TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Hey ladies!

Smommy- My husband just took his, I hope you get the scores you need!!

Ready- Their prob just being cautious , have they done a Sono yet?! Keep us posted, I'm sure everything will go just fine

Mrs- She is soo adorable! So tiny and She's so perfect , how is she doing? Are feedings and everything going ok?

I have symptoms of ICP so I'm a little nervous. I haven't even been in to see my new OB yet and I'm due in 5 weeks. I've been itchy all over my feet and legs and I've had a loss of appetite lately and when I googled these ICP was all that kept popping up. It can be very dangerous so I'm hoping it's just normal 3rd trimester irritation due to hormone levels rising.

How's everyone else coming along ? Any updates ?
Mommy- what is ICP?
I hope it isn't serious!! HAve you seen your new doctor yet?

Afm- had a beta hcg and progesterone draw on Monday. Still no +hpt here at home but my doctor wants to catch a pregnancy as soon as possible. I got a voicemail today of her saying that she is starting me on 400 mg of prometrium right away. She said my progesterone was 7.75 which would be low if I was pregnant but if I was ending my luteal phase it would be perfect, so I am assuming that they detected hcg. She just didn't want to be "too specific" on a voicemail and didn't tell me. Instead she said to repeat my both blood tests next week.
If I am pregnant I am not too excited at all. I don't feel pregnant and I think that the dropping progesterone indicates a chemical pregnancy.
Just thought I would update everyone. I won't start getting excited until I see the baby AND hear it's heartbeat.
Thank for the support you guys! GL to your husband Mommy-- we now wait for scores! no fun!

I will find out October 9th
Hi Mrs- I'm ok. Nothing has happened yet. A nurse friend of mine told me to hold off on the d and c and see if my body would miscarry naturally. I told dh I wasn't ttc again until we both have had testing done. I can't go through this again.
How is Bristol?
I'm so sorry ready :(
I agree that at this point you both should get some genetic screening done. Maybe the problem is lying in his swimmers health as well?
Would he consider changing his life style choices temporarily until you fall pregnant with a viable pregnancy?
I finally convinced my hubby to lay off smoking pot, as much at least, and he has been doing a pretty good job recently.
I hope that everything will work out for you very soon!

Afm- cd 17 and now 1 dpo. Didn't take clomid this cycle partly because I didn't feel up to it and also because my bills and getting hubbies truck tires were priority.
Surprised that I even ovulated and that it happened so early.
We have only bd 3 times total this cycle, once being today. The first two times were around cd 10 so I know that those won't count towards this.. Hubby had to force himself to get in the mood today. Last night before I left for work j tried to get him to bd after I got my +opk but he wasn't in the mood, as is usual around ovulation day.
I got pretty upset and left for work emotional. I'm sure it made him feel bad and honestly as mean as this might be, I feel like he needed to feel bad.. I have always catered to how he feels and locked away my emotions when it comes to this and it was about time that he seen how it makes me feel.
Anyways... I am hoping to get a few more days worth of bd in and then I will let him have his break. Fx that he can manage it!
Im so sorry ready. I know this is so had for you. I couldnt imagine
So, so sorry ready. :hugs: genetic testing sounds like a great idea. It really helps. My DH is already much healthier now we are treating what we found.

Babbs, sorry I didn't get up to see you. The wedding was a whirlwind. It is just nice to be home.

I paid my first 7k to IVF this morning and I am waiting on the call for my meds.
Hi ladies!
Mommy-im assuming you have had your baby girl? How are things?
Babb-where r u with ttc?
Ren-i was on your journal and got caught up with you. I can't wait for Sept!
Mrs, smommy, ab-how are your sweet babies?
Afm-I started spotting 2 days ago with mild cramping. Today I started gushing blood and clots and had to be rushed to the hospital via ambulance. Blood pressure dropped, hemoglobin low and finally emergency d&c some as the bleeding was really heavy and wouldn't stop. They sent me home but I'm on bed rest and if i feel the least bit poorly I'm to go back for my hemoglobin to be rechecked. I'm was on the low side after surgery and Dr suspects i may drop again which means transfusion which I'm not crazy about!
I asked him about follow up and testing and he said he thought since i have two live births I would be wasting my time. He was kind about it and said at this point it probably has more to do with my age (37) then anything. What are your thoughts?
I mean there are a few schools of thought here. Yes it could be age, but most of us (36 myself) should still have plenty of good eggs. We are looking at maybe 25-35% bad egg rates not much higher than everyone else. So it is possible you got unlucky twice but you are by no means old, especially looking at the ivf ladies I have been following with successful live births. We are spring chickens in comparison.

The first test for that stuff is a simple ultrasound and blood test. It isn't expensive. They need to do an antral follicle count, and test your AMH and FSH. This can give you and your doctor an idea of how old your body thinks it is.

Then there are supplements. I took Ubiquinol 300mg a day, EPA fish oil and freeze dried acai berry for the last three months. I would recommend the book "It starts with the Egg". It has helped many women.

Your eggs may be great but the genetic material inside your husbands sperm may be damaged. I kind of hate when doctors use the old egg comment when it takes two to tango. It is like the Middle Ages when they always declared a woman barren, when it was the husbands fault 50% of the time. /rant. :haha:

If you decide to do more testing look at having genetic screening done through 23andMe or Counsyl. If you are both carriers if a genetic disease, then 1 in 4 of your kids will have it. Maybe the 1 in 4 happened to you twice in a row. 23andMe does require you enter your data into another site like gene genie to decode it.

