I haven't yet, but I'm sure I can do some research and avoid any extra costs. I never had a lot of pms symptoms before when I was far more imbalanced so I'm not sure if that is accurate that we aren't supposed to have symptoms. Maybe not the bad cramps many women complain about, those seem like they could be diet based, but sore breasts are a sign that there is an increased amount of progesterone and can cause nausea as well...
Buuuut.... that's the catch, we are supposed to have elevated levels of progesterone before our periods and then it drops to trigger the bleeding. I used to produce such a low amount that I would spot for weeks before I actually started bleeding which meant that I didn't have a high enough amount to trigger a proper period.
Since I've been having these symptoms and have been more regular I think I may be producing too much?
I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not. I know a lot of progesterone is necessary for a healthy pregnancy but I wonder if it will have some adverse effect on my cycle in the mean time...
I know that the symptoms are terrible mainly because they are deceiving xD
I wouldn't mind being nauseas if it was for a good reason lol
The cramping for me is usually cysts which is caused by the pcos. That can be managed to a degree by diet and exercise.. it really depends on if it is caused genetics or environment/diet which pcos can be caused by either or both.
Either way, I do need to improve my diet a lot more!

so the naturopath would help a lot.