Man I keep straying away from this site lol
I've also heard that the paleo diet has helped a lot of woman with hormonal disorders. I should try it but I'm too lazy to stick to diets so I just avoid certain foods and over indulging lol
I may not lose weight as fast as I should but I'm still slowly getting there.
Well I am going on day 3 of af, this past cycle was only 32 days which is good! The last one was 30 days so this means that its trying to become a little regular.
If I don't conceive this month then hopefully my next period will be right on time based on these past two months.
My periods have gotten a lot more painful during the first day or two, so that sucks but it probably means that my endometrium is shedding properly.
In other news, one of my rescued Guinea pigs from a couple December's back has passed away of old age. It turns out that she was more around 7 years old. My remaining guinea pig was acting depressed so I got another female for her, this time a young (8month old) female who it turns out is heavily pregnant!
As many of you are probably aware by now, I always somehow find ways to surround myself with animal babies, intentionally or not. So I'm half thrilled about this and half freaking out because this is the second time I'll have to deal with guinea pig labor which can go wrong in so many ways!
The first time was with Snickers, my remaining rescue. She was pregnant with one baby when I adopted her and it ended up being still born. But she was 2 years old when she had her still born so that caused more concern. This new one, named Bunny, has already had a litter with her previous owner and since she's still within the appropriate breeding age time frame she SHOULD be fine. It's still nerve wracking though.
Anyways, I will post baby pics once they are here! There should be 3 of them at the least. I'm hoping they will look like the momma! She is what is called a Himalayan color (looks like a siamese cat) but for Guinea pigs it's basically an Albino pig (red eyes) with seal point markings (dark ears, nose and feet.)
She is adorable and has a rosette (aka cow lick) on her head :3