U.S 3rd tri mommies!

Hey ladies! :wave:

Oh my goodness, so I guess I am facing another move when I only just moved not even 2 months ago. It is just so ridiculous tbh. Makes me so upset!!

Here is the full story if you are interested: https://www.babyandbump.com/home-life-relationships/392224-fed-up.html

Perhaps you U.S. ladies could give me more advice?? I think I am going to move no matter what, but I would like to take action against this before I officially move so that maybe it wont happen to anyone else.
Hey ladies! :wave:

Oh my goodness, so I guess I am facing another move when I only just moved not even 2 months ago. It is just so ridiculous tbh. Makes me so upset!!

Here is the full story if you are interested: https://www.babyandbump.com/home-life-relationships/392224-fed-up.html

Perhaps you U.S. ladies could give me more advice?? I think I am going to move no matter what, but I would like to take action against this before I officially move so that maybe it wont happen to anyone else.

What is wrong with this woman? I mean, obviously she has a problem with you. But, why does she? What did you ever do to her to cause this? Is there anyway you can just go to the leasing agency, or your landlord (whoever is sending you these warning notices), and let them know that you take full responsibility for the first offense, but it most definitely wasn't you or your friends that were responsible for throwing the beer bottles off of your balcony? I had major issues with my apartment complex when I was expecting my first son, and the leasing agency was actually very sympathetic when they found out that I was pregnant. I would play the pregnancy card like there's no end. Good luck hunn! I hope things work out for you and you don't have to move. :hugs:
For you experienced mom's out there....is there a book in particular you would recommend a new mom have? For sleeping, breastfeeding, schedules, etc?
today i have felt under the weather so not been on much even though i have been home all day. does anyone else feel like their baby is going to stretch out or pop out of their belly? he moves so much it actually really hurts and feels uncomfortable. i am only 30wks and don't remember this with my older 2. and now i am worried because i have 10 more weeks of this and surely it is only going to get more snug in there.i don't have a ton of body fat even though i have gained a good bit. ahhhhh it needs to stretch or something!
today i have felt under the weather so not been on much even though i have been home all day. does anyone else feel like their baby is going to stretch out or pop out of their belly? he moves so much it actually really hurts and feels uncomfortable. i am only 30wks and don't remember this with my older 2. and now i am worried because i have 10 more weeks of this and surely it is only going to get more snug in there.i don't have a ton of body fat even though i have gained a good bit. ahhhhh it needs to stretch or something!

I'm on the smaller side too.....I keep thinking I can't stretch anymore....but I do! :wacko:
For you experienced mom's out there....is there a book in particular you would recommend a new mom have? For sleeping, breastfeeding, schedules, etc?

I've heard great things about the book Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. I actually have it, but only read the first few chapters. I should have read it prior to having my son, because I realized once he got home, that I didn't want to waste my time reading, when I could be spending time with him. Lol...
today i have felt under the weather so not been on much even though i have been home all day. does anyone else feel like their baby is going to stretch out or pop out of their belly? he moves so much it actually really hurts and feels uncomfortable. i am only 30wks and don't remember this with my older 2. and now i am worried because i have 10 more weeks of this and surely it is only going to get more snug in there.i don't have a ton of body fat even though i have gained a good bit. ahhhhh it needs to stretch or something!

In the last two weeks or so, I've literally felt like my stomach is going to split open right down the middle! It has gotten so incredibly uncomfortable!! When little man kicks, I feel like I'm going to pop! It's so painful these days. My first son was breech, and this son isn't, so I just attributed it to the fact that the two have been positioned totally differently. Maybe I'm wrong though. My husband said to me just last night... "You look like your belly can't stretch anymore!". Thanks hunn! Of course, I'm 39 weeks 1 day, so I'm a lot further along than you. I was 123 lbs when I got pregnant with my first son and 125 lbs when I got pregnant this time around, but I'm a lot bigger this time around than last. I'm 5'7", so I've always been pretty thin though.

Hang in there! I'm sure the next 10 weeks will fly by! :)
My baby plans are:

- I'm attempting a non-medicated VBAC (of course if I can't take it anymore, I'll give in). If I don't go into labor on my own, I have a repeat c-section scheduled for 10 days after my due date (August 31st).
- I will be exclusively breastfeeding for at least the first year or until he weans.
- We will be co-sleeping or having him sleep in the bassinet in our bedroom, as long as he's still nursing.
- We are using disposable diapers for the first 3 months, then cloth diapering from there on.
- He will be un-circumcised, just like his brother and father.
- He will be getting all vaccinations except for the seasonal ones.
Hey ladies! :wave:

Oh my goodness, so I guess I am facing another move when I only just moved not even 2 months ago. It is just so ridiculous tbh. Makes me so upset!!

