TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

Cute, she is just adorable p!!!!

Ivf is done! And I am officially Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise. We transferred these cute little ones on Monday. I'll know sometime next week if they stuck or not.


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Omg Mrs...she is soo freakin cute! I'm glad you don't have to work full time. I don't know how you US ladies do it (other than having no choice).
Ren-I'm oh so excited to see these eggies have attached and you tell us u have two bubs in there.
Bristol is cute.

Ren I've got everything crossed for you

How is everyone else?

Frazer is pulling himself up on the furniture,crawling backwards and trying to stand up himself. The girls are both nursery in the mornings,they love it and it gives me time with Frazer xx
Mrs - such a cutie!!!
Ren - woohoo!! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

AFM...I'm still pregnant. Due date was Tuesday. The baby is head down but posterior and has not dropped at all, she is apparently "floating". I had an internal check yesterday and my cervix was so high she could barely find it. Eventually she did and about two hours after the appt I had contractions for 3 hours at about 5-7 minutes apart. I fell asleep so they must have stopped since I don't have any now. If I'm not engaged by Friday then I'll be induced on the 29th or 30th because the longer I wait the bigger the baby gets and I risk no vaginal birth at all. Eitger way, it probably means no water birth for me. My MW is really not very helpful and feels like she's basically just given up on me. :cry:
Ab-he will be walking in no time!
Peres-red raspberry leaf tea and acupuncture points. I know there are 101 things that people say to do, these are 2 things the doula told me. I hope it all goes quickly...can't wait to hear the news.
Afm-just waiting on af.
Mrs- she is too adorable <3 thank you for sharing her pics!!

Ren- when do you find out if those babies implant???

Ab- he doesn't seem like he is 8 months already!! It feels like just a couple months ago that you gave birth to him :3

Pers- I'm sorry that you mw isn't being very helpful :hugs: I hope that everything works out and that you get to do water birth! Though I've been told by many mothers that you can HOPE everything falls into your plans, but ultimately it is up to the baby xD

Ready- I am right there with you on waiting for af.
Didn't ovulate so idk when af will arrive. But I have been getting cramps off and on. I am only on cd 25 so af won't even show until cd 32 at the soonest.
I won't be able to afford clomid for a while so I'm just patiently waiting for my husband to find a new ad better job.
Bab-how do you know you didn't ov?
Afm-I took a test cuz I wasn't sure when af would be here and got this.


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Congrats Ready!!! I am praying so hard that this one sticks!!!!

And because I was tracking for it.. I had ewcm and other symptoms of ovulation but no +opk. It was only starting to get dark at the time I should have ovulated and then went right back to being light. I kept tracking for a few days after and got nothing.
I went ahead and tested with hpt yesterday and got a negative. I will wait until the 3rd before I test again.
Bab-are there are any natural ways to encourage ov? Sorry if thats a stupid question but I'm not well versed on ov issues.
There are some that can help, like raspberry leaf vitamins or tea and spear mint tea. I can't think of the others right now but I had found a list of things to help increase fertility. Doesn't guarantee you will ovulate though and since I have pcos I need help from meds.
I can control my diet, try harder to lose weight and hope that works.. but idk. I'm sort of done trying too hard. I'm exhausted lol
Its conflicting because I want to keep trying but I want to give up and just maybe focus on what I would like to do with my husband, like where we want to visit. Plan vacations. But whenever I see a baby or have a friend announce that they fell pregnant again without trying, I get baby fever again. So idk.
I'm sort of patiently awaiting the end of this month and see how I feel next month.
Bab-it is all so very frustrating! Have you seen/read Making Babies or When you feel like devoting time and energy again to ttc it really is worth your while to check out. For the most part Chinese people don't experience the fertility issues that we do and a lot of that has to do with what we put in to our bodies. They don't experience pms and treat their bodies like temples as opposed to trash cans like the Western world does.
Afm-I can get pg no problem but seem to have an issue with the embryo developing. I took another frer this am ans line hasnt progressed. I've been pg enough and poas many times to know that the tests don't tell all but I can't help but feel this may be another unsuccessful pg. The last one my hcg increased at a great rate and tests were awesome but it still didn't mean the pg was viable. It's all very exhausting.
Are you going to force your doctor to everything in his/her power to help this baby?
I would be looking into what can be done to prevent another miscarriage. They need to get on top of that asap!
Don't let them push you aside and say that it's fine.
Ready, you are in Canada right? I think it might be time to get referred to a Reproductive Immunologist. I don't remember which Provence you are in but their specialty is solving exactly what you are facing. I know there is one around Calgary and one in Toronto. They are different from reproductive endocrinologists since they typicially see women who have had multiple unexplained recurrent losses. It is completely possible that something changed after your successful birth that is causing it. Even if you don't think you have an autoimmune, their specialty is recurrent miscarriage that no one else can solve. I can't imagine how hard this is on you and I hope you can find answers soon.

