TWW Support group to help get you through the nitty gritty...and beyond

I had the dr office call back and his assistant told me there are no true values, everyone is different!!! Wtf???? I can't wait to see the specialist cuz I have had enough of idiot doctors not knowing what they are talking about.
Thanks Bab for letting me know that!
How are things with you?
Definitely sounds like you need a new doctor.. :/
I'm considering looking for a new one because mine considers my cystic ovaries to be in the "normal range". Meanwhile I still deal with debilitating and random cramps (with no period) and 50+ days between periods and then when I get them they last 2+ weeks!
I'm still bleeding quite a bit right now but since it's not a dangerous amount they are just going to ignore it and make me deal with it.
I'm so tired of this..
I've been drinking spearmint tea, taking metformin, working out and eating a lot healthier yet I have no success at gaining control over my body :(
My sister insists that I go see her doctor and I think I will.

Anyways, other than being depressed about all of that everything is good.
My sister actually just gave birth yesterday to her second son. He is a chunky and adorable little guy :)
He's very expressive and so calm.. I may have to offer to babysit once a week since i work graveyard, that way I can enjoy some baby time and she can get some sleep lol
Bab I'm sorry your dr sucks! I can't imagine having to deal with that on a monthly basis. Have you been to see a naturopath or Chinese dr? I have lost faith in western medicine and continue to seek other avenues as I find more reason not to trust western dr.
I would def get some nephew time in. They have a way of recharging our spirits!
I had my hcg done yesterday and it was only up to 271 from 177 two days ago. It's not looking good for this baby and I'm feeling so incredibly frustrated and sad. If there is any silver lining I go to the specialist in a week and hopefully I can get some answers!
I hope that this baby is a fighter!
You have had to deal with more than enough losses..
Hopefully the fertility clinic will either be able to save this little one or at least be able to solve why you have reoccurring miscarriages.

Afm- I'm having a very long and heavy period. I'm just waiting for it to end..
I also just found out that an old friend since childhood, who I'm no longer friends with due to a pretty bad mess up on her end, is pregnant and due in July. To top it off she is having it with a guy she barely knows and isn't even dating.
I have mixed emotions about her still do part of me wants to be happy for her but a bigger part of me is trying to come out and be jealous and spiteful.
I'm not sure what to do or feel.
But on a better note, I've got my gym membership and have been loving it! I am looking forward to getting skinny!
Bab-I say let whatever emotion come out that feels like it needs to. Finish it with a cry and you will probably feel better after. I feel when I have a good cry the negative feelings go away (sometimes only briefly and then another cry is needed)!
I had blood drawn again today so I should have the results later.
How is everyone. Ready, what did the blood say?

AB how's the baby.

Bab- I would cry too and I agree with ready, a good cry is the best sometimes.
I ended up miscarrying again. I saw the specialist last week and left feeling disappointed and disheartened. He only wants to test egg reserves, semen and do a sonohysterogram.
I see a naturopath wed which I'm hopeful will get to the bottom of what's happening with my body.
How are you smommy?
I am so sorry for your loss ready. I hope you get some answers or something positive. I know you deserve it.

Things are going for me. Scarlett is one and has been teething non stop for about three months. She is a very happy baby though. I am working and my husband is in school so that's been tough, but we are slowly settling in to life.
Sorry you weren't happy with the specialist Ready. Hope the naturopath helps.

Hey Smommy :hi:

Frazer is good. running around everywhere and full of cheek xx
I can't believe these "babies" are not really babies any more. Time goes by so fast! Teething is hard if it's upsetting daily life, hopefully she gets through it soon.
I met with the ND today and I finally feel like someone is on my side and maybe just maybe I'll get some answers.
Great news ready. I hope you do get answers xx
I'm sorry to hear about your loss Ready but I'm glad you met with your nd and are happy with the results :)

My period stopped about a week ago. I had made my husband bd while I was still on it because I still bleeding around when ovulation should have occurred. I've only been able to get him to bd one more time after it stopped though.
I was showing fertile signs today and he complained that we are bding too much. So I'm pretty pissed.
Idk it it's stress or what but I feel sick again. I feel like throwing up and I can't even think about eating without feeling like throwing up.
Of course I tested this morning and it was negative so that can be ruled out. Just another virus trying to mess me up.
Bab-I'm sorry things are still setting you back and your body isn't helping. Is Dh still wanting to try for a baby or is the stress of it all too much for him? Do you guys ever talk about it all?
He wants to try but doesn't want to put in the effort of trying.
I sort of had a freak out moment a couple days ago where I told him that he must not know how to make a baby. It's been hard because once again everyone is falling pregnant except me.

