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My next scan is nov 15 and then I'll just go with the normal scans (12 wks and 20 wks).
How are you doing?
I am doing good. Just getting use to morning sickness lol
It hasnt been too terrible but i have managed to throw up at least once per day!
Its not so bad that i cant eat though, i just have to listen to my gut and drink plenty of lemon lime soda.
My next appointment is tomorrow so we see how that all goes.
My doctor tried to tell me that my A1C results showed that im not insulin resistant so i got a copy of the labs and did my own research.
My fasting glucose is perfect and shows no issues, but my fasting insulin shows that i am severely insulin resistant as well as my dark skin patches, wide hips and "beer belly" like gut.
During the time i had stopped my meds, as he suggested, my progesterone had dropped. I had started my metformin immediately after discovering his false diagnosis though so it should be fine now.
Anyways.... we will see how tomorrow goes.
That is why I have little faith in doctors. Over the past 2 years I have been misinformed, wrongly diagnosed and given opinions rather than factual info. It's great that you took it upon yourself to figure out what was right and needed.
My ms is totally manageable as well. I haven't thrown up but feel gaggy quite often. I just suppress it to the best of my ability. Food is also still appealing which is great, I just hope it continues. With dd around this time everything turned me off except for fruit and I felt nauseated all day long.
I did manage to find the hb on my Doppler for a brief sec last night so I tried again and found it after about 15 mins. I'm so early but I have seen several people post that they could this week. It was faint but I heard the galloping sound. So excited!
I heard mine as well last week! :) it took forever to find and was hard as hell to keep under the doppler.
My friend is going to lend me hers soon hopefully since its a much better brand than mine.

Oh! And i did forget to share that I officially have the supervisor position at my work!
Yay Bab! That is awesome news, congratulations!! 2016 has turned out to be a great year.
So far :)
I hope it continues like this!

So here is my little doodle bug at 8 weeks 4 days.
Heart rate was 172 bpm :)

Though I have placenta previa so i am on pelvic rest for a while. He says the placenta should move off my cervix since its early but I guess others have said that i should take extra caution as its apparently pretty serious?
I havent really read much about it being serious this early but I read that later on it can lead to early c sections or complete bed rest :/

So we shall see how that goes.

Other than that my morning sickness is continuing to get worst ×_×

Aw how sweet Bab!! I don't know anything about Placenta Previa but I was on a thread with dd and someone had it. She was in bed rest for the last couple months of pg. hopefully it does correct itself and you don't have to worry.
I hear ya about the ms getting worse. The past few days mine has been worsening as well. The urge to vomit is getting worse but I keep suppressing it.
Ready- how are you and baby doing???
How is the ms going for you?

Mine is darn near unbearable now :(
I had a terrible day at work a few days ago and i can feel my stomach getting worst again today. Thank goodness its over!

Sorry i havent been on much. I am just too exhausted to do anything ×_×
Hey Bab! Sorry you are feeling so awful. I had to get a prescription for Diclectin as I started vomiting every day and felt horrendous. I cater so it was a struggle working and being self employed I had no choice but to work. It has done wonders!! I highly recommend it.
Baby seems to be doing well. We had a scan last week at 8+4 and baby measured a day ahead with a lovely strong hr of 171. I'm feeling good about things.
We will be telling people in a couple of weeks.
Have you told many people?
I will ask my doctor about it tomorrow!
That would be a nightmare working around food and wanting to vomit with every smell that crosses your path.
I cant seem to keep much down now days :/
Its odd that my ms started so late and is getting WORST as I near the second trimester! Lol

I have told pretty much everyone since I decided to be open about my pregnancies after my last miscarriage. It must be the key xD haha
I guess despite losing weight I have already got a belly bump starting that I didnt even notice o_o
Someone at work commented on it... I still think its mostly bloat, or if anything its my full intestines sitting up above my uterus xD
I highly doubt my uterus has moved up yet...

