TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Happy 34 weeks MrsB, why are you on bed rest? Hope everything is ok xx
Thanks ab!!! I'm on bed rest for my Bp. It's around 150/102 and only goes down when I am laying on my side. Dr doubled my meds and put me on bed rest. Bristol will be here soon. We have another dr apt on wed, hoping I make it to 36 weeks!!
Oh no. Hope you can stick it out a bit longer!! :hugs: :hugs:
Mrs-sorry you are on bed rest but maybe it's for the best. If you can rest for the next few weeks it may help for the first few wks when B comes and sleep goes. I can't believe you are so close to meeting her. I'm so totally excited for you.
Smommy-Reiki is a Japanese practice used to clear the energy blockages in the body to reduce stress and promote good health and healing. It's just another technique I'm trying to balance my body.
Bab-how r u?
I hope everyone is doing well?
Mrs- Sorry about the bp situation! Try to get as much rest as you possibly can. Luckily your already toward the end of pg and she will be here in the blink of an eye yay!!! So excited for you

Ready- That Japanese method sounds helpful and rejuvenating , I hope it gives you the balance you need and makes you feel better.

Hope everyone else is well !

My dr wanted me to have gained at least 4lbs by the 17th and I barely gained 1 /: I'm working out the same as always nothing has changed there but Im just Full after 1500-1600 cals , I tried to push myself to eat 2100 the other day but 1700 is usually Max for me right now. I just hope my baby is growing and doing well. Her kicks seem lighter lately.... Hope that's normal....? I can't remember from previous pgs. I'm going to order pizza and maybe have some cake this weekend just to switch up from the clean eating low fat diet I've been on. Maybe that'll help bring on the 4 extra lbs
Hi ladies!

So so so so so so sorry for not repsonding!!!
My phone capped out on me and when it went so did EVERYTHING on it!
I couldn't remember which email I used for this and what my password was because it as all saved on that phone so I could just open up the site and chat.
Anyways, after finally realiziby that I used an old email that was hacked before I did everything I could to get into that and then finally got on here, switched things over to my current email and here I am!

Mrs- how is bed rest going?? I hope that Bristol isn't causing too much trouble yet :3

Ready- I'm sorry about your Mc :(
how are you doing this time around?

Mommy- you can always lose the weight later ^_^ with all those little ones you will be chasing around I am sure that it will come off pretty fast after the baby is born. Plus, breast feeding apparently can help with weight loss since all your food is going to your boobs!

Ab- how have you been? How is baby doing?

Everyone else- what's going on????
This forum looks like it has been quiet for a week or two...

Afm- Started my new job last month and now I am working graveyard hours! :S ick.. lol oh well, it's more money than I was making before so I am happy!
Idk if I shared about my foster kittens before, but I have 3 black babies that I have been raising since they were 3 days old. They are now going on 4 weeks (on Sunday) and are sooooooo active and big! The local kitten rescue is providing me with supplies and they get a weekly weigh in. They are weighing a week ahead of what they should! So last Sunday when they were 3 weeks old they weighed as much as a 4 week old kitten :) Apparently I do a darn good job at raising babies! Lol

Speaking of babies... had an odd offer. My husband's coworker offered or asked if we could adopt his unborn baby. He says that he and the momma aren't too sure about having another one. Hubby was actually considering and I did for a little while but idk if I want a baby through adoption quite yet. I really want to carry one inside me full term so I will wait a while longer and see what happens before considering adoption.

More weird stuff!
Had a period start right after cd24. It was pretty darn heavy and painful too. The one prior to that was pretty light but was still a period, or so I thought. I never had a positive hpt so I doubt it was a mc. Maybe my body is just starting to go crazy? Lol
Anyways, I have been cramping pretty bad lately and really haven't had any sex around potential O date so I doubt it is pregnancy. I'm sort of worried that my periods are going to come every 24 days now! D: ARGHHHH!!!
On cd 19 now.