Finally there is the more comprehensive immune rejection testing. Maybe do some looking into DQAlpha matching.

Feel better, rest up. It sounds like a terrifying night and I am so glad you made it to the hospital in time.
I knew you would have lots of knowledge on this Ren. I have been told by 2 obs that my eggs are old and it pisses me off. I'm in Canada so a lot of the testing is covered. I think the more intensive it gets it costs money.
I will request testing and we will start with the semen analysis and karyotyoing (?)
Ready- I Hope that you don't have to go back for the transfusion. I'm sorry that this is giving you such grief... Get plenty of rest and keep us posted! And Ren has a ton of good info that I'm sure will help you along in figuring out what is going on!
Hopefully she is right that these are just some bad eggs happening in a row and that the healthy one is on its way! You should ask your doctor if there is anything you can do or take to help keep the baby healthy if you choose to ttc again or happen to conceive on accident.
I'm praying for you <3

Ren- it is almost IVF time! How are you feeling? What's the news on that?

Afm- 10 dpo here. I had symptoms thanks to the progesterone supplements but they have stopped. I've had all bfn's even with frer. I'm not very hopeful. I haven't taken any today though. I'm too afraid to because I broke down sobbing yesterday.
I'm considering building/making a couple stuffed animals to remember my two lost babies by and to cuddle. I needed that so much yesterday and now I'm bent on making it happen.

I hope everyone else is doing good and that their babies aren't giving them too much trouble :P
:hugs: Ready.
I agree with Ren that it is probably "bad luck". I turned 40 in june so had Zoe one week from my 36th, Zara when I was 37 and Frazer when I was 39. 3 losses at 20/21, 1 loss at 34 and one loss at 39 and was told all were "bad luck" ( I hate that phrase)
Ren knows more info than me, her advice sounds good, as always.

Rest up and take care of yourself xxx
Karyotyping is the more involved version of the 23andme or Counsyl genetic testing. Our Counsyl test just does a scan of the chromosomes and flags if it finds a sequence that matches a known disease. 23andme has a slightly more detailed scan but still just checks whole genes.

karyotyping looks at the details inside the chromosomes too. It can find things like balanced translocations. Unless you have amazing insurance in the States, karyotyping runs us 1,000$ or more, I think that is why most of us do the 99$ options and only do karyotyping in repeat 8-12 miscarriage situations. I am not sure how it would work for you.

Babbs, I am sitting here stalking the FedEx truck waiting for my meds to arrive this morning.:). Yay!
Bab-I hope you get your rainbow soon. Have you had any testing done? I think the stuffy idea is fantastic! Talk to your "soul babies".
Ren-Im sure you are just buzzing waiting for ivf to start. I know my gf that had been trying for over 10 yrs was excited and nervous all at the same time. We just had her shower and she is due in 7 wks. She is ecstatic! I can't wait for that to happen to you.
Ab-thanks for the support and giving me your experiences. I know I'm not too old but the drs want to use that as the excuse. The more I read the more I realize that over 40 is more of a concern. I also know I'm not done ttc.
I ended up going back to the hospital today as I was having shortness of breath, weak and shaky. Hemoglobin is about the same and dr offered me a transfusion but I declined. I'm opting for rest and hoping that if I pump up the iron and nutrient rich foods I will repair naturally. As much as I want another baby I think we need to do some testing and I def need to get my body back to a safe zone.
I've been out of it for so long but I just wanted to pop in and say hello and send big hugs to all you lovelies. I'm so sorry to hear about your recent loss, Ready. I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling but I'm thinking of you. &#55357;&#56471;
Omg Perse you are so close! So happy for you. Can't wait to hear all about it.
Smommy-im doing ok. Im feeling better than last week but still so drained. The dr said it will take about 10 days to feel a bit more normal. Emotionally I'm maybe not as good but after so many losses my coping is better. I really want another and this loss has solidified this for me. My family think I'm crazy as last wks events were scary for everyone. Dh and I haven't talked about it too much but he's being a little over protective. My mw suggested taking progesterone next time I get pg but I would rather see if there is an actual issue or if its just bad luck. She also said she thinks it age and says getting pg isnt an issue it's staying pg. But staying pg isn't an issue its the baby staying alive that is. I don't know what to think. I really don't want to go through any more losses and def don't want any more surgeries.
Hey gals! Sorry I haven't been on, we have been super busy!

Ready-Oh my girl, you have been through so very much. I hope you are feeling better now. Have you had any testing done yet? Have you been back to the dr how are your hemoglobin levels? I hope you are back to normal.

Babb-Did you make your babies? That is a great idea, love it! Did you do clomid this cycle?

Ren-When do you start ivf? I know you said you were waiting for your meds, have they done anything else yet?

Ab-How big is Frazier now? How are you doing?

Perse-Have you had that baby yet?

Mommy-How are you? I am sure your little one is here, how is she doing?

Smommy-two more weeks and you will have the results from your bar!!!

AFM-Bristol is keeping me busy, I only work Monday, Wednesday and Friday and am home the rest of the days, which I love! She is getting big, 11lbs now! She will be 3 months old tomorrow! Crazy how time flies. She is sitting in her bumbo seat and starting to roll over! We have a lot of fun! Hope you all are doing well and sorry I haven't been on. Much love girls!

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