Ready- my gut is in knots about hearing this again

I'm so sorry.
Thank you Ren for helping out and providing so much info for her! Hopefully you can get some answers soon and get onto preparing your body for a little one to grow.
Pers- she is adorable! Congrats!
Afm- I've been busy learning a new position in my department at work. They liked me so much that they decided that they wanted me to become their new employee banker! So far it has been great, but I'm still nervous I will mess up :S
My husband got a new job at my work as well as a security guard and will be starting this Tuesday so we will no longer be struggling for cash after that! Thank God!
As for ttc aspect, still no af and it has been almost 2 months. Bfn'S all around me so I know it is pcos.
I think I have cysts again because yesterday I had some crippling cramps that had me curled up on the floor.
I keep having false pregnancy symptoms as well which is like salt being rubbed in my very open wound. I will get randomly nauseas, head aches, dizzy, moody, spasms in my uterus etc...
It's rather irritating.
I've been really lazy about seeing my doctor because I'm not sure what she could actually do about all of this. I think it's pretty pointless to go to an appointment and wait for her to say that she could just put me on metformin again and prescribe me clomid if I wanted to keep trying.
I'm seriously worn out.
Idk if any of you believe in how tarot cards work, but I decided to do a reading and basically the cards were saying to focus on my job and home life and that I needed to stop obsessing over what I want, aka a baby..
Anyways, that's basically what's going on.
Oh and I just gave back my second foster litter to kitten rescue and they gave me 4 more to take care of for a couple of weeks! One is sooo tiny and skinny! Her whole litter had died before she was found :'(
A different one was caught as a feral and he is still very skittish. He doesn't like being held or touched so I've been working on getting him to at least let me pet him without him pulling away. He so far is fine with eating soft food out of my hands so that's good!
The other two are siblings from an inbred litter. One is SO ADORABLE! She has a slightly short tail that has knots in it and is very stout. It's sad that she is inbred but she has an amazing personality! Her sister is pretty much normal looking lol