I've been a bit depressed lately because babies are being born all around me and more friends are announcing their accidental pregnancies. OH joy :/
I'm really hoping my day will come soon to have a healthy baby. It'd be nice to finally enjoy carrying the baby to full term, birthing it (probably not that enjoyable lol) and then breastfeeding it.
I'm a little bummed out and feel cheated.. September would have been my first mc babies due date and October/November for my second... I can already sense that those 3+ months are going to be hell for me, especially if I am not happily pregnant at the time.
Bab, I hope you are pregnant soon. Nothing worse than first milestones :hugs:
That was strange that your hubby's coworker should offer you the chance to adopt. Poor baby,I hope it does get adopted but it's not exactly the kind of thing you expect to get offered at work!!

All good here thanks. Frazer was 5 months last week (already!!!)

How is everyone else?

Is Bristol still baking MrsB? Xx
Hi bab! Glad to hear from you. I really wish for you that u get pg soon. U have been waiting so long for it to happen. I totally understand how you feel. I have been surrounded by babies as well and it's hard not to feel sad for urself.
Dh and I have been fighting a lot lately as he seems to be more interested in drinking than working on making a baby. I have reached my limit and don't know what to do from here.
Remember my friend that had been ttc for 10 yrs and had 2 rounds of ivf to finally get her rainbow. Her asswipe of a husband told her last wk that he was in love with someone else and moving on. To top it off he did it via txt! Can u imagine? This is why people murder their spouses. How can someone do that to another person? Im so sick for her. She has waited so long for this baby and he has ruined everything for her. Such a dirtbag!!!
Ab- He's already 5 months???
He is almost old enough to try slightly solid (mushy) foods :D

Ready- I'm sorry to hear that you and hubby are fighting :(
It feels like since I've started my new job there has been a bit of tension between my hubby and I as well. I feel like giving up and accepting that I won't have a baby. :/
To ad to the list of pregnancy announcements my sister called me up yesterday asking about my miscarriages and went on to announce that she is pregnant again.
I feel so badly for your friend! What a low life piece of trash! :(
I wonder if he has been having an affair for quite some time or if it was recent? Either way it is messed up!
At least she will have a baby to give all her love to and she will be able rake his sorry ass over the coals!!!
Ready,sorry you and dh are fighting and sorry about your friend,what a scumbag! !

I hope you ladies get your bfp's soon :hugs:

Yip 5 months already,I can't believe it. He gets pureed fruit and veg just now and baby cereal. Started at 4 months,he loves it,gets all excited when he sees his bowl lol xx
Ab, I can't believe how old he is already! Time goes by so fast.

Ready. I am sorry about the problems with your hubby. I can't even imagine what your friend is going through, poor dear.:hugs::hugs:

Babbs, glad you are back. The annual anniversaries are so hard. Is your sister ok, worried about mcing her baby? How are you doing with her announcement?

Mrs. How are you, is Bristol still being a tough little trouper? Fx everything is perfect on your end.

Mommydk- how are you and your little one?

Afm- healthy and just chilling waiting for ivf injections to start mid August.
Hey gals, sorry I hVent been around. Still on bed rest. My Bp is getting higher each time. They've upped my meds from 100mg to 200mg and today it got upped again to 300mg. Bp was 170/128 today. Saturday night I went to l&d and had a kidney stone. Worst pain I've felt so far. I've been going once a week, on Tuesdays to dr but today they said they want me back on Friday. I am so hoping on Friday they will tell me we can go to the hospital and induce. I'm 50% effaced, not dialated, dr has me using my breast pump and lots of sex to start contractions. I'm so ready for Bristol to be here!! She's doing fine through all of this. My nst's are good, last one took her double the time to pass but today's was good.
Ready-sorry about you and dh and how awful for your friend!! I hope you and dh work everything out. It seems like dh and I got through spats of bad times but we push through. Marriage isn't easy.

Bab- so sorry about all the announcements around you, I know it sucks. Your day will come and you have to believe it will be the best time for you. Had we gotten pregnant earlier and I ended up on bed rest like I am now we may not have been able to afford it. Dh got a raise that was as much as my salary so it truly worked out the best. We aren't stressed about bills on top of the bed rest stress and not feeling well. Your perfect time will come.