Here is the full story if you are interested: https://www.babyandbump.com/home-life-relationships/392224-fed-up.html

Perhaps you U.S. ladies could give me more advice?? I think I am going to move no matter what, but I would like to take action against this before I officially move so that maybe it wont happen to anyone else.

What is wrong with this woman? I mean, obviously she has a problem with you. But, why does she? What did you ever do to her to cause this? Is there anyway you can just go to the leasing agency, or your landlord (whoever is sending you these warning notices), and let them know that you take full responsibility for the first offense, but it most definitely wasn't you or your friends that were responsible for throwing the beer bottles off of your balcony? I had major issues with my apartment complex when I was expecting my first son, and the leasing agency was actually very sympathetic when they found out that I was pregnant. I would play the pregnancy card like there's no end. Good luck hunn! I hope things work out for you and you don't have to move. :hugs:

I tried to call the leasing agency today and the lady that I needed to speak to was on vacation, and the other lady just kept telling me to talk to my site manager. :wacko:

But I have decided just to move. As long as I find another place to go that is, otherwise I will have to figure something out. Then I have nothing to worry about!
Ack sorry to hear about your crazy neighbor. We had a similiar situation last year with our downstairs neighbor. We owned our condo so they couldn't evict us but that crazy bat made us miserable. Shortly after we bought we had water leaking from the suite above and were up all night with buckets trying to stop the damage. She then sent us an angry letter saying we were making too much noise as we tried to prevent water leaking down below. She knocked on our door at 8:00 pm on a Friday night complaining about us playing rock band. She always also complained that we walked around too loud.

The last straw was when she had us written up for spilling water on to her patio furniture. We had nothing on our deck to contain water and no one was home at the time it occurred. We couldn't have done it but she wanted us to get fined. Arg! Makes me mad just thinking about.

Anywho the moral of the story is that after the last complaint we decided to sell our place and move and it was the best decision we made. We are in a better condo in a great location. We have more room for baby and couldn't be happier. So even though moving may suck in the short term hopefully it works out better in the long term for you too!
Hi everyone!!
sorry, my laptop was down yesterdayy and i was busy busy! but my OH made it home safe! yay :) and Trystin kicked for him as soon as he got in. he was soo happy. i've gotten a few more BH but now that i know what they are, i'm not as freaked!! anywho, welcome to the new girls! seems i've missed quite a bit, darn!! but i'll try to log on as much as possible during the week. i haven't forgot about anyone!
Hi everyone!!
sorry, my laptop was down yesterdayy and i was busy busy! but my OH made it home safe! yay :) and Trystin kicked for him as soon as he got in. he was soo happy. i've gotten a few more BH but now that i know what they are, i'm not as freaked!! anywho, welcome to the new girls! seems i've missed quite a bit, darn!! but i'll try to log on as much as possible during the week. i haven't forgot about anyone!

lol baby kicked him as if to say it's about damn time! :haha:
I officially think I am getting a cold.
Been having a sore throat, and stuffy nose. Well, I say stuffy nose but really I just can't frickin breathe!
Hi everyone!!
sorry, my laptop was down yesterdayy and i was busy busy! but my OH made it home safe! yay :) and Trystin kicked for him as soon as he got in. he was soo happy. i've gotten a few more BH but now that i know what they are, i'm not as freaked!! anywho, welcome to the new girls! seems i've missed quite a bit, darn!! but i'll try to log on as much as possible during the week. i haven't forgot about anyone!

Awww... That's so cute! He must of missed his Daddy!! :baby: Hopefully you're BH calm down a bit so you can enjoy your time with your OH before he goes back to work. :)
I officially think I am getting a cold.
Been having a sore throat, and stuffy nose. Well, I say stuffy nose but really I just can't frickin breathe!

ahhhh that's no good. i hope you feel better soon!