My hormones have been all over the place but it could be a good thing. Maybe they are starting to work right.

I'm on 1000 mg of metformin again, taking ThermoFit by It works as well as working out.
Today I had one of my excrutiatingly painful cramping sessions but it actually lead to a mucussy bleed.. I'm assuming it's af since this would have been cd 31.
Otherwise idk what it would be because it sure as hell can't be pregnancy.
Bab-I hate that you are still going through this. I know for myself I'm so frustrated and annoyed with every aspect of this journey. I too have tons of people around me that have either just had a baby or are expecting. Some are now pregnant for a 2nd time since we started ttc over 2 yrs ago.
I can say I am feeling really good about seeing the naturopath though. I just had my follow up and she has given me my treatment schedule. She wants me to cut out gluten and sugar (no shock there-huge inflammatory triggers), increase fruit and veg intake, add protein to each meal, flax meal, coq10, cortisol and eat warming foods (blood deficiency). Plus I will be doing acupuncture twice per week for the next 6 weeks. I'm feeling really good about it all and feel like this will get my body in the best 'shape' that it needs to be. She wants me to get my thyroid checked as I have some of the principle symptoms.
Getting your thyroid checked is pretty important regardless of ttc! Thyroid cancer has spiked over the years..
I have heard good things about acupuncture and fertility. I've considered trying it but idk where to go and how much to expect to spend.

Afm- AF is for sure here. But I guess that's not a bad thing since it means my body is trying to work. Now I will see how long she takes to leave. Lately it has been 2+ weeks before my period stops :/
Fx this goes well!
Bab if you can locate a Traditional Chinese Medical practitioner they would be best for acupuncture as well as other remedies. I'm on a Paleo group on FB and there are a ton of women with irregular cycles and anti inflammatory issues that have been diagnosed. They have switched to a strict Paleo diet (protein, veg, fruits) and have reversed there inflammation within 3 months and gone on to have successful pregnancies. That is my ND's approach to eliminate refined sugars and gluten as my body has a sensitivity to both. I have waffled back and forth on my own but now that she has recommended I go off both sugar and gluten I am doing it 100%. If anything I will balance out my body and be healthy.
Acupuncture costs vary, I am paying $40/session with my ND but my chiro does it for $25.
Man I keep straying away from this site lol

I've also heard that the paleo diet has helped a lot of woman with hormonal disorders. I should try it but I'm too lazy to stick to diets so I just avoid certain foods and over indulging lol
I may not lose weight as fast as I should but I'm still slowly getting there.

Well I am going on day 3 of af, this past cycle was only 32 days which is good! The last one was 30 days so this means that its trying to become a little regular.
If I don't conceive this month then hopefully my next period will be right on time based on these past two months.
My periods have gotten a lot more painful during the first day or two, so that sucks but it probably means that my endometrium is shedding properly.

In other news, one of my rescued Guinea pigs from a couple December's back has passed away of old age. It turns out that she was more around 7 years old. My remaining guinea pig was acting depressed so I got another female for her, this time a young (8month old) female who it turns out is heavily pregnant!

As many of you are probably aware by now, I always somehow find ways to surround myself with animal babies, intentionally or not. So I'm half thrilled about this and half freaking out because this is the second time I'll have to deal with guinea pig labor which can go wrong in so many ways!
The first time was with Snickers, my remaining rescue. She was pregnant with one baby when I adopted her and it ended up being still born. But she was 2 years old when she had her still born so that caused more concern. This new one, named Bunny, has already had a litter with her previous owner and since she's still within the appropriate breeding age time frame she SHOULD be fine. It's still nerve wracking though.

Anyways, I will post baby pics once they are here! There should be 3 of them at the least. I'm hoping they will look like the momma! She is what is called a Himalayan color (looks like a siamese cat) but for Guinea pigs it's basically an Albino pig (red eyes) with seal point markings (dark ears, nose and feet.)
She is adorable and has a rosette (aka cow lick) on her head :3
Omg are you pregnant?!
I haven't been on in forever. What have I missed?!?!
Not much lol its been very quiet since most everyone has had their babies.
Last I heard of Ready is that she is working on healing her body because of the miscarriages.
I have been focusing on getting my cycles regulated in hopes that I can conceive naturally.

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