Ren- I can't wait for you to start ivf, how exciting!! I hope it works on the first time!!

Ab- Frazier is getting big for sure and fast!!!
Mommy- how are you doing? Did you gain your weight? I haven't gained any weight in the last two weeks which is shocking since I'm on bed rest and don't do shit!! I hope little one is doing well. Have you guys picked a name yet?
Ab- that is adorable :P I can just imagine what he must look like when he gets excited! <3

Ren- almost IVF time!!!! It seems like time is flying by! ^_^ how are you feeling now days with your GI and autoimmune issues?

Mrs- I'm really trying to convince my husband to find a better job. He doesn't want to and it is starting to feel like he expects me to continue to be the main supporter of the house.... When I get pregnant again and take maternity leave we will be screwed unless he gets his butt in gear and finds a better job. He doesn't seem to understand that it is necessary for him to do so. :/

Afm- I'm exhausted. Getting used to graveyard hours is a pain #_#
I've already slept half the day away and I am extremely tempted to sleep again. I have no appetite and no desire to do a damn thing.
Babbs, my SIL worked graves for years. They are super rough. I don't know if you ever get fully used to them. My husband and I have traded off being the main supporter a few times. I hope yours will find a new job, and something he likes.

Mrs. Ouch! Kidney stone plus late term pregnancy! I can't believe you are about to meet Bristol on the outside. She is going to be the cutest most well loves baby for sure. If we don't hear from you for a bit our thoughts are with you for your induction.

To answer your question Babbs, I haven't been sick (v or d) in almost two months. It is a miracle. I am totally going to rock morning sickness because I have had it for 36 years and just thought that was normal. I can't even express the gratitude I have for my doctors here. I feel like I have a real shot at IVF working here.

To the other ladies, hello! You haven't posted since my last post but hi!

Ohh also my kitty had surgery and is in a onesie instead of a cone so she doesn't rip her stitches. Doctor ordered. Dying of cuteness over here.


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OMG!!!! I'm dying of laughter right now xD she is too adorable!!!
What kind of survery did she have?

Glad you have been feeling great!!! And who knows, maybe you won't even get morning sickness :3

Mrs- idk how I missed you talking about your kidney stone :'( those are mighty painful! I had to witness my dad writhe in pain from one and then my mom had one and I had to drive her around because it hurt for her to sit up. I am super excited to hear of your delivery and to see those new born pics of baby Bristol!!
Ren that is super cute. Glad you are feeling a lot better now and I hope IVF works first time for you

MrsB my dh had kidney stones a couple of years ago,I have never seen someone in such pain before. Labour won't be as painful,so they say. Good luck with your induction xx
Ren- So cute!!!! What's her name ?

Ab- Glad you and baby boy are doing well!

Bab- I agree , the stress of it all can be so overwhelming on top of bills and money. We are going through it. I'm so happy and blessed to be having another baby and am super excited for her to get here to be with us , BUT it would have been 100x better had we planned a little better with money. We are stressing just trying to get the essentials right now. I'm praying and knowing God will make a way. Just as he will for you, your perfect time is coming and I hope DH gets the job you want him to get asap <3

Mrs- I am so so sorry you are dealing with all of the bp stuff. I can't believe they haven't taken her already! I bet they'll take her tomorrow yay!! Keep pumping and having sex , it can take so long with the first baby to dilate but pumping and sex will move it along so you're not in labor for 24hrs like my sister was! Good luck I'm so excited for you this will be one of the best times ever (aside from some pains) update us when you can! And enjoy your rest

I gained 2lbs went from 173 to 175 so the midwife was glad to see that I've progressed a little. I went to l&d yesterday with some cramps and scared that something was wrong because her kicks felt more like a seizure and the midwife said in utero seizure was a possibility so I rushed over to the hospital but she looked great on the monitor and on the sono. I really really didn't like the hospital and I'm not really comfortable with the drs office I'm with either. The hospital is a teaching hospital so they have students that they train and its mandatory that they be present during your delivery. The hospital also isn't very clean and it's VERY busy. I just don't know. But im 29 weeks I'm not sure of it's too late to try to switch Drs and hospitals

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