Hi ladies!
So so so so so so sorry for not repsonding!!!
My phone capped out on me and when it went so did EVERYTHING on it!
I couldn't remember which email I used for this and what my password was because it as all saved on that phone so I could just open up the site and chat.
Anyways, after finally realiziby that I used an old email that was hacked before I did everything I could to get into that and then finally got on here, switched things over to my current email and here I am!
Mrs- how is bed rest going?? I hope that Bristol isn't causing too much trouble yet :3
Ready- I'm sorry about your Mc
how are you doing this time around?
Mommy- you can always lose the weight later ^_^ with all those little ones you will be chasing around I am sure that it will come off pretty fast after the baby is born. Plus, breast feeding apparently can help with weight loss since all your food is going to your boobs!
Ab- how have you been? How is baby doing?
Everyone else- what's going on????
This forum looks like it has been quiet for a week or two...
Afm- Started my new job last month and now I am working graveyard hours! :S ick.. lol oh well, it's more money than I was making before so I am happy!
Idk if I shared about my foster kittens before, but I have 3 black babies that I have been raising since they were 3 days old. They are now going on 4 weeks (on Sunday) and are sooooooo active and big! The local kitten rescue is providing me with supplies and they get a weekly weigh in. They are weighing a week ahead of what they should! So last Sunday when they were 3 weeks old they weighed as much as a 4 week old kitten

Apparently I do a darn good job at raising babies! Lol
Speaking of babies... had an odd offer. My husband's coworker offered or asked if we could adopt his unborn baby. He says that he and the momma aren't too sure about having another one. Hubby was actually considering and I did for a little while but idk if I want a baby through adoption quite yet. I really want to carry one inside me full term so I will wait a while longer and see what happens before considering adoption.
More weird stuff!
Had a period start right after cd24. It was pretty darn heavy and painful too. The one prior to that was pretty light but was still a period, or so I thought. I never had a positive hpt so I doubt it was a mc. Maybe my body is just starting to go crazy? Lol
Anyways, I have been cramping pretty bad lately and really haven't had any sex around potential O date so I doubt it is pregnancy. I'm sort of worried that my periods are going to come every 24 days now! D: ARGHHHH!!!
On cd 19 now.
I've been a bit depressed lately because babies are being born all around me and more friends are announcing their accidental pregnancies. OH joy :/
I'm really hoping my day will come soon to have a healthy baby. It'd be nice to finally enjoy carrying the baby to full term, birthing it (probably not that enjoyable lol) and then breastfeeding it.
I'm a little bummed out and feel cheated.. September would have been my first mc babies due date and October/November for my second... I can already sense that those 3+ months are going to be hell for me, especially if I am not happily pregnant at the time.