten years on average for a diagnosis and most occur when the woman is in their mid 30s. So, not as stressed about the rheumy appt as I am probably one of the more common cases. Kitty gets to go to the vet for her anual checkup. Lucky lady.
Bab-glad that you got to see the sack, let us know your hcg, hoping all is well.

Ready-Yay for you friend, that is awesome! So happy for her!! Hope you get to normal soon.
Ren-glad you have found them, what wonderful support! Poor Kitty, mine hates going to the vet!! And I hate it, I end up leaving with more hair than her!! lol
I have a busy weekend this weekend!! Dh got me a massage for Vday, I am doing it on Saturday and after that having lunch with a high school girlfriend. Then it is another friends 30th birthday. I am going down to AR to do a painting class, you go and they teach you how to paint a pic and you get to drink too, well everyone except me! :( Then we are going to dinner, she doesn't know that her mom has this all set up so it'll be fun! Then Sunday work in Little Misses room, we made a little bit of progress this last weekend, not a ton but a little! I started a new trick with Bristol the last two nights. Before bed I play the song, Sent Me You by Josh Ward, that was the song dh and I danced to at our wedding, he surprised me with it. Anyways she goes crazy, I put my phone on my belly and she kicks and goes crazy, it is pretty cool to watch. DH says I annoy her but I like it so all is fine! hahaha

I can't believe it is only Tuesday, ugh the weeks kind of drag in this crappy winter weather, ready for time change and Spring!!
Hcg was 1860... Didn't even double in 4 days. Double time is currently 144. Previously was 130.

History.. again...:

2/17/15 - 120
2/20/15 - 549
2/26/15 - 1175
3/2/15 - 1860

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