Ready- have you had your first appointment yet??
I can't wait to hear that this is definitely a sticky bean!!!
Ren- *Chants* IVF! IVF!!
I am so thrilled for you!!! This next month cannot come soon enough!!!!
Afm- I kept spotting so my doctor told me to count it as a period. (Had -hpt) but I told her I wanted to start Clomid again so she ordered me in 150mg! Just finished my second day of it, onto day 3 now!!
I am still lightly bleeding but it should let up pretty soon I hope.
So, now onto some juicy drama details!
My husband's ex decided to contact him last week. Quick brief on their history, they dated for 2 years and then took a break. During such time she had sex with other men so he had sex with one other girl buuut it was her cousin so it pissed her off and thus ended their relationship. Apparently they had a fling one month later but at that point she had already been screwing other guys and was engaged to marry an Asian dude, which she did. She fell pregnant and has since kept my husband's family a part of this kids life for some reason. Turns out she is trying to pass it off as his. The kid is very obviously half asian. If it had ANY of my husband's genetics they would be very prominent, such as his inherited large nose and wide forehead.
Anywhooos... back to the main story, now that you are informed.
So she contacted him asking for him to "fix her roof". He told her no. She then tries to bring up the kid and says that it reminds her of him. And then she brings up their relationship in the past. He eventually blocks her after she won't leave him alone and me getting pissed off.
I did snoop and found out that she is no longer with her asian husband Btw.
On Thursday I got a message from her saying that she "KNOWS" my husband still has nude pics of her and that she believes that he will post them online and that if he doesn't delete them then she will take him to tribal court (Btw she is native.) She had started her email off like that "Hi Brittany, I just want you to know that your so called loving husband........" so obviously she was trying to pick a fight.
Anyways she goes on to complain about him cheating on her with her cousin and that she apparently doesn't want him (why bring it up? Why contact me?? Lol)
So I reply as kindly as I possibly can letting her know that I have access to his computer and have not found anything of that sort on there and that if I did then I would delete it because it would offend me if he was looking at other women he had relatons with. I tell her that I need to block her out of respect for him (since he wanted me to. Ugh..) and told her that I wished her a happy fourth of july.
So, we get word from his Grandma that she has been tagging her in Posts about him and that she is "obviously hurt and wants to hurt you" in his grandma's words to him.
I luckily had friends in common with her and obtained a screen shot of her post and she is complaining more about her break up with him (after I sent her a reply!) and tagging his family saying that she hopes to see them soon and have a picnic with them!
What the flying F***???????
I just don't understand why they still have her on their friendslists!!! It has been 5 years since my husband and her last spoke and she all of a sudden wants to start shit??
Ugh! Anyways. This has been both entertaining and stressful at the same time lol
good timing life!
So now I feel like we can't even visit his family because there is still that connection to this crazy chick.
What do you all think??