TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Oh I am pretty ticked off!
I'm hoping to talk to his family later about all of this because that is a MAJOR insult that they still tall to her. She won't let him go unless ALL ties to him are cut.
He is married and has been for 3 years. He doesn't want to talk to her and is pissed off that she is causing this much drama all of a sudden.
It really is unacceptable and they shouldn't even be humouring her with a response. Not to worry though she just sounds like a trouble maker who can't let go!
At least ur dh is not entertaining her shit. She sounds like she has a couple screws loose.
I have a scan booked July 14 to see all is well.
Yeah he was getting really ticked off that she was causing so much drama.
Thankfully she hasn't done anything since then, but I am cautiously expecting that she will try to stir the pot again fairly soon.
Thought I seen her at my work tonight, as a matter of fact, if it was her then I had to assist her xD haha
it would be creepy if she started stalking me at work
That would be beyond creepy! She needs to get a life and move on.
How are things with ttc?
Hey gals! Sorry I've been Mia, it's crazy in my household!! Everything has been good. Bristol is a pretty good baby except sometimes she just cries for 3 hours and there is NOTHING I can do to make her stop. It is rough but we get through it. Hope you gals are doing ok!
Ready-how is preg going?
Ren-glad ovaries are looking good. When do you have your first ivf?
Bab-sorry you're having a hard time, hope it gets better soon!

Here's a newborn pic, she was 1 week old. She'll be 3 weeks on wed!


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Omg Mrs! She is beautiful! Sorry about the crying, hopefully it doesn't last.
Pg is ok. Nausea kicked in a few days ago which sucks but gives me hope. I go for my 1st u/s tomorrow...fx'd!
She is absolutely gorgeous. The crying sounds tough. I can't believe she is three weeks already.

Ready, how exciting for your ultrasound. Fx everything is perfect or you.

Hi babbs, Ab75& mommydk /wave

Mrs, my ivf stuff will start around the end of August with the two eggs being placed back in my the begining of September. We are each still waiting on our genetic testing report. It was supposed to be sent to the doc by the end of last week. The delay is making me anxious. This is one of the few remaining things that could delay things or make us have to stop. Please keep your fingers crossed and prayers running for a good report. I don't know if I could handle finding out we were both carriers for Cystic Fibrosis or one of the other things they tested for.
Good luck Ren, I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Good luck with your scan Ready :hugs:

Bab hope things are better now.

Mommy,how are you doing?

MrsB,what a gorgeous pic. Hopefully the crying won't last.

All good here. Frazer is 6 months,loves his food lol xx
Ren-I have everything crossed for you! I'm sure all will be great and in a short couple months your rainbow (s?) Will be growing strong.
Ab-I can't believe he is 6 months already. It goes by so fast.
Hi to all the other ladies!
Mommy-you must be on countdown. Only a few weeks left.
Babb-how is this cycle?
Less than 5hrs until my scan. Trying to remain calm and not think about it. Lol
Hi ladies!!!!!!! I did a quick catch up on most of everyone I think and I'm so happy for all of you !

Mrs- <3 tears were starting to fill my eyes reading about little miss Bristol. I'm beyond relieved and happy for you and hub, she is just beautiful. I'm sorry the delivery was scary but I know every little heart renching second was worth it. Are you breastfeeding? My 2 cry babies were picky about their formula after I stopped breast feeding and they cried for hours, turned out to be the formula

Ready- !!!! So so happy for you , those test are definitely showing a sticky bean!!! Keep us posted on your scan and don't stress !

Ren- I'm looking forward to your August rainbow! Is there anything you have to do to prepare?

Bab- I know the situation with dh and crazy ex was a while ago and I'm late but I know exactly how you feel. I was really upset when I found out that my dhs mother kept in touch with his stalker ex and I went OFF on her and dh. I wish I would have been a little more patient and not let her get the best of me but I become so crazy and protective, I should have just laughed it off because he wasn't really paying her any mind and she already looked stupid trying to spark something with an ex from 10 yrs ago and communicating with his family is just stupid and desperate. So wih the remainders of his crazy exes I just laugh and remind myself that they don't stand a chance.... He moved on for a reason and love me and his kids wayyy too much to entertain their foolishness. I hope the native chick doesn't start some lifetime crazy stalker crap, that would be bizarre

Ab- how is the LO? Has he started crawling yet?

It's been a little hectic lately trying to get everything set up for baby , but still trying to have an awesome summer with the kids! we're pretty much done setting up and have just about everything we need for her now. The baby is doing well and so am I , I dialated 1/2 cm and have been getting contractions on and off for the past 2 weeks but I'm not due until September 7. The craziest part of the pregnancy so far has been finding a dr and hospital I'm comfortable delivering with. The dr I switched over too in he beginning was horrible and so was the labor and delivery for the hospital. So I'm JUST now at 32 weeks, finding a new dr and switched to a nicer , cleaner hospital. They can't see me until July 29 (my sons bday) I'll be 34 weeks. I just hope everything goes well and I have enough time to meet all of the drs at the office. Everything is just so last minute , but I'm giving it to God!
Hi mommy, it is great to to hear you and the baby are well. Your baby weight will fall off just like that. Gross that the first hospital you were looking at was dirty. I didnt realize how lucky I was to have a nice clean facility near by.
Mrs- she is such an angel!!!! I'm so jealous!! Lol

Ready- let us know how your ultrasound went! I have everything crossed for you!!!

Ren- I hope to heaven that next month you will be sharing your bfp news with us ^_^ I am getting impatient and want to see your future baby dang it! Lol

Mommy- thank goodness you found a new doctor and hospital! I am happy to hear that your little one is doing amazing :3
She seems to be wanting to come out and meet you already huh? Lol
As for hubby ex drama stuff. Yeah she hasn't said anything since then lol I posted a bunch of vague stuff on Facebook that only her and her spies (which I had a few on my friends list) would be able to see and since then she hasn't said crap about us. I think people are seeing that she is crazy :S
she seriously has a pic of her leg laid down and stretched out next to some guys hairy leg who is in a standing position with a comment saying "thank you"
it is such a weird pic and I didn't bother with figuring out why she would take it until it randomly dawned on me that she was sucking the guys dick as a "Thank you" to him xD
How trashy can you get?????

Anyways.. that's my last rant about psycho bitch. :P

So today is O day for me!!!
Used preseed and dtd! ^_^
Going to keep dtd until Sunday and then I will obsess over every little symptom, of course! Haha

I'm really hoping this become mg rainbow! I am loving my new job, have very few stress triggers and it just feels like it will be!!
Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed for me!!!
Oh, I forgot to share that my kittens went to the rescue finally to be spayed/neutered and prepped for adoption... I'm heart broken :'( haha
oh well. Some day I will foster another litter.
Mommy, oops forgot your answer. Yes we are doing a lot in the background. We meet with the genetic counselor here on Friday. We got our results back. Hubbs has MTHFR. It shouldn't *knock on wood* postpone anything. We will find out more about the disease then. I am taking lots of suppliments daily. We have our paperwork ready to sign and take in. I took care of the courthouse so I won't get called for jury duty in the middle of stims. I call when my period hits in a few weeks then I am on birthcontrol, no more periods til stimulation drugs, 1-3 shots per day,start at the end of Aug.

Babbs: here are our babies, well supposedly. This is a morph of the two of us. The girl looks just like my moms mom and the boy looks just like Dh's brother when he was a kid. I would cry right now with joy if that little girl walked into my like right now.
Aww! They will be adorable!!!
Did you just morph a pic of yourself and your hubby on a website?
Yes, it was a picture from a party a few years ago. They used to let you do it on It doesn't work from my iPad anymore but maybe a computer? I think you can still see what celebrity babies look like even if you can't upload your own anymore.
Well I am 2 dpo now!
Had 2 days of + opk's and even today's test was pretty darn strong! I felt myself ovulate on the right the first couple of days and then today I have been ovulating on the left, or at least that is how it feels.
I've been very nauseas today and have had terrible insomnia :S
Headache as well! Ugh...
hopefully these are good signs and that we catch an egg or 2 ;)
How is everyone doing?

Is Ren and I the only people still ttc on this forum? Lol where are all the other ladies??
Lovely pics Ren. "Your little girl" is gorgeous!! Can't wait until you are posting baby pics :hugs:

No mommy,not crawling yet,but not far away

Good luck bab.
How is everyone ?

How was your scan Ready?

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