When is your next scan?
Bab-my ms with dd didn't start until after 7 weeks and got worse with each week up to 11 weeks and got better after that. By 14 weeks it was pretty much gone. I would have odd moment here and there but nothing like weeks 8-12.
I have a bloat belly going on too. I look like I'm 5 months pg (or just fat to everyone). The bloat does down around week 12 and then you may actually start to feel firmness down low. I also have a short torso so show faster it seems than my friends that are longer.
We meet with the mw next Tuesday and she will book our nt scan for the following week. So next scan in 2-3 weeks. You must be going in the next 2 weeks?
I'm so freakin tired today I can hardly get my ass off the couch. Poor dd wanted to play in the snow and I just couldn't.
I am doing good :)
Baby is doing beyond good!
It is measuring 4 days ahead as of my ultrasound last Wednesday. It was 12+2 when I was only 11+5 ^_^
My placenta is also almost completely off my cervix! It is marginal previa with a clot between it and my cervix.
My doctor admitted that by the way it looked before I had doubts that it would move much at all so he is surprised that it has moved so much!
My next appointment is January 3rd and it won't be an ultrasound :<
But I wI'll be far enough along that I can set up my gender scan!!
Honestly... I might find a place to do it sooner xD haha
How is your baby doing??
How are you feeling?
Any recent ultrasounds for you as well?
Let's see that baby ^_^
Bab that is such great news! I'm so happy for you. Time seems to be speeding up which is nice. I'm glad the previa has improved too.
I'm doing ok, still feeling crappy but I'm hoping that lessens over the next week. By 14 wks with dd it was all but gone. I'm still taking the meds but tried taking only 2 yesterday which was a mistake. Hopefully soon though.
I couldn't get booked in until dec 23 for my nt scan where I will be 14 wks. Only 2 of our u/S clinics do the nt scan and the one sucks and the other a tech is off on leave so they are really behind. Long story short another 2 weeks until the scan.
Damn... :<
Well I had contacted a private clinic that my friend recommended that does early gender scans. They have me booked for the 21st now ^_^
It's only $120 and includes the 2d gender scans, 3d and 4d scans, printed pics, a heart beat keep sake, a DVD of the scans and a shit ton of free stuff since it's the Christmas package :3

If my friend hadn't have gone there I wouldn't think that it was real!

Will you be asking to see the babies gender if they can tell??
They should be able to tell by then!

And my nausea has still been lingering. It's gotten better but still sucks :/
I'm hoping it will be gone soon.
That's an amazing deal! We have a hospital 35 mins away that is a teaching hospital and they have the 3D/4D scans. We had to go there with dd and the images were amazing. I'm going to request our 20wk scan be there.
I'll ask the tech when we go in a couple of weeks if they can see anything but it's still pretty early to tell. If the equipment is good, the tech is experienced and baby cooperates it might show. I'm just excited to see the baby again. I listen every couple of days on the Doppler but it's not quite the same.
This being your first you get to have the showers, but all new stuff and everything is new. If it's a boy I have to buy clothes but we have everything else we need. I've been storing everything for the past 3 years.
I'm totally ready for the ms to be done. This week has been awful! Plus I'm freakin exhausted. Oh well, all for a good cause.
So why cant you have another shower?
It hasnt stopped everyone I know...
Especially if it has been a little while between babies, regardless of gender.
I hope your ms has finally stopped for you!
I unfortunately have started up with it again after a very short break. Ugh...

But now I know why!


Yay Bab!!!! That is so exciting. That makes me want to book a private scan. I have to wait at least a month before we get out anatomy scan. I'm so happy for you.
We had our nt scan yesterday and I was super unimpressed with the tech. Long story short she was all business and gave me 2 rushed, crappy pics of the baby. I didn't even ask for the potty shot as she was rude and unwilling to answer any of my questions. I think it's a boy. Hr is much lower than dd (not that that's science) and I just have a feeling. I'm totally set for a girl with clothes if I'm wrong.
As for a shower I wouldn't feel right having another one as we have all that we need. If people choose to get us gifts that's their choice but I don't want it to be expected.
Is Dh excited for a girl?

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