Ren- get your boss to write a note saying that they cannot afford to have you gone from work for the says and times that you will be needed for jury duty
Most bosses are happy to comply.
Otherwise you can say that you cannot financially afford to take the days off from work to attend Jury duty, which considering that you are having to pay butt loads in medical bills (which you can use as part of your reasoning) they should consider it.
Or, if you do some research about any possible cases that they will be having in your area then you can say that you have too much info already and have a biased opinion about the defendant, or it helps if you know anyone involved in the case.
I got called once and was lucky enough to know the judges husband so I got to leave :3
Ab- that sounds pretty hard to accomplish to keep them asleep while they feed xD
Ready- are things a little better for you now or still about the same?
Afm- it dawned on me that my foster kittens will be leaving soon... it could very well be this Sunday :'(
They will be 6 weeks old and at that point the rescue will be worming them, giving them vaccines and then just waiting until they are big enough to be spayed or neutered.
I am sort of hoping that they can stay until they are big enough to be spayed/neutered since they can't get adopted until after that anyways