we rent too but it is a house this time. i'll be 30 next month but since turning 18, i lived in nothing but rented apartments and townhouses. and let me tell you, we had several neighbors from hell until we moved in here about a year ago! drug addicts leaving their 4yr old home alopne. then the girl and her mom having a physical fight right in front of your door! then there was the 3 young guys who had a party every night. i even explained to them i knew how it was to be young and want to have fun. tried to make deals that they closed down partying outside our children's window by 2am on friday and saturday kind of like a bar. and put them to bed in our room far away as possible. but they would have literally 50+ people in a group outside my front door literally 4 nights a week until day light. it was BAD but i didn't want to call on a lot of them because it is usually he said she said. we were actually evicted once from one of our very first apartments because we lived next to the office manager and she said she couldn't sleep because our baby (he's 8 now) kept her up at night. so every time he woke up and cried, and she head, we got written up. people really do suck!!!!!!!!!!! i'm sorry you are going through this. as my mom always tells me, when God closes a door, he opens another one! cheesy but i have found it to be true. and it makes me feel better!!
I officially think I am getting a cold.
Been having a sore throat, and stuffy nose. Well, I say stuffy nose but really I just can't frickin breathe!

That sucks! :( When I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant with my first son, I got what I thought was just a really bad cold. My head was constantly hurting, my nose wouldn't stop running, I could barely talk because my throat hurt so bad, and my nose was so stuffed up that I couldn't breath. I tried to wait it out for a while, but then I couldn't take it anymore. I talked to my OBGYN about it, and she told me to go to my primary care doctor so they could run the appropriate tests. So, I went to my primary care doctor and sure enough it was a double ear infection and a horrible sinus infection. She put me on 2-3 different over the counter meds and it took close to a month to completely get rid of it, due to not being able to take any prescription meds at the time.

So if I was you, I'd get to the doctor ASAP! You don't want to have to deal with the pain any longer than you have to. Plus, it was the middle of the summer when I got sick like that, so I know it wasn't just the seasonal thing. I hope you get to the doctor and get some medicine, so you start feeling better soon. :flower:
I have found myself waiting til the last minute to get things as I don't want the end to drag by. Here's a list of things I have left to do, am I the only one?

Put crib together
Get hospital bag together
3d ultrasound is Monday
Baby Shower is beginning of Sept.
Wash all of baby's clothes

I feel like theres more I'm forgetting....... Darn pregnancy brain
Gosh... I have a ton to do!

I still have too...

-Move into new house
-Decorate Nursery
-Buy a Pack N Play with changing table
-Buy a hospital bag and everything that goes in it.
-Get furniture for the house
-Find a Child Care for after baby is born and I go back to work
-Buy alot more clothes, and the essentials, like diapers, baby soap/shampoo/lotion/powder... the list goes on. :(
-Put the crib together.... if I even know how :shrug:
-Wash baby clothes

I'm sure there's a million more... :lol:
AH! I'm so stressed, and I can't do any of those things for another two weeks. My finances are horrible right now. :(

Anywhoooo's.... Does anyone elses husband/Fiance/Father of baby get freaked out/grossed out when they feel the baby move???

My guy will feel her move and hurry up and pull away with a surprised/shocked look on his face and say, "holy crap.... it feels like there's a person in there!" :rofl:
Well duhhh crazy!

Then one time he said it felt like a predator inside of someone's stomach. Grrr.
Clean the house
some shopping left to do
finish the main colors on the nursery
Organize Charlie's things, they are EVERYWHERE!
Gosh... I have a ton to do!

I still have too...

-Move into new house
-Decorate Nursery
-Buy a Pack N Play with changing table
-Buy a hospital bag and everything that goes in it.
-Get furniture for the house
-Find a Child Care for after baby is born and I go back to work
-Buy alot more clothes, and the essentials, like diapers, baby soap/shampoo/lotion/powder... the list goes on. :(
-Put the crib together.... if I even know how :shrug:
-Wash baby clothes

I'm sure there's a million more... :lol:
AH! I'm so stressed, and I can't do any of those things for another two weeks. My finances are horrible right now. :(

Anywhoooo's.... Does anyone elses husband/Fiance/Father of baby get freaked out/grossed out when they feel the baby move???

My guy will feel her move and hurry up and pull away with a surprised/shocked look on his face and say, "holy crap.... it feels like there's a person in there!" :rofl:
Well duhhh crazy!

Then one time he said it felt like a predator inside of someone's stomach. Grrr.

Yeah my DH loves to feel him move when we aren't DTD but he gets so freaked out when we are going at it and he gets kicked or punched, in his head he thinks he is somehow hurting our son. DH said one night while bubs was rolling about and kicking "wow he's like alive." Well yeah babe..he is supposed to be alive. But it was just a realization to him. Throughout this whole pregnancy I don't think he realized that we are going to have an actual baby until that night cause after that he was all about trying to figure things out and figure out how we are going to get things together in time.

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