Babs, ttc is so exhausting. We have taken a few breaks in the journey and they are nice. Good idea setting a time goal for yourself and making a decision then.

Afm- my trigger may have dropped out of my system. I was really depressed yesterday and that normally happens when my hcg drops to zero. Cramping and nausea tonight but that could be from the progesterone shots. Tomorrow is 12dpo, beta is Friday. Three more days for a line to show, otherwise I am on to my frosty backup.
I am just east of Toronto so I am going to get things started. My dr is off until Mon of course but I will ask for the referral and get started on that road. I asked the mw to do serial blood work so I went in today and will again fri.
Ren I so hope this is your rainbow and if it's not how long do you wait for the frostie? My heart goes out to you, I just can't imagine the struggle within you right now.
Bab-I hope your body starts cooperating! Hugs

This is the doctor I was thinking of Ready. Good luck and I hope you can get in for a consult. I am considering getting my passport to drive up to the guy in Calgary if my next IVF fails.

I will be using my frosty in November. My clinic only does ivf every other month so I have to wait... At least September is almost over. 12dpo and bfn. I know I am out and it isn't "too early". Only five out of the thousands of ivf charts in fertility friend have a positive test after receiving a negative at 12dpo. 1:1000 odds just don't seem very good odds to me. And let's be honest when medical things are going on the odds are never in my favor. Just trying to get on with my life and prepare for November.
I wish things were different this first go Ren. People try to boost you up by telling you they knew someone that knew someone that didn't get their bfp until later or whatever the story may be. I think you know your body and would know if you were pg. I do believe ypur journey has the outcome you are hoping for I just hope it happens really soon. Hugs lady!
I will check out the dr and bring the info with me when I go.
I am obsessing about lines right now which after 6 losses I should know to stop and see what happens. Time just doesn't move in these situations.
Ready-I sure hope this is it! Glad you are doing bloods and doing what you need to for yourself! Fx and big hugs!!!

Ren-I am sorry, I agree with Ready, you know your body best! I know you have a positive outcome in the end of all of this! Ready for November for you!

Bab-ttc is super hard and frustrating. We took a few breaks too, it was too stressful for me, I had to start seeing a counselor because my hair started falling out because of the extreme stress. You will figure out what you need to do for you. I hope it all works out for you!

Ab-Frazer is almost walking??!!! WHAT??!!! ;) I can't believe it! Glad you get sometime alone with him, that is great!
Hey ladies!

Ren- i hope things are getting brighter for you! And soon!

Ready- you went through hell but I hope this is your rainbow!!

Babs- how are things going for you? Go with the baby fever!!

Scarlett is getting big. Getting close to 9 months. She says momma. And talks a lot just only she understands. Trying to pull up but just not there yet.
Smommy-if Scarlett is anything like dd she won't stop talking lol. Dd started with several words at 9 months and has continued on where now I think she is 2 going on 25! I love the stage Scarlett is at. It's all so fun and new.
Afm-hcg is back at 96. So it's low but we will see what tomorrow